@Golden State Warriors

Draymond apologizes and talks about leak

Draymond apologizes and talks about leak

by Coolkiddddddddd


  1. StopBanningMePlz412

    that wasn’t an apology, it was a pr statement

    fuck draymond

  2. OhiOstas

    I think Poole’s family is more concerned with the fact that Poole got decked by a teammate than there being a video of it

  3. Plenty_Ad2600

    No remorse whatsoever… God damnit Draymond, you fucking man-child.

  4. scott_jr

    “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”

    1. Draymond needs to apologize
    2. Draymond publicly apologizes
    3. Fuck that fakeass apology

  5. daviswhite555

    If he brings in his mother, that’s good enough for me.

    Now let’s win another champeenship.

  6. asBad_asItGets

    Part one is done. Not the greatest worded apology ever. But fine you verbally apologized. Now he’s gotta put his money where his mouth is. Take a huge contract cut, step away from the team, accept your 15+ game suspension, and receive your ring via USPS mail.

  7. dreday67

    😬 I apologized for robbing and beating up that old lady… but damn that CCTV video that caught the “incident” that I apologized for, has embarrassed her, and it has embarrassed her family. Whoever installed it should be ashamed of themselves. 😂😂

  8. DoughRaymi

    lmao what do y’all want the only apology that matters is the one between him and jordan and him and the team

  9. tadhg555

    “How embarrassing for Jordan and his family that everyone can watch how I totally decked his ass.”

    Umm, how about: “My actions were completely out of line and truly reprehensible. I have let down my teammates, the fans, and the Warriors organization. I sincerely apologize and hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. I will work hard to earn back your trust.”

  10. lenolchoice

    He’s only sorry he got caught on video. “Embarassment Jordan has to deal with” , fake tough guy.

  11. Some-Championship259

    Dana White to soon meet Green, will match him against Ronda Rousey.

  12. iamaredditboy

    This doesn’t sound like a sincere apology at all . Sounds like he is doing his podcast jackass. Chuck him out of the warriors now….

  13. solid apology in my book, but I won’t like Dray as much as I used to, I would ride his nuts hard but that was some weak bullying type shit against a young guy half your size.

  14. Fire17Fighter

    “I apologize! Now can we get down to the real nitty gritty of this and solve our first priority of how this video got leaked!”

  15. WayTooUncoolForThis

    I thought that statement to the media was pretty weak. It needed to be done but was pretty weak non the less. I hope his apology directly to the team and to Jordan was more heartfelt and sincere.

    I don’t necessarily condone the fight. Fighting between teammates u fortunately happens sometimes but that sucker punch was pretty damn weak IMO. Shouldn’t have gone there.

    I do hope the Warriors continue to do their best to handle everything within. I hope they don’t feel pressure from the public and especially their sponsors to take more action than they feel necessary. I trust the Warriors organization to make the right move. While we all judge we aren’t the jury.

    I do think Dray needs to take steps to evolve in handling his outbursts. Hope he realizes that and takes those steps.

    The conversation I would be most I tested in hearing (simply as just a huge fan of the team) is what Steph says or has said to Draymond. We’ll never truely know but to be a fly on the wall during that talk. That would be dope.

    Hope Poole becomes even more of a beast during the time Dray is away from the team. That’s would be the biggest gain from this mess.

    Go Dubs

  16. Necroassassin32

    Man, these people wanted Dray to cry and apologize to them. Like we don’t know how sincere he is when he apologized to Jordan.

  17. sprinkles5000

    didn’t feel like a genuine apology. how about “I didn’t mean to hurt him” or “I was really concerned for my teammate after that happened?” I love draymond, but no one wants to hear about your podcast dude.

  18. bogdano26

    Man he said a whole bunch of nothing. Seems like he’s more sorry everyone saw the video rather than what he did. Weak ass apology

  19. psmusic_worldwide

    FUCK this response. How about “I’m glad this video was leaked because it shows how badly I acted. I OWN this, and I can handle the leak because it makes me accountable and I SHOULD be held accountable and I expect my teammates, Jordan, the press, and the fans to completely hold me accountable.”

    I should fucking be in PR

  20. stunna4ktre

    i don’t see what’s wrong with this at least he tried to apologize it definitely could’ve been worded betyer

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