@National Basketball Association

[Frontofficesports] TMZ likely paid less than $10,000 for the Draymond Green and Jordan Poole video.


> Not long after TMZ Sports published the video of Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green clocking teammate Jordan Poole during practice Wednesday, speculation on how much the outlet paid for the footage began.

> Over the course of our conversations with former TMZ employees since the Green-Poole video went live on Friday, each said it’s difficult to fathom the outlet paying the numbers being thrown around for this type of video.

> These sources told Front Office Sports they believe there is no way the video even approached that rumored $120,000 number.

> In all likelihood, the video may have even gone for less than $10,000.

Pretty good read for those interested on this side of the drama.

by Michael_B_Lopez


  1. SubcooledBoiling

    Imagine losing your job and possibly facing legal actions for less than $10k.

  2. mooviemen1215

    $10000 to throw away your job at the warriors facility. Are they making minimum wage?

  3. ThisAnswerIsLit

    I’ve seen $10k, $100k, and $1 mil floating around lol

  4. nibbinoo8

    gotta know your worth in negotiations. even job interviews.

  5. ChristianMan710

    Man how often does footage of NBA practices scuffles get out? Especially from a team like the warriors?

    I would have been charging 100k+ for them tapes Unless the GS organization is paying these employees pennies. You talking about a sports dynasty and one of the 3 most valuable teams in the league, with a fight taking place with one of its prominent members? Oh naw I’m getting a big pay day especially considering them lawyer fees that’s coming

  6. UrbanJatt

    Who’s that? The guy that leaked it is a nephew then lol I thought it was a couple million


    bc Myers and Joey LightYears have it to ‘‘em for free

  8. It could technically be right if someone from the front office just gave it to them.

  9. TreeBearOne bet is an employee shared the video with a friend and that dude sold it to tmz?

  10. aiden3buckets

    This guy is not smart if so. Could have got way more and now could be in big trouble

  11. yomamama69

    The way bro fumbled the bag it might have been Dennis Schröder who leaked it.

  12. jayelecfan

    whoever leaked this up fucked up big time, low pay day and trouble getting another job, warriors going scorched earth on the person

  13. DubsFanAccount

    Couldn’t even get the Rockets-Clippers tunnel “fight”. smh.

  14. FlochofBirds

    Could easily have wrangled $500K from this video. Set a price, wait it out and see the offers come in

    It’s a high-profile, near celebrity All-Star throwing a connected haymaker at a rising star – both of them key contributors of the current champions of the most popular franchise in the NBA for the past decade

  15. so it takes 10k to destroy the warriors huh..

  16. Budget_Trip422

    Someone in the front office released this because they don’t wanna pay Draymond. Trust

  17. mostimprovedfrench98

    I bet if I wanted to make sure this happens less I would put our press out there saying “they did not get paid anything”

  18. throwawaythursday99

    Why do we continually think it was a Warriors employee who leaked the vid?

  19. Ill_Celery_7654

    Lol… let me find out they sold the video for $1,000 and 3 bags of chips. Whoever it was is probably tired of Draymond’s bullshit.

  20. Ethangains07

    Good. People upset at this coming out are weird. Next thing you know Kerr is gonna start saying the dude who recorded the video broke the code.

  21. xpillindaass

    warriors got those video guys in a sweatshop or sum

  22. The amount of engagement that shit generated…worth at least a million

  23. Starlord_who

    Dray gonna drop the meanest 3/4/3 on 25% shooting and GSW fans gonna say thats why he’s irreplaceable

  24. oldschoolnba

    Why do so many people say this vid shouldn’t have been leaked and the guy who leaked it destroyed his career? Why because he exposed draymond for being a pos that gs fans have been defending for years. Also stop comparing this to mj. This is 9999x worse. What ever happened to accountability

  25. GEOTUSTrump2024

    Pretty good return on investment I’d say.

  26. tothemoonkevsta

    Why tf are we talking about how much tmz paid to get a video. ITS LITERALLY THE VIDEO THAT IS OF INTEREST. Y’all are falling for the nba trying to shift focus

  27. Herbetet

    No one risks losing their job for 10k. That just doesn’t happen. They would have kept the video longer and made money as an “anonymous source”. For the clip to come out this quickly the pay must have been worth it

  28. If that’s it- leaker got fleeced. That video is worth 6 figures to TMZ because of the exposure

  29. cpt_america27

    Damn yall would have roasted me. I would’ve sold that for no more than 30k. Don’t know how much these things would go for. Not trying to downplay what happened. But I don’t think it’d be worth that much.

  30. Tangentkoala

    Lol probably an intern that didn’t know he just fucked up his entire career.

  31. singh853

    That’s a shame, if true. At the very least, I would try to get it around the $50,000 mark. Keep in mind that ESPN couldn’t get the rights to the clip from TMZ (at least on Friday). Get a bidding war going, these are massive corporations here.

  32. cyb3ryung

    $10k isnt worth losing your job… not with the price of life in California better yet the Bay Area

  33. Who said the leaker needed money. Think there aren’t more than a few front office guys in GS that tolerate but doesn’t especially care for Draymond. How many other people has he pissed off/shit on while he’s played there. Curry and Iggy are loved in that org, not Draymond.

  34. moons_a_skull

    Someone threw away a great job and health care for $9k??? 🥴

  35. MucusShotSwaGGins

    Now if TMZ comes out tell us focus Frontofficesports and so call “former TMZ employees” and how there wrong or some shit. This roller coaster got more interesting.

  36. PalletTownsDealer

    MFers acting like he can’t get another job that pays him 12.50/ hour.

  37. matty_nice

    It was Wiggins, trying to free up that cap space.

  38. Redtube_Guy

    People on /r/nba saying “leaker made $100k” are so dumb lol

  39. milksteakofcourse

    Lol pay your fucking employees better

  40. HotspurJr

    Man, SOMEBODY sure as hell is scrubbing their digital footprint – deleting text messages, erasing things in their photo library, etc.

    Even if it was $50k – is that worth destroying your chance to advance up the latter behind the scenes in an NBA club?

  41. It’s anywhere between 10k-100k this ain’t 1 mil worthy

  42. neostalgiac

    Hella people in here acting tuff like you gon turn down 10k cause “u know what u got” 😂

  43. all these millionaire Warriors employees so appalled some low earning employee would sell the tape for some cash. fuck them, tighten up your operation and move on.

  44. [Random Twitter user]Sources tell TMZ is taking “every legal course of action” to discover the identity of the individuals that shared knowledge about the amount of money it took to acquire the video. One source even commented by saying “Whatever happens behind closed doors should stay that way”. Those people need to know what they did to TMZ as a company and their own legacy! Carry on…

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