@Golden State Warriors

Draymond Green Reacts To The TMZ Leak Of His Fight With Jordan Poole. HoopJab NBA

Former NBA All Star Draymond Green reacts to the tmz video leak of his fight with Jordan Pool at Warriors practice.

#NBA #Warriors #tmz

Video: AnthonyVSlater/Twitter


  1. He thought it was bullshit the video leaked lol… If he didn’t throw that punch then there wouldn’t be a video leak. Unbelievable

  2. Jordan Poole's revenge should be killing it on the court and make it obvious that the correct choice of roster going forward includes him and Wiggins..
    Draymond can go pull his antics with the Detroit Pistons.

  3. Fire him from the nba. How many times has he gotten away with this. Fuck em. Don't like bullies

  4. tmz leak? bruh it was your practice. clearly someone that works with or for the warriors sold it to tmz.

  5. WTF do you mean “designed to look that way ????” You falcon punched your mate in the face and you are worried about optics ? We all know you are a soft ego manic… when someone tells you who they are believe them.. you weak af bruh

  6. Cut it to make it look a certain way? Lol u can't cut that lol words do no warrant a full on Superman punch….he literally knocked out Poole. Draymond is just a piece of shit. Plain and simple

  7. Practice videos usually don’t get leaked but this time someone was offered a nice sum for that leak.

  8. First Green does not need to apologize to you or any of us, only to poole. It’s just your entitled ass telling you that as a fan and as them a celebrity. 2nd altercation like that during practice where everyone is supposed to be exhausted and emotions lifted should not be tolerated but expected and should stay within that supposedly private practice. 3rd part of me feels like every single player in gsw wanted green to punch him.

  9. Green needs a mental health evaluation…and maybe take a dispute resolution class with Will Smith…

  10. This nigga should be banned by the NBA instead of being in their knees for his talent. He is nothing but a glorified thug!!!

  11. So in other practice it's normal to superman punch your teammates?

  12. Draymond is a low IQ thug who can’t control his emotions that’s the problem with extremely low IQ people. He should no longer be able to play in the NBA contract should be severed with no compensation. He should be brought up on charges of assault and battery sentenced to the maximum allowed time behind bars because that’s where his kind belong. Fine example to his children, left to him they’ll turn out just like him. Listen to his interview it’s someone else’s fault and the video was made to make him look bad, this just shows his lack of character and intelligence, it sounds good inside his head but he lacks the ability to see otherwise. Warriors need to let the police handle this but they’ll threaten Poole if he presses charges, these liberal democrats (especially Kerr) will look the other way and blame anyone but Green.

  13. Like you do understand the reason our country is rich is because we fought a war. And in this war. Men who had to run the war jumped from planes. And some sustained injuries. One broke his ankle. You do understand he tied a large stick to the outside of his ankle and conducted the war. Jordan Poole is fine.

  14. You do understand that your savior in the last war was killed repeatedly making a prediction that is now coming true. And when that prediction comes true. The predicted problem isn't going to care if you like to call yourself sir or ma'am. And what orifice you enjoy copulation with? I need every American to understand this.

  15. kinda cowardly too. even if Poole was running the jaw before Draymond rolled up on him you could tell Poole didn't want the smoke and he still hit him,

  16. Whatever, little people shouldn’t be talking trash to bigger people. Society has allowed midgets to have a voice. That’s not natural order.

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