@Golden State Warriors

[Warriors Plus-Minus] “I don’t want to be the harsh one here, but I think Draymond’s future with this team is in severe question. Maybe not this year,…but maybe this year. …Maybe by February,…maybe by sooner. …I don’t know, but the fact that it’s still open leads me to believe that this is serious.”

[Warriors Plus-Minus] “I don’t want to be the harsh one here, but I think Draymond’s future with this team is in severe question. Maybe not this year,…but maybe this year. …Maybe by February,…maybe by sooner. …I don’t know, but the fact that it’s still open leads me to believe that this is serious.”

by BobRoss4Life


  1. shanks_you

    FO needs to make a firm stand on this, punishment or whatever.

    Kerr’s comments today, just don’t feel right to me. Gave the vibe they more pissed with the leaker than the person who threw a punch lol

  2. BobRoss4Life

    Quote is a mash-up from the 2min soundbite embedded in the tweet. That soundbite probably covers the juiciest bit of the pod.

    30 minute podcast, recorded right after Draymond’s press conference. The regulars (Marcus Thompson, Anthony Slater, Tim Kawakami) were joined by Sam Amick (national writer with The Athletic, Sacramento based and puts out a ton of great work).

    They chime in with their thoughts on the presser, the situation as a whole, and where things move from here. All in all, lot of speculation, but it’s nice to hear the thoughts of some pretty plugged in reporters.

    e: There was also talk about how this situation makes an eventual trade or FA departure a way easier pill to swallow. Fans will likely be onboard, and Steph will likely be easier to convince (as opposed to a week ago, when it’d have been a near impossible task).

    Also mentioned the chance for recompense, and having this be just another (albeit serious) wrinkle in Draymond’s storied Warrior tenure. That’d obviously hinge on Poole’s response to the apology, along with Steph’s (and Myers/Lacob). And since this is clearly Steph’s team, Dray’s eventual return (stepping away until at least after tomorrow’s pre-season game) will likely depend on how Steph (and Andre) gauge the locker room’s headspace.

  3. TinyMiracleMe

    Here’s me hoping they know something I don’t.

  4. SeekingSignificance

    Sucks to see it end this way, but all good must end eventually. If the choice is to extend a lose cannon that is declining over paying a young star in the making then it’s an easy decision for me.

  5. Draymond headed to NYK for picks and Randle or Cam maybe Robinson.

    Can’t risk seeing him in the west during playoffs.

  6. Jicama-Smart

    I am surprised how harsh Kawakami’s tone was. He is very tied in to the FO it seems.

  7. Church__Mouse

    Warriors are not contenders without him unless JK takes a giant leap. That knowledge gap takes yrs. I really don’t think the big three can be broken up and still win. But, I could tell Steph and Kerr are really annoyed by this. Hopefully time will make this go away, but the reality is he will not get away with all these antics and techs. Now the refs will be watching. I see his minutes going down big time this year and him creating drama about it. Remember when we sucked? Dray …I don’t think will find much success in his aging years without Warriors stars. I hope everything works out for us and him. But damn, hate to see him go. I believe Bob and Kerr will do what’s best for the team. So I’m not worried.

  8. Poole’s response might accelerate the decision but I feel the FO won’t make a move until next offseason so they can try and compete now. This season isn’t gonna be pretty like we all thought but if we can win it all, I think this will be more impressive than last years.

    Back to Dray’s future tho, he needs to leave via trade since he still has a player option and he’d be a dumbass to decline it. Ideally we’d send him to a competitor or a middle of the pack team who’s looking to contend so we can get some value from him. And example would be someone like Chicago, with Vucevic contract gone next year, we trade Dray for someone like Patrick Williams. Might have to throw in a 2nd or filler but something like that.

  9. typesett

    Dray signs at a bargain of some kind or he’s gone IMO

    Not worth it when he has a few years left and Poole is the future. Draymond will enact his player option for 27 million next season imo

    27 is high for him at age 33 imo

    Prove me wrong Draymond

  10. Elegant_Finance_7900

    “He might be gone this year he might be gone next year he might be gone in 5 or 10 years but eventually he will be gone”

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