@National Basketball Association

Damian Lillard on altercation between Draymond Green and Joran Poole

Damian Lillard on altercation between Draymond Green and Joran Poole

by ImTheBestNerd


  1. YayoBankroll

    I hope every beloved player says “it shouldn’t have come out” to annoy these whiny fans.

    These fools keep trying to compare a typically physical working environment where there is frequent trashtalking and altercations to a regular job.

    Of course the players have a huge problem with the video coming out because they don’t want private situations to become a bigger public issue. That’s the bigger outlier than the actual punch which they’re somewhat used to in a way. It’s not about trying to “defend Draymond”.

  2. Dame is thoughtful and plays both sides. Unfortunate that the punch was thrown and unfortunate that it was leaked.

    Dame is the anti-Kyrie in terms of ability to think.

  3. HotdogIsaSandwitch

    Stop it bruh. That’s a fucking sucker punch. Dray is Dames guy, I get it. But nah.

  4. _Pho-Dac-Biet_

    Fine Damian, you can have Draymond. Give us Grant and call it even

  5. YaGuyGaara

    Most sensible take. Leave it to internet mfs to make a big deal out of a scuffle between two grown men behind closed doors

  6. FlightReasons

    When are people going to realize that once things are public they get worse. There is nothing wrong with not wanting the video to be leaked

  7. sirporkka

    Ye what else do you expect Dame to say, this dude is a hypocrite


    edit – downvote all you want bruh, Dame woulda make a great politician

  8. DynamixRo

    I’m glad reporters are starting to ask these guys if they actually saw someone throw a punch like that, to which Lillard responds: “In college, yeah. In the NBA, a few scuffles, but both people knew, both were prepared to do it.”

  9. JustwinHerbert

    “Protect yourself at all times”

    LMMAAOOOO… Poole didn’t sign up to be a boxer mate, who tf anticipates getting sucker punched by their own teammate in the NBA??

  10. Meh…this whole Draymond thing is a huge nothingburger 🥱🥱🥱

  11. What the fuck are these justifications, are these people literal barbarians???

  12. elecorby

    Is there a verified picture of Poole post punch? I’ve seen a few from some unknown Twitter accounts and in it he’s got hella bruising.

    Not something you see often in basketball

  13. CoaxHoax

    “Protect yourself at all times”

    Right, because Poole was expecting to get into a bloody fight with someone who he considered a brother. wtf is this shit

  14. agilewildcat246

    Is there any other work environment (outside of sports) where you can punch another person and keep your job

  15. People in this thread don’t know what a sucker punch is. Draymond walked in his face and bumped his chest aggressive as hell, as soon as another grown man gets in your face and you have to push him to get off you you need to be prepared for what happens next

  16. GuayabaTree

    disappointed with Damian’s response to this. Notice the players are not actually condemning punching a coworker, but are condemning the leaker. smh priorities are backwards

  17. Skrappy_Doo

    Why people keep acting like this is the first fight that’s ever happened in basketball. Countless stories over the years of teammates and non teammates getting into it. Only thing is this most definitely shouldn’t have come out.

  18. thereisnocartwright

    This whole idea of what happens behinds closed doors should say that way is seriously ridiculous. I know nba players aren’t normal workers, but this toxic mentality needs to die. How will stuff like this ever change if that’s what everyone keeps parroting. Not saying this is 1 to 1, but I’ve had abusive bosses before who made me feel like shit, belittled me, were emotionally abusive. I wasn’t in a position to make it public, but it’s keeping these things behind closed doors just enables these bastards.

  19. management_leet

    Another douche .
    “Ever saw that?” “No, because you have to be prepared to getting hit”. Wtf is this take

  20. realBahubali

    It wasn’t a sucker punch. As soon as you push someone you should be ready to fight.

    That said I think don’t completely agree with Dame.

    The best take so far is from Isaiah Thomas – Who said something along the lines of “he threw that punch like Poole was a stranger.”

    There are way too many people on here acting like any punch thrown whatsoever is this act of supreme violence. It’s just not. People fight in sports. People fight outside of sports. I just don’t think Dray should have gone that hard on a teammate.

    (Come to Portland Dray, we need you.)

  21. SafeObject

    come on dame i really like you but, He ain’t a boxer man.

  22. lomona666

    I wonder who knows more about what goes on in NBA practices in terms of fights- NBA players or people on Reddit?

  23. MunchkinX2000

    So everyone in the league will say this same bullshit line how that video coming out is wrong?!


  24. People on here live nice safe lives where its unfathomable to even think that you need to be ready to fight after you push someone. 90% of fights start with pushing and a dude getting in your face. Poole shouldnt HAVE to get into this altercation, but that really isnt how the world works. Theres no harm in telling people to protect themselves. There usually are plenty of warning signs before a maniac punches you

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