@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Andre Drummond hits a three pointer

[Highlight] Andre Drummond hits a three pointer

by ghost91372


  1. istealpintsfromcvs

    His jumper doesn’t even look that bad aesthetically

  2. RobSacresBurner

    “Rebound by Ball, back out to Drummond… BANG!! Tie game with 5 seconds remaining!”

  3. DavidWallace-Suckit

    If there’s anything I’d expect to go in the net in games played at Toronto it’s that. Weird shit happens in the SBA

  4. kellydayscruff

    Youre gonna tell me we’re not watching the most talented era in nba history?

  5. SubcooledBoiling

    For me personally, I am not sure what’s more surprising, Drummond making a three or Drummond playing for the Bulls.

  6. CheapSignal2

    These vertical cropped videos are seriously garbage. Mods need to address this

  7. AuthorityK

    I remember him trying to add a three-pointer to his a game a couple years back for the Pistons. He hit a few in preseason, started off the season trying (and mostly missing) two or three a game, and then gave it up.

    Probably a better looking shot than Giannis tho.

  8. TheMainShy

    Dwight was doing this last year, he actually added that to his game. Not surprised if Drummond worked on expanding his range. Brook Lopez did it a few years ago and it paid dividends.

  9. Alarmed-Classroom329

    He’s always been able to hit 3 pointers, just rarely takes them.

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