@Los Angeles Lakers

Consider this a warning @Nba pt.2

Consider this a warning @Nba pt.2

by Torres661


  1. Brussell0605

    Took down the Champs we the Champs now.

    MMA rules šŸ˜‚

  2. StoneColdAM

    I remember the awesome preseason win against GSW the year we won the ring. Great boost for momentum here.

  3. CabbageStockExchange

    Nunn is gonna be such a huge boost for us

  4. MrAustin316

    Iā€™m way too drunk to see anything 124 and 121

  5. EvilGeniusGL

    Where the ā€œNuNn StOLe ThE LaKeRs MoNeY LaSt SeAsOn!ā€ crew right now?

    Still stuffed in their community college lockers? šŸ¤£

  6. To paraphrase UrinatingTree..LAKAHS GAHNTA NBA FINAHHLLLLSS.

  7. SirSoham

    And to belive that people actually wanted Nunn traded even before he touched the ball in a Lakers uniform, people forget quickly how good this guy really is.

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