@National Basketball Association

Steve Kerr on Jordan Poole: “There’s a reason he’s in this position, about to sign a big extension hopefully. He’s tough. Mentally tough and physically tough.”

Steve Kerr on Jordan Poole: “There’s a reason he’s in this position, about to sign a big extension hopefully. He’s tough. Mentally tough and physically tough.”

by 3rdEyeDeuteranopia


  1. Magazine_Mediocre

    This whole saga is so fuckin weird.

  2. PointGosh

    Cant believe you guys compare this dude to maxey and Herro. Embarrassed for this sub.

  3. Playbookof3li

    Idk how great his chin is. Hard to judge cuz most people would get slept taking a haymaker from a dude 40 lbs heavier

  4. LiverpoolPlastic

    Lmfao pack your bags Podmond see ya in Sacramento 👋

  5. Maydietoday

    MeSPN[My brain]: This is Steve Kerr saying Draymond isn’t mentally tough

  6. So basically “he’s gonna take the punch quietly and get paid”

  7. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    That locker room gonna be really awkward

  8. Sweetcheels69

    Steve taking this to heart cause MJ slapped him up in practice too.

  9. D_Simmons

    “Dude can take a fucking punch, let me tell ya!”

  10. what if the punch was just a test to see if he was strong enough to be deserving of the extension?

  11. trickstarsuser

    Man, Draymond really broke the code didn’t he?

  12. HotdogIsaSandwitch

    Lmao. Well, after all this shit. Warriors will look like idiots if they don’t pay him well. So maybe Poole atleast gets something from this situation

  13. pool_side_convo_

    “Look guys, we paid the fucker ok. A little hush money and Draymond stays on the team. Done.”

  14. DonManor

    I mean his knees buckled and he didn’t swing back buuuut the dude certainly is resilient.

    Big ol future for him if he can pick up stuff from that organization.

  15. 2nd_Tinder_Date

    Ah. the Hypocrite Kerr.

    GP II injured: Bro code.

    Poole got punched: He’s tough

  16. Pudding_Time

    Kerr tryna get invited to a Jordan pool party

  17. WideCoconut2230

    Now we know why KD left. Green is crazy and he knew he would snap sooner or later.

  18. Johnpecan

    Kerr looks like he’s aged 15 years in the last week.

  19. TyStar1982

    What even is this situation anymore? The NBA told ESPN and their other partners to move along on this story which is why they’ve stopped discussing it. It’s why I only watch independent sports media.

  20. Warriors fans, how do you guys feel about this whole situation? I feel like it’d make sense to be on pooles side but draymond being a huge part of all 4 rings must make it hard to accept the fact that he might not be a part of future plans.

    Personally without Draymond I don’t see them as legit contenders, his versatility on defense and the play making ability will be hard to replace

  21. AlabasterPickleball

    “The guy’s tough. His coach doesn’t give a fuck if he gets assaulted by a teammate, then he still goes out there and plays hard for him.”

  22. jinc1026

    I wish DG punches Steve Kerr and see if he says the same shit

  23. defiantcross

    surprised Kerr is speaking so openly about the extension. i thought he hates it when shit gets leaked about the warriors


    He’s got a stiff upper lip” said Kerr of Poole, who followed it up by saying that he values anyone who can take it on the chin for the team. “Sometimes you just got to roll with the punches, and believe me when I say this whole ordeal has been nothing short of a haymaker for the whole organization.”

    When prompted about any repercussions Green might face, Kerr said only that the Warriors would not pull any punches, so it remains to be seen how the hammer-blow falls, but Green may well have punched out his last time as a Golden State Warrior.

  25. notjoeexotic

    Woke Steve Kerr is an enabler of workplace violence.

  26. black-rhombus

    Not so tough that he wasn’t afraid to make eye contact with Draymond. Even after the shove he was still afraid to look at him.

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