@Denver Nuggets

Galaxy brain post // re: do fans *actually* motivate the players?

This might just be an excuse to post a Norm joke — but here’s a thought I had:

On one of his pods last week, Adam mentioned how he learned a long time ago that the players aren’t playing \*for\* us, the fans — or to please the fans or local media, even. I can’t remember the exact way he phrased it. But it struck me as quite profound! It reminded me in a v. v. strange way of that Norm Macdonald joke about the magician and chicken.


The magician turns a man into a chicken and goes round clucking and pecking on stage before returning back to being a man. After the show, Norm questions the fella: What was it like to be a chicken? And when the man says, it’s pretty cool. Norm calls bullshit. “Imagine if for 15 minutes you thought you were a chicken, … he’d have to spend the rest of his life trying to get back on track because his mind would be shattered.”

When Adam mentioned this thing about how the fans don’t truly motivate players, it reminded me of how fans and players are so separate in our motives that we’re basically worlds apart. Like, yeah, the players are motivated by fans … but… their motivation and our motivation aren’t actually in the same universe. It feels like Social Media’s fostered this false idea that we can have a bullhorn, that we’re in the same ecosystem as the players and the front office and the PR folks — but we’re not. … If we were, our brains would burst.

by Eltron_Tornado

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