@Utah Jazz

You guys don’t have the worst jersey in the NBA anymore

Hey Jazz bros. I have loved talking to a bunch of you guys and sharing Gobert love over the past few weeks so I thought you would take comfort in knowing you no longer have the worst jersey in the NBA this season! The Wolves city edition [jerseys]( were just leaked today and by god it is the most horrific piece of clothing I have ever laid my eyes on. Whoever created this monstrosity should be given life in prison for hate crimes cause this may be the worst jersey in NBA history. If I was on an AAU team and they handed me this jersey I would quit the team. I wish I had one of your new jerseys right now 🙁

by CorndogGod


  1. KennyDoge0114

    Very true because we don’t have jerseys, we have high-vis vests with numbers on them

  2. salted_slug

    It might be because I have to live in this state, but I don’t hate those as much as ours. The highlighter yellow is physically painful to look at. I’m going to need Advil on deck for those games.

  3. Thamor81

    I agree on the point that jersey is worse than Jazz current one.

  4. Intrepid_Finding117

    Nike needs to give this shit a REST. The 937 jerseys every year has run its’ course.

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