@National Basketball Association

Former NBA player Ben Gordon arrested for striking 10-year-old son at LGA airport

Former NBA player Ben Gordon arrested for striking 10-year-old son at LGA airport

by Naweezy


  1. He had mental issues for an extended period of time. Hope he pulls it together

  2. spittafan

    Wow this thread really full of people advocating for child abuse. The freaks come out at night I guess

  3. HolyRomanPrince

    I’d wait until details come out before jumping to conclusions but that’s not gonna stop anybody.

    I’ll just say people discipline their children the way they were raised. Physically disciplining a child may not be what you would do but it doesn’t immediately make the parent a bad person. I got full on go get the switch whuppings as a kid. My mom was one of the nicest people on earth. It’s not a black and white issue

  4. MarcusSmartfor3

    This thread should be reasonable and tame

  5. Goatsanity15

    NBA players and hitting people to discipline them. Mention a more iconic duo ill wait.

  6. jamestemple01

    Nahhh my parents knew better than to hit me in my public they’d give me that Death Stare like yeah you done when we get home

  7. It’s abundant clear that most of the people here trust their boomer parents’ tribal knowledge more than research and data. That’s pretty sad.

  8. I like that the people that were crying about a grown man getting hit in an altercation is 100% behind striking little kids. Solid logic, guys.

  9. BigHoneySniper

    Inb4 people wake up in the morning and read these batshit insane comments

  10. happens all the time, who leaked it though?

    – Steve Kerr

  11. Carne_Asada_Friez

    In the last 5 years I have made big strides towards becoming a happier, more accepting person despite the childhood trauma I faced. It’s clear that a lot of people in this thread have had similar pasts. Some of you know about the troubles, and some of you are clueless.


    If anyone needs someone to talk to, feel free to message me. If you were hit as a child, and even if you are 99% sure you are A-ok today, feel free to ask about that 1% doubt in your mind. The responses on this post are troubling to say the least. Everyone deserves to grow up without being punched, slapped, beat, kicked, etc. Children are just children. Life is hard enough as it is.

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