@National Basketball Association

Ben Simmons Airballs at Brooklyn Nets Day while Kyrie and Kevin hang out with each other. TikTok: ASteverson

Ben Simmons Airballs at Brooklyn Nets Day while Kyrie and Kevin hang out with each other. TikTok: ASteverson

by IWantMalaHotPot


  1. koj12144

    At least it didnt hit kyrie in the face like last time

  2. yuckfire

    Man, I don’t have a finger on the nets. It feels like they could both beat the best team in the NBA yet get stomped by the worst.

  3. lmao…his shooting form is purpose built to air ball shots to the left

  4. i_luv_uwu

    I still can’t understand how someone can be so athletic, played basketball for so long, be a pro basketball player and have such a janky ass shot like that

  5. 9D_Chess

    Seriously, none of the coaches in the NBA (or his teammates) have looked at his shot and asked him to try tucking his elbow in? Jesus

  6. HaunterAmpharos

    oh look 2 racists and a dude who cant play ball

  7. unclehelpful

    Use your right hand you fucking goober.

  8. Strider523

    When you do something embarrassing but you hope your homies didn’t notice

  9. panthermuscles

    Hand like that one wheel of a shopping cart

  10. Batcatnz

    Seems like zero chemistry in that team. They don’t even want to know Ben.

  11. ryantaylor8147

    Saw Kyrie walking towards him and adjusted his shot last second

  12. Jack-Cremation

    I’m 44 and fat. My regular jumpshot is gone because I don’t have the legs right now to shoot it. Not sure what Ben’s excuse is!

  13. Kyrie looking like an SNL cast member doing an impression of Kyrie

  14. Lost-Diadem-3940

    It’s hilarious, his terrible form here would be 1000x better if he used the opposite hand. His shooting arm was sticking out wayyy too much.

  15. SardonicSeraphim

    Meanwhile KD and Kyrie flirting all the way up to the other side of the court.

  16. Kitdee75

    For the life of me I can’t figure out why someone doesn’t pull Ben aside and tell him to fix his form. I also can’t understand how after he’s taken so much shit for his shooting, that he’s still doing this:


    I mean his hand is pointing fricking sideways!

    I had held out hope that maybe after a year off and taking so much heat, that there might be some sign of at least attempting to improve the form, but now, all hope is gone.

  17. CooochieConnoisseur

    Ben was actually practicing throwing lobs to Clax /s

  18. The vibe around this team just seems weird to me after what happened in the offseason. We’ll have to see if they can all really put that behind them.

  19. Agreeable-Story3551

    I bet that was embarrassing for him to have 17 people there to witness

  20. Deadpan_GG

    no way that’s how he flicks his wrist to shoot

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