@Portland Trail Blazers

Pre-Season Panic Blah Blah… But If the season goes south what do y’all think of something like this?

Pre-Season Panic Blah Blah… But If the season goes south what do y’all think of something like this?

by Noah-Buddy-I-Know


  1. jason90210

    Just gonna sit back and read the comments.

  2. Noah-Buddy-I-Know

    I know the season hasn’t started yet, and i know we still have a chance to be good, but if the season goes south and we decide to rebuild what do yall think about a trade like this? Would Toronto even accept?

  3. YoungSuplex

    Panic aside, if we really were or blow it up I’d definitely prefer more intriguing young pieces+picks opposed to current contributors like Freddy. Better to tear it to the ground than half ass a rebuild

  4. GreatWhiteNorth09

    Lmao Raptors aren’t giving 2 1st round picks + OG for Dame who can’t get his team to the wcf. Raps hang up- No thanks 😂😂

  5. No_Information3972

    I believe this belongs on BlazersEdge 😉

  6. tblazrdude

    This trade is bad but I don’t think a Dame trade is completely out of the realm of possibility.

  7. eats_shoots_and_pees

    Look at what Gobert got and ask yourself if this makes sense?

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