@Utah Jazz

[Post Game] The Utah Jazz (1-2) submit to the San Antonio Spurs (111-104) in a contest of tanks

[Box Score](

by Brutus583


  1. Jkajazz7

    Everyone is gonna talk about Kessler (and rightly so) but man I’m high on Fontecchio too. He made some great plays in that 4th quarter. When he gets comfortable he’s gonna be a nice piece

  2. pool_side_convo_

    Yikes. Was really hoping y’all would pull through on that one. Should’ve listened to my buddy and bet on the Spurs, but took the favorite. At least I don’t have to do that all year lol. Good luck this season guys. Like a lot of good luck.

  3. How many bench techs will the Jazz get this year? I’m going to guess 10 or less. What a bizarre rule that gives the refs yet another grey area to just call bs on the Jazz.

  4. rc_cola34

    No ochai tonight. But Rudy gay gets 25 minutes…

    Only thing I’m frustrated with hardy about. I don’t care if he’s not an nba player he was a lottery pick at least play him in the pre season.

    Kessler looks ready has great hands and JB looked good/comfortable passing to him looks like he could be our second point guard. Seems things are starting to click for him 13/7/7 for him tonight in 27 minutes.

  5. domefavors

    Jared butler needs to play more. Kid can ball

  6. Lazy_Variety

    Too many guys handling the ball. They let sexton run pint but yet he barely had the ball in his hands. Guys were too trigger happy. Hopefully when the season starts they establish roles better. Don’t wanna see the same situation he had in Cleveland where he was froze out the offense at times and wasn’t allowed to be himself

  7. THT looked great tonight as well, fun game to watch at times.

  8. thehelpfulcamel

    I like how Will Hardy rode the squad that led the comeback for the rest of the 4th quarter instead of sticking to his rotations. That was a breath of fresh air after Quin who tends to stick rigidly to rotations for better or worse.

    I think Butler earned himself a roster spot tonight. He had some really nice playmaking moments tonight, and 7 assists is solid.

    If THT can maintain this defensive intensity, he likely makes the roster too.

    This was the blueprint for how to tank this year. Spirited comeback led by our young guys, but then fall just short of winning. Excellently executed tonight.

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