@Boston Celtics

A Jaylen Brown retweet

A Jaylen Brown retweet

by hyperzzz-


  1. It doesn’t mean directly that he is anti-vax but he clearly has some misinformation when it comes to vaccines, their efficacy, and how they work overall.

    EDIT: Just clarifying, I’m disappointed that he did this

  2. LonelyAccountantCPA

    I swear some of y’all just come on here to cause drama.

  3. BourbonBarrelz

    As long as he is working on his handle he can be as stupid and misinformed as he wants to be

  4. negrocarebear

    Bro he smarter and more well informed than me is all I know.

  5. Gunnar2019

    How is this still a thing? How many Jaylen Brown vaccine posts we gonna get? Who gives a flying fuck?! Some of yall seriously have too much time on your hands.

  6. Dondon1927

    I’m glad I can enjoy what a player does on the court for my favorite team without having to nitpick every single thing he does off the court. As long as he isn’t handicapping the team, idc what he does or believes in. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.

  7. LetMeStagnate

    The first half of this is true. People were misled into thinking the vaccine would prevent transmission. However, it was still the right thing to get the vaccine for yourself and for those in the healthcare field that need open beds. Studies show that the vaccine prevented hospitalizations and seriousness of illnesses. The transmission of covid, as we all know now, cannot be prevented through mRNA vaccines.

    The second half is false though. Nobody was ever forced to get a vaccine in the United States. I work at a hospital and there are a ton of people that have exemptions based on religion and health concerns that instead had to test weekly. The vaccine passport was never enforced in the U.S. and people could fly freely with a negative covid test. In Europe it may be a different story, but this is vaguely false information for a largely U.S. based audience

  8. lordexorr

    I really wish we’d give it a rest. If you want the vaccine, get it, if you don’t, don’t.

    Politicians lie all the fucking time so would it surprise me if there was misinformation? No it wouldn’t. That doesn’t make me trust the vaccine any less at preventing MYSELF from getting a serious case of COVID.

    We are past the point where anyone should be forced into getting the vaccine now that everyone can get it if they want.

  9. DrKedorkian

    We are lucky that Canada dropped their vaccination requirement. Also all the people bent out of shape trying to prove that he did get it should be embarrassed

  10. badjezus

    Jaylen Clown needs to spend less time spreading COVID misinformation and more time practicing free throws.

  11. Hilarious how people still haven’t realized Brown is a fucking dumbass

  12. eamonious

    JB, you seem like a smart level-headed dude when you talk, but this ain’t it. Step back, reassess. You’re being manipulated on this.

  13. Jamobill9999

    People call this “misinformation”
. When it’s really just information
 straight from a EU Parliament hearing from a Pfizer exec, that you can literally watch for yourself.

  14. nicklovin508

    It’s legit terrible that Jaylen looks up to and takes a lot of influence from Kanye. Jaylen is literally Yeezy’s basketball ambassador. I don’t think Jaylen’s takes are going to improve anytime soon.

  15. eatacookie111

    Isn’t preventing infection essentially the same as preventing transmission? If the vax makes it less likely to get covid then you’re less likely to transmit it.

  16. Special-Cat-5480

    If it wasn’t the vaccine y’all would find something else to hate on Jaylen.

  17. wavydude808

    Good thing I sold his jersey. Pseudo intellectual

  18. klutchmuffinx

    Loving Jaylen more and more. A true man of the people. It’s important that this information is shared.

  19. AirJordan6124

    Remember when JB and Kyrie were butting heads as teammates and now they’re BFFs? 😂

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