@National Basketball Association

Jaylen Brown re-tweets Dutch European Parliament member’s anti-vaccine post

In a random retweet, right before retweeting an SI cover , Jaylen decides to retweet anti-vaccine post

[Imgur Link](

by HatsOnTheBeach


  1. Genuinely curious, what’s wrong with this post?

  2. BSantos57

    But he didn’t play in Toronto just because he was resting and the Celtics said all their players were vaxxed!!!!111

  3. ToronoRapture

    If people are wondering who this **bozo** is and what he stands for:

    (Edit: Being downvoted for providing some extra info… Lol classic).

    Rob Roos is a member of the JA21 party – a conservative liberal party that was established in 2020.

    **Immigration**: in favor of a stricter immigration policy and a zero tolerance stance on illegal immigration

    **Democracy**: in favor of giving more power to the electorate through binding referendums

    **Pensions**: against EU control over Dutch pensions

    **Security**: in favor of a strong army and police, and a zero-tolerance policy for extremism

    **European Union**: Dutch interests first, against the transfer of resources from Northern to Southern Europe; against Eurofederalism

    **Health care**: in favor of putting the interests of patients before the interests of health insurers

    **Income**: in favor of tax and welfare system reforms to create incentives to work

    **Media and culture**: in favor of depoliticizing the Dutch public broadcasting system, and more money for cultural heritage

    **Education**: against ideological homogeneity and identity politics in schools

    **Entrepreneurship**: in favor of support for small businesses; against government deals with multinational corporations

    **Climate**: against costly climate laws and agreements

  4. draymond_targaryen

    So, the vaccine still served it’s purpose in lessening the chance of fatal/serious illness?

    Seems like this politician is trying to promote that no one should get the vaccine and everyone should travel as they wish but all I’m reading is that if you don’t want COVID, stay inside. If you don’t want to get really sick from COVID, get the vaccine.

    There could be some science or just basic logic I’m missing here and this sub isn’t really the place for a discussion on this. If I’m right though, seems like the independent thinkers are once again missing the point.

  5. ClaymoresRevenge

    If I was in the entertainment business I wouldn’t tweet about anything unless it was promoting my brand. This type of stuff is just silly

  6. BigBadBen91x

    Gonna be really hard to root for this dumbass this season

  7. 34209543

    r/nba users racing to showcase their medical expertise after reading two popular science articles on the toilet

  8. Dudes ready to take over the throne once Kyrie retires.

  9. Ethangains07

    Bro this is still a thing? It happened, it’s over. (Vaccine mandates are largely over is what I meant)

  10. whiskeyinthejaar

    Masks don’t stop transmission, it (surgical masks) reduces the probability of transmission. Two different things.

    “When the researchers considered only those villages that received surgical masks (omitting villages that received cloth masks), the reduction in risk increased to 11%. Furthermore, the protective effect of surgical masks was greater for older people: As a group, those ages 50 to 60 were 23% less likely to develop COVID-19 if they wore a surgical mask, and those over 60 were 35% less likely if they did”

    Stanford Study, not from me nor some crazy covid deniers

  11. vballboy55

    The daily reminder that athletes are one of the last groups you should listen to when it comes to science.

  12. SemiDeponent

    Genuinely can’t believe people still look at which schools athletes went to and use that to determine how intelligent they are, especially when they didn’t even get close to graduating

  13. lloydwabbit666

    goddamit jb, yer smarter than this…

  14. deck4242

    it it anti vaccine ? i mean yeah its not preventing transmission, it just prevent you to die from covid. not the same thing. its a weird way to convoy a anti vaccine message, especially from a politicians, its like talking about how oranges are not yellow when the topic is are oranges full of vitamin c.

  15. gilgagorgon

    Very sad to see from Jaylen. He’s increasingly beginning to look like a nutcase, although at least he mostly does it quietly.

  16. kerblamophobe

    That’s why no one should ever make athletic grunts role models

  17. DrDrBender

    Just because you are good at throwing a ball through a hoop does not make you smart. I am a Celtics fan and this is super disappointing but also not very surprising, there were rumors last year about it and he has been liking stupid Kyrie post for a while now.

  18. RobbobertoBuii

    guess that UC Berkley education was all for naught…

  19. dr-freddy-112

    Even if the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission from you to others, it still helps slow the spread because vaccinated people don’t carry the virus for as long and show fewer symptoms. They also don’t end up in the hospital at nearly the same rate (aka not taking up beds).

    Therefore, it still helps others. This is a dumb take and an even dumber retweet.

  20. CazOnReddit

    So…think we figured out why the Celtics were worried about facing the Raptors in Round 1 of the playoffs

  21. Kennedylan

    Oh good I was thinking the Celtics didn’t have enough drama this off-season

  22. thisisbyrdman

    I know it’s a lot to ask that pro athletes have baseline intelligence – there are so many idiots in general society that it’d be weird if the ratio didn’t hold up – but good god I’m so sick of these smooth brained chuds embarrassing the shit out of themselves and the league.

  23. ElliottP1707

    I really fundamentally do not get what people have against vaccination?

  24. NotAProfessorFr

    Remember when they were banning people for saying it’s a bigger risk to be fat and unhealthy?

    But yeah. Go on about how this young top 1% athlete on Earth needs to get a shot that was still in clinical trials. My MIL got attacked for not getting hers when she has a history of blood clots and one of the major brands was LITERALLY pulled off the market because one of the risks was blood clots.

    “Forget your health. You need to do this because the man said so. Who cares if the man is lobbied by the people who make and sell the drugs. JUST TAKE IT OR UR BAD”

    It used to be “never trust big pharma! they’re buying our politicians!”

    Now it’s “you better listen to big pharma!!! you hate old people and babies if you don’t get your shot!!!”

  25. JamarioMoon

    If your last jab was over 9 months ago then your body is no different than that of an anti-vaxxer

  26. Blackdaddyslave

    Black voices matter until they speak out about the narrative

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