@Atlanta Hawks

Crowder intel from Jake Fischer

Crowder intel from Jake Fischer

by TraexPitts


  1. azwhaley91

    I’m certain if we trade hunter he will be the next kawaii

  2. everythingaboutmusic

    If bogi is getting traded that knee must be really cooked

  3. mywifiisbadtho

    If they get Crowder and all they lose is Bogdan that’s a huge gain for the Hawks

  4. -thats-tuff-

    Damn I like Bogi more than Crowder but I can see how Crowder + Shamet would make our team better

  5. BeaglesGoAroo

    Why is everyone so high on Crowder? I don’t get it..

  6. bravesfan13

    As a Suns and Hawks fan Bogi for Crowder+Shamet makes sense for both sides. The Hawks need help on defense and Crowder is a really, really good defender (and a good playoff tested mentor for the younger guys). Plus if Bogi goes the team really needs another shooter and while both can be streaky they’re both natural shooters that can help spread the floor. Then the Suns get the scoring/shooting help they desperately need off the bench with Cam Johnson moving to the starting lineup. Trying to take off my homer glasses for both my home teams I think this gives both sides help they need with pretty equal risk on both sides.

  7. chillblackguyy

    trading away a 24 year old hunter for a 32 year old crowder would be dumb. they not doing that

  8. We aren’t getting rid of Hunter😂 stop the madness

  9. sm1tty404

    The thing is with trading Bogi he has a 15% trade kicker so trading him plus getting back Crowder and potentially Shamet would def put us in the luxury tax which we thought would the team was trying to avoid. I would honestly much rather have Bogi even with the concerns over his knees but also getting off his contract and potentially having some cap space to play with next year before having to max DJM in 2 years sounds intriguing.

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