@Portland Trail Blazers

The Preseason In One Photo

The Preseason In One Photo


1 Comment

  1. DinQuixote

    Somebody has to coach them.

    Edit: just to add on to this sentiment. Late last season, my buddy from Texas and I sat behind the Blazers bench when they played the Spurs. The difference between the coaches was stark.

    Pop was Pop, enthusiastic, energetic, and up in everybody’s business. Animated during huddles, laughing, yelling, doing whatever it took.

    Chauncey just leaned on the scorers table and approached huddles with as much enthusiasm as a lethargic teenager being told to do their chores.

    The only time Blazers made a real run was when Dame lit into everyone during a timeout. He was direct and serious as a heart attack. Rotations got crisp, guys started cutting, and they cut the lead to single digits.

    Pop called a timeout, made adjustments, Chauncey continued to pout, Blazers lost by 30.

    The only real coaching I saw from the Blazers bench that day came from Dame during that one timeout and Rodney Rogers talking to the big guys. Every other coach could’ve been replaced with a stuffed suit.

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