@National Basketball Association

[Elhassan] He (Poole) is going to be the butt of this joke forever in the same way that Ty Lue still has to hear about people saying Iverson stepped on him, in the same way that people still bring up Steve Kerr getting punched by Jordan in practice


>**Elhassan:** The other part of it is after the leak, even after they move on as a group — the apology is made, it’s sincere, amends have been made, etcetera etcetera — all you’re doing is making this kid the butt of a joke forever. Forever.

>**Haberstroh:** It doesn’t make Jordan [Poole] look good in this.

>**Elhassan:** He’s going to be the butt of this joke forever in the same way that Ty Lue still has to hear about people saying Iverson stepped on him, in the same way that people still bring up Steve Kerr getting punched by Jordan in practice, in the same way Kobe had to hear about that Chris Childs two piece forever.

>**Haberstroh:** Like Jeff Van Gundy holding onto the leg of Alonzo Mourning. Once you see it, you’re never gonna let it go.

by lopea182


  1. Hubie_Brown_

    the same way amin elhassan still has to hear about his idea that ja morant is who deaaron fox thinks he is

  2. NiceCrispyMusic

    and it’s all because some papparazzi wannabe wanted a quick payday from TMZ. Pretty sad.

  3. woven_spirit

    *Stepped over* not stepped on Amin. Smdh.

  4. shiftydnm

    In the same way we’re going to keep making fun of you for watching porn on live tv

  5. Millionaire007

    But Kerr is a hot little slut, the temptation was getting to mj.

  6. OguguasVeryOwn

    Eh I doubt it. I haven’t seen many people clowning Poole at all. None of these situations are similar either. AI was a visual iconic image, Jordan is the one who gets mocked for his assholish hypercompetitiveness, nobody remembers Kobe/Chris Childs.

  7. kush-dynasty

    idk i feel like the consensus was draymond looked like a bitch for sucker punching. if anything dray will be the butt of the jokes. especially when GSW decides to pay poole over him

  8. Based_and_JPooled

    The way twitter talks about Poole is so weird. What’s with the seeing baddies courtside meme? Maybe it was funny for a second, but that shits been run so far into the ground.

  9. The Internet exists now, there’ll be new jokes to replace the old jokes endlessly, no one mentions Isaiah Stewart mowing down a bunch of folks anymore

  10. PVT_Stanley

    TBF I didn’t know Jordan “Draymonded” Steve Kerr until the Last Dance.

  11. PJTikoko

    This is the thing that I’ve noticed most people don’t care about Pooles well-being they just want to dog pile on the warriors and once the season starts fans and players are going to ridicule this guy for getting punched. That’s why the leak is such a big deal. Fans are already shitting on Poole it’s fucking pathetic.

  12. lets_talk_basketball

    Nah not really… it wasn’t a head up fight and he got knocked down, it was unexpected.. He’ll be fine..

  13. beebobappo

    It’s been universal condemnation of Green and no one clowning Poole from what i’ve seen

    Also no one thinks of the Chris Childs thing first when they think of Kobe

  14. santimo87

    People really think being punched by an asshole is something to be embarrased of?

  15. Genestah

    Being stepped over and being sucker punched with the risk of serious injuries are totally different.

  16. Chubbyklove_

    Draymond posted his COCK and no mentions it, comparing a punch to a top 3 coldest play ever ain’t wise

  17. VannqKawaii

    Nah, warriors fans won’t clown him. Which is like 50% of nba fans 😂

  18. Schraiber

    This is so stupid, it literally feels like guys are TRYING to make this embarrassing for Poole. Like, everyone just keeps saying “oh yeah this is so embarrassing” and stuff, and it feels like it’s one of those things that’s just gonna become true because everyone insists it’s true.

  19. No-Mathematician871

    I’ve been so confused about how people have been referencing the time Jordan punched Steve Kerr lately. Meaning, I always thought the point of that story was that Kerr was a badass who stood up to Jordan and refused to back down to the GOAT. When the hell did it turn into Kerr being the butt of any jokes?

  20. A_tusken

    The difference between these three, though, is that Poole is on the verge of being a star. Possible MIP, possible 6th man.

    People will not have this hang over his head if he’s producing at star level. They’ll bring it up for all the contract stuff, but if that’s settled, and he’s playing well, this stops being the go-to conversation price.

  21. Abject-Target5215

    First time Draymond Dunks it. “He punched that harder than Poole’s face”

    Wouldn’t be surprised if getting Pooled becomes a meme for getting emasculated in NBA circles.

  22. neurotido

    Okay the only way to solve this is

    Jordan gets a free punch on Draymond

    They dap up after and it’s settled

  23. Haffaith

    But Draymond ain’t no Michael though. And this was in practice. Not a playoff game.

  24. TastyCartographer630

    I still remember that linebacker socking geno smith a decade ago, Poole will always be associated with that punch

  25. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Mfs creating a lot of scenario on this like it some kind of theory.

  26. KianNeon

    Eh things move really quickly nowadays. Never know what’s actually gonna stick. The iverson step over may not be as big if there was as many things competing for your eyeballs to meme about.

  27. GrumpyBearBank

    This is such a toxic attitude to justify things people know they shouldn’t justify.

  28. I mean, Steve Kerr being punched by MJ is simply a “fun fact” or sometimes an example of MJ being an ass.

    I wouldn’t say Kerr is the butt of a joke for that. People don’t make fun of him.

  29. Islanduniverse

    I’m sorry, but what?

    Anyone who sees Jordan as the butt of a joke after this is either delusional or just an asshole, so who cares?

  30. moms_santa_train

    Ok? I’m sure the 100 milly he’s about to receive will make up for being the butt of jokes.

  31. kerblamophobe

    Clowns trying to turn the narrative around so bad lol new media having a moment right now trying to save its own ass

  32. pizzapocketchange

    nah society is evolving people are legit not caring about the drama of the nba anymore and soon enough you’ll get insulted for caring about this shit

  33. DarkGlum408

    Both dudes got rings, plural. JP has a starter set already. So, not really a thing. Living well is the best revenge

  34. ambiguouslarge

    Unless Draymond punches Poole again, no one is going to give a shit about this in a month

  35. Couldn’t have happened to a better dickweed

  36. Soji_Juice

    I wouldn’t go that far.

    You’ll have a very small minority of people who may call him soft for not going after Dray, but for the most part everyone saw that it was a cheap shot. It’s not an embarrassment.

  37. _furd_terguson

    Yeah but Jordan is as an all-time great and Dray would be irrelevant if he wasn’t on the warriors.

  38. HighlandHilltopper

    If you don’t listen to Basketball Illuminati already, you really need to open your third eye

  39. What jokes? Dude is a victim of assault.

    That’s like making fun of those gymnasts who had that one coach who specialized in diddling.

  40. TaruLeri

    Some could say he’ll be the punchline to every joke.

  41. Thus_Spoke

    I don’t know, Ty Lue and Steve Kerr seem to be doing alright.

  42. dhaffner

    Can’t believe he left out Sprewell choking PJ Carlesimo

  43. problem973

    Agreed. Man if I was a player in the league ,Poole could never talk trash to me ever. I’ll talk about him getting folded like lawn chair all game.

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