@National Basketball Association

Ben Simmons: “Even the other day there was a clip of me airballing a shot at the park. Meanwhile, like 10 guys airballed multiple shots…. Like come on man, you think I’m just airballing every shot?”

“Even the other day there was a clip of me airballing a shot at the park. Meanwhile, like 10 guys airballed multiple shots. So it’s like people will find one clip and try to make it that everything — like Ben can’t do [this or that]. Like come on man, you think I’m just airballing every shot?

Just an absurd delusional quote, he will never learn

What 10 other players on the Nets airmailed shots that day multiple times?

People acting like only Simmons gets this much attention… umm if any NBA star had a shot that bad (and quote to match it) they’d be getting trashed online.

You hear LeBron bashing the internet for harping on his free throws, or Harden complaining how 10 other guys on the team don’t play defense when we criticize him for it?

by PrettySugar9264


  1. Beef_Dirky

    Believe it or not Ben, Multi-Million dollar NBA athletes are held to higher standards than Joe Schmo 24 hour fitness.

  2. ThingsAreAfoot

    This man has really got to get off the entirety of social media, permanently. (Probably we all do.)

    Like seriously. If he’s thinking about small shit like that when he’s already in his head…

  3. bryscoon

    This sub & nba fans will treat Westbrook & Simmons like the scum of the earth but when they get tired of it fans will tell them stop crying

  4. >Just an absurd delusional quote, he will never learn

    You left out this part of his quote that came immediately after which makes him sound more levelheaded about it:

    >But it comes with it, and you got to have tough skin and I realize that, but nah, I can’t take everything personally. It’s social media.”

    But the rest of his quote is kinda right anyway. People are going to hyperfocus on anything bad he does this season. He might have a triple double one day on good efficiency & good defense in a blowout win but the top post on this sub will be a clip of him badly bricking a 3.

  5. OguguasVeryOwn

    I am rooting for Ben Simmons because I think he has been through it, but I also think this shit is fucking hilarious.

  6. Julian_Caesar

    “Come on, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden shoot an airball in the park like it’s something to do? Come on. I got a little more sense than that.”

    “Yeah, I remember airballing that shot at the park.”

  7. HoelEmbellyDancer

    “Come on, what am I going to do, just all of sudden jump up and airball on somebody’s hoop like it’s something to do? Come on, I got a little more sense than that.”

    “Yeah, I remember airballing shots on the Nets hoop.”

  8. OkBarber6

    The fact that he still doesn’t understand why people are roasting him into oblivion is hilarious. Giannis can airball 3 times in a row and no one gives a shit.

  9. his was the only one that was caught on video

  10. Rationalknicksfan

    people looked too much into that missed shot, he’s in a fucking park lol. He’s a pro player every offseason we see him hitting jumpers

  11. I mean, kinda, yeah. I’ve seen you shoot free throws, bud.

  12. xpillindaass

    honestly i don’t care if it goes in or not that form is horrendous

  13. yungstraddle

    What is absurd or delusional about this quote?

    Also pretty weird that you left out the rest of the quote.

    >”Because people know what I can do, what I’m capable of” Simmons said. “I believe that’s what it is. Like if I was somebody that wasn’t capable of doing certain things, I don’t think people would be on my ass as much. And I don’t mind it because it kind of motivates me in a way. Obviously, sometimes it’s a lot for anybody to deal with that, but I look at it a little bit like a respect thing, in a way.

    >”Because if that wasn’t the case then I wouldn’t have … there would be no upside to me doing something well. If I come out and play a great game then you can’t say anything, you know? But it’s a part of it. That’s why it’s kind of cool being on a team with these two guys (Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving) because they’ve been through different things in their careers, where they can kind of relate, because their names always– something’s going on with everybody’s name here. I take it for what it is.”

  14. EZUpvote

    Y’all take Ben too seriously, lol. These comment sections are always something else when it comes to him

  15. RedditAdminsChugCum

    He’s in his own head already. This season gonna be hilarious 😂

  16. IMovedYourCheese

    If you want to shut people up then sink some shots in the regular season Ben. Complaining about it online is only going to make the problem worse.

  17. TreChomes

    The insane focus on this dude’s every jumper is crazy lol. He brought it on himself in a way but my god, it’s nuts. Everyone is salivating, praying on this dudes downfall. But if he starts playing like an All NBA player they’ll all be on his nuts again. I’m not a Simmons fan by any means, but people need to let it rest.

  18. JustARandomSocialist

    Yeah, every player on every NBA roster airballs multiple shots every practice. Usually it just stays in house, but this time it didn’t so they gotta fix that

  19. This has to be the dumbest story of the last couple weeks lmao. Friedell is such a shit reporter he wrote a whole story based around Simmons airballing a shot at an outdoor practice for fun. Like it really isn’t deep he air balled it, it was a funny twitter meme for a day that’s really it lmao.

    Friedells only desire is to see the Nets crash and burn for clicks and he knows it every angle he takes is a negative one.

  20. Warm-Nose-2711

    I wonder how he’ll do this season. Seems like his confidence is shook

  21. PearlsB4Swoon

    Y’all go so far out of your way to hate on this dude lmao it’s wild. So many quotes ignored and taken out of context to try to make him look worse. Some of y’all need a new hobby

  22. It’s Ben’s nonchalant attitude combined with never improving that bothers people who have witnessed the Simmons experience up close. I’ve seen too many practice and shoot-around vids of Simmons appearing to not give a shit. Silly shooting forms. Goofing around. Seemingly never taking it seriously.

  23. TheHeroicHero

    A Dude literally bricked a layup in the vid

  24. creative_i_am_not

    I understand it was funny for a while, and yes he might be mentally weak. But you really are trying to bully Ben Simmons into quitting basketball, depression or something, shame on you !

  25. EpicEike

    Giannis airballed so damn much but kept on going and we respect him for that…

  26. tinkeropx

    Who gives a shit about that specific shot in the park? He was half lazily throwing that shit up. R/NBA is weird man.

  27. bruce_cocker

    The lack of self awareness by OP here is actually quite expected for this sub

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