@National Basketball Association

October 31, 2014: Jeremy Lin waves off Kobe, drills the three in Chris Paul’s face with the shot clock winding down

October 31, 2014: Jeremy Lin waves off Kobe, drills the three in Chris Paul’s face with the shot clock winding down

by donutcronut


  1. careypricesleftknee

    No matter how many times I watch this I will always find it wild he shook kobe off😂

  2. YourFormerBestfriend

    Always gotta hand it to Kobe for setting the screen instead of giving up on the play

  3. SamIAmReddit

    I don’t think he was waving him off, but telling him that Blake was waiting to double right away. Then Kobe says swing it or maybe is telling Boozer to move, not positive.

    By then shot clock is winding down and have to try and salvage possession.

    Edit: also realizing this clip shows Kobe was just doubled by Blake and had to pass out. So even more reason for Lin to say “Hey, Blake is there waiting to double you right away”.

  4. barath_s

    Lin talked about this later in a interview in China

    This was early on after Lin joined the Lakers (4th game), and lin was trying to tell Kobe to go left to create space. Kobe did not see it, misunderstood and set the screen. After Lin hit the shot, Kobe was happy. – excerpt – full interview

    Kobe was asked about the shot after the game, and was ecstatic. He said he wanted folks on the team who could assert themselves

  5. EGarrett

    I loved Kobe’s offensive position in this one, standing right in long-two point range, defender literally leaning directly on him, another defender behind that just zoning and waiting, and making zero attempt to get open, just holding his hand out for the ball.

  6. KalEl1232

    CP3 and three pointers drilled in his face. Name a more iconic duo.

  7. danielt5

    Chris Paul will end up in endless highlights videos but on the wrong receiving end. A loser for all eternity and i couldn’t be happier about it.

  8. b_fellow

    How many guards can say they waved Kobe to take a shot during crunch time with a Kobe screen.

  9. Jabbajaw

    Say what you want but that shot was *luck*.

  10. This is probably the first time I’ve seen a mid-2010s clip and noticed how big the shorts were. Like, I’ve thought that about 2000s clips for a while, but I’m a little amazed at where shorts are in 2022 compared to 2014.

  11. deadwhisper

    i was at that game, it was my first live nba game.

  12. Positive_Housing_290

    “You know if you had missed that shot, we’d be having a totally different conversation… right?” –

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