@Golden State Warriors

[Athletic Alchemy] Draymond’s Punishment

[Athletic Alchemy] Draymond’s Punishment

by inspyral


  1. Should’ve suspended him for 1 game. Opening night ring ceremony.

    That’s a big enough a slap in the face/punishment for someone with an ego like Draymond. And what would be an actual punishment for him.

  2. primeyield

    JP has said Winning is the most important thing when it comes to their culture, so a suspension would’ve been punished the entire team/org. To get a bag with another team, DG knows he’ll need to be a good soldier and win the chip . Pretty sure he’ll bash the FO on the way out though…

  3. bfolksdiddy

    This is one of the many reasons why the Warriors FO is the best in the league. They let the players decide but still fined him. No one giving these stupid takes is privy to all the information. But if Poole or any of the leaders in this clubhouse wanted him gone or suspended, it would’ve happened. Brothers fight like this sometimes. These dudes spend 9 months every year basically living together. Anyone having opinions otherwise, it doesn’t matter because this was supposed to be private. The NBA isn’t a reality show where fans get to pry into players personal matters. Most of these fans casting judgements are just hating on Draymond because they’ve been sick of watching the Warriors invitational in the finals so often.

  4. Southern_Walk679

    Draymonds punishment was missing millions on his next contract and surrendering them to Poole and Wiggs.

  5. Not that it matters in the slightest, I’m just not on board with this decision. If the players are somehow fine with it, especially Jordan, then they must be better people than we even realized. No matter how you look at the situation, the punishment does not fit the crime. The “biggest crisis this team has faced,” is met with a slap on the wrist.

    What’s clear is that they’re avoiding the most obvious course of action in order to salvage their business goal of winning a championship. I don’t think that’s a mystery to anyone.

  6. sugarwax1

    I’m getting the sense there actually was more to the story.

  7. Not sure why people want to punish Dray so bad. The guy gave us everything. He was there during our 15 win season. He was only 29 and could had looked for a better team. He made a mistake but he deserves forgiveness. He remains one of the best defender in the league and played at an Allstar level last year. I
    He could had won DPOY if it wasn’t for his injury and that’s when the team started losing a lot. He is our most important player after Steph.

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