@Los Angeles Lakers

Pat Bev tries to huddle team up and Russ doesn’t want to join

Pat Bev tries to huddle team up and Russ doesn’t want to join

by conwaythemachine


  1. adonisgawd

    Rob and Jeanie reacting to this video

    “this isn’t a problem, carry on!”

  2. Due-Mathematician36

    He’s a cancer. Sucking the life out of everyone around him.

  3. icebreakerduos

    i wonder why he’s mad…maybe not enough shot attempts/touches? doesn’t really deserve them tho lol

  4. ghoney04

    The two best players bought in instantly while we have this guy still acting petty. Why tf is he still here

  5. Imkitoto

    This dude thought the huddle meant play defense.

  6. FreeDaReal1z

    Dude is a bad teammate and he sucks.

    Please trade those picks he gotta go.

  7. Nah bro…on some bro science shit, Westbrook just really details the vibe honestly


    Russ like: nah I know how to play basketball✌️

  9. bombad_jedi_501

    I was rooting for the guy but now…

  10. quwin123

    Send. Him. Home.

    And wait until the trade deadline to get the best deal possible using his contract.

  11. MitchEatsYT

    Just to play devil’s advocate, he was arguing with the ref during this so wasn’t paying attention to Bev

  12. SPARTAN-117a

    Bro’s actually mad in a pre-season game…

  13. kasaan110

    Can’t believe this guy. Just spitting in the coaches face with these shenanigans but don’t worry keep this up he will get sent home.

  14. LeBron looking like “wtf is wrong with this guy”

  15. We got absolutely hosed in that trade. Kcp and kuz would look real good on this team right now. Along with that first round pick we gave up 🤦‍♂️

  16. CabbageStockExchange

    I really appreciate the leadership Pat Bev has been showing so far.

  17. illsquee

    Ok. No more of this crap. Trade the two picks now. Let’s get it done.

  18. “But but, ill support him because he’s a laker”. Nah fuck that. get his ass out of here.

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