@Los Angeles Lakers

Get this man off the team Rob.

Get this man off the team Rob.

by everyonekalmdown


  1. masterako

    Is this the same game? Holy shit. There must be smthg going on. And this might be the reason why he was so damn passive.

  2. EvilGeniusGL

    WOW. Just….wow.

    Things have to be much worse than what we hear about.

    Fuck the picks. You gotta cut this cancer out. Not only that, but we really need a few different players. Last night’s crew won’t cut it.

  3. River0fCustard

    Preseason is not even over and this mf is toxic already

  4. White_Kingsley

    He gotta go. Something clearly happened but he’s not willing to look past it for the betterment of the team. Or this was Russ plan all along. He pulling a Harden. Be toxic as hell until they get you out of there.

  5. I appreciate Darvin Ham’s efforts to prevent this disaster but this is horrendous. Westbrook is such a selfish, arrogant and useless player. Hopefully we see his sorry ass in China.

  6. winter-r0se

    russ never been a toxic teammate, toxic player on the court maybe but not a teammate

    this doesn’t look good. and the arguing with refs excuse can’t be applied here

  7. RedditWong00

    Trade this guy for myles+hield+picks+bag of chips🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. isit65outsideor

    He’s been doing this and other NBA players do this as well. Literally means nothing. Move on

  9. i_want_your_puss

    I would trade russ to shanghai for guo haowen and ding yanyuhang

  10. Bahamut727

    We need more size and shooting get something done rob

  11. Muscleman1122

    Simply put … he’s a cancer. Selfish little baby. Tired of his act. Dump him please.

  12. Finally Russ starts showing out himself so we can get this deal over with. If the Russ folks want to see him doing this here, y’all on another level.

  13. UnderField

    People were already making excuses for him in that Pat Bev hudle situation, I hope they are satisfied now. This isn’t someone you give the benefit of the doubt for, he is a locker room cancer, cut him asap before the problem gets bigger.

    F*** those picks.

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