@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr: Draymond Green fined, not suspended; Warriors beat the Trail Blazers

Draymond Green full press conference:
Draymond Green apologizes to Jordan Poole:
Steve Kerr reacts to Draymond Green:
Bob Myers spoke about the altercation, here it is:
Steph Curry about the altercation:
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  1. I do feel like all of this has been a bit blown out of proportion. Competitive sports and the NBA are not brand new to these kinds of altercations . While I don’t excuse Drays actions I do understand when your on a team and the nature of what you do is competitive people don’t always get along and that can escalate. Both these guys are rich and given Dray has already been suspended on multiple occasions i can see why a different or more personal approach might be necessary and if Jordan is willing to move on I trust there’s a lot more the team is doing privately to asses the issue while still giving these players the space to be better and grow

  2. Draymond needs to be removed from the Warriors organization now, not tomorrow.
    What he did is isn't excusable.
    Make an example of him and let him go. Period!!!

  3. What pisses me off no one had this issue when Michael Jordan punched his 3 teammates. Hypocrisy is a trend today. Draymond is getting help because that was part of the deal when he was fined. Now, the league may come back and suspend him.

  4. Golden state is a joke why to go coach ur young star gets punch lights out and your old washed up player gets a fine wow 👌

  5. Thats the right call to fine him lets get back to the game. Draymond is an asset to the team and everyone knows it. Let's play ball.

  6. Warriors…what kind of a message does this send to our youth! Disappointed that Golden State organization didn't have the balls to suspend him…stop making excuses…

  7. Coach Kerr is still a real one but at the sametime draymond do deserve a punishment all I’m saying is the talks and media don’t blame him 100 percent even if he get 95 or 80 percent unless he really started it from start to finish that’s all I was saying but seeing what happen to poole the organization should be the blame for pooles embarrassment because somebody that had power leaked the video or told them to leak it

  8. But because the video leak the organization had to take responsibility i understand you get frustrated but he should atleast had a fine and 10 day suspension or 2 week but I like how coach Kerr handled it

  9. And to not seem against poole he is more worthy of the contract he really is he’s younger he’s a scorer he’s the future so if anybody is to keep I would say poole for the longevity but draymond right now I’m his career is a vauleable piece

  10. And poole also is a nice fit to the splash bros I must admit but draymond is valuable still to a contender and my thing is the league wanna take the warriors down

  11. So to me poole deserve the contract he deserve to stay but draymond makes a contender a championships team just cause he been there so long and know them poole is a great piece his scoring ability and shooting would help but he don’t make a team a automatically contender how draymond cuz draymond can defend and play make poole is a scorer he play his role right but he gotta put the ball in the basket he can’t just go to any organization and still be the same player specially wit other stars so poole is a great great fit the warriors

  12. So I look at it like poole is younger and deserve his contract 100 percent no doubt but trade wise draymond on a contender team who can keep up is dangerous that’s all I’m saying but idk draymonds fate he’s older pooles younger so I understand

  13. Like look at Philly for a TH Philly got Maxy, harden, & embidd wit draymond he makes them a contender look at the heat the other team would be losing but I feel draymond would adjust better then the opposing team

  14. Defend right you can’t stop curry or klay and I would say poole would be nice and Wiggins

  15. But you can keep up wit scoring but the thing would be they would become better defenders

  16. So draymond is wrong but the thing I would be worried about is how much chemistry he built and how much he knows about the organization he’s just as old as curry and klay

  17. And curry poole klay Wiggins and draymond small ball is so crazy you got 4 shooter and in Wiggins you got somebody that can slash he’ll beat his bigs so that’s what I would think about

  18. Now if draymond can’t accept his contract and his role wit the younger great players then trade him that would be on him to me

  19. Even though I said my stuff about draymond I would pretty much let draymond choose his fate and let him guide hisself if you didn’t like your contract because what the new younger great future players is getting and decide to leave that’s on you

  20. Curry klay unstoppable but harden embiid you can compare maxy and poole they both you, just think about all the contender teams each team has two player that’s unstoppable but defend the other great player who play they role if you can’t stop up but deminsh they game in a sense that make a team a different team and draymond is absolutely right now in his career still valuable enough to make a team a contender wit three primary scorers all he needs is his defense ability to rebound and play make that’s the thing about draymond

  21. If I don’t know nothing even though I’m no analysis or anything like that that’s just how I would look at it

  22. I feel poole would still shine on a different team but he wouldn’t shine as much he got curry klay Wiggins and iggy

  23. This Sounds Like some Bull💩 talk about a slap on the wrist! Steve Kerr just say winning games is all that matters instead of punishing a man who rightfully deserves it! I don't believe they talked and everything is Okay! GTFOH!!

  24. Davante Adams gets charged for pushing a guy down. Draymond gets a slap on the wrist for false cracking a teammate.

  25. Idk why people making it such a big deal. They are 2 grown men. If me and my bro got in a fight like that wed be over it by the end of the night. Unless it was about something actually serious. But they know they are teamates so idk why or how it would make a difference in the way they play together when they know they still have the same objective which is just playing basketball.

  26. On the streets Draymond will in handcuffs, do it to a cop and he's dead. What message are you sending to younger guys? That veterans can bully you around knock you out? SICKENING GSW ORGANIZATION!

  27. "This is the biggest crisis I've had in the past 7 years"…okay Draymond takes a week off for sucker-punching your teammate.

    So I guess if any Warriors player wants to beat the crap out of any player..they can expect a max week off?

    I feel sorry for Latrell Sprewell, the dude got suspended for 82 games for getting into a fight with his coach.
    Celtics coach Udoka is thinking damn I wish I was employed by the Warriors, I got suspended a whole season, Draymond sucker punched a guy and gets only a week off.

  28. Just when you thought Draymond acted like he could get away with anything… it turns out he literally can get away with anything. Jeez.

  29. He's not what he was. He needs to go. He's been given way too many fuckin chances. He didn't take off on labrosd when he rubbed his dick across his face

  30. What a pathetic, irresponsible way of conducting business
    I knew from the beginning,, there were not going to do much with this problem.
    Green is and has been a poor example of getting technicals, losing his cool and now Mgt not having enough intestinal fortitude to deal with this loud mouth.

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