@National Basketball Association

[Andrews] Green on his relationship with Jordan Poole: “As far as us moving forward, Jordan is a professional and I’m a professional. We have a job to do … we’re going to do just that.”

I might not be the only one here but I don’t think what Draymond did can be considered “professional”. Either way though it seems like Draymond, Poole and the Warriors are ready to move past this incident and try and defend their title.

The starting 5 of Steph/Klay/Wiggins/Draymond/Looney with Poole as the 6th man off the bench plan on making their season debut together in their final pre season game vs. the Nuggets tomorrow as a dress rehearsal for their opening night game against the Lakers.


by Apart-Cucumber-7090


  1. Cheechers23

    Dray calling himself a professional after what happened is something else lmao

  2. frodounchained

    Poole is a professional draymond not so much

  3. LiverpoolPlastic

    Staying together for the kids vibes

  4. ROPisagoodseries

    still stupid that they’re making poole deal w/ this without punishing draymond lmao. they’re basically forcing this “YEAH WE’RE PROFESSIONALS LETS GET TO WORK!” narrative on him like nothing happened.


    tf was he gonna do before he hopes to get a massive payday? push the org to suspend him, potentially isolating himself from the team, messing up the chemistry, and putting himself directly against one of the top leaders of the team and a multiple time champion in the org? as a young dude who’s trying to come up in the league and get his first bag?


    the dubs shoulda done a better job understand how power dynamics come into play and had his back, then worked on reintegrating draymond after a few weeks or w/e. literally just do anything. 5 games, 3 games, whatever lol

  5. SardonicSeraphim

    So basically he still hates your guts and has to put with you for at least one more season.

  6. BroodingDecepticon

    “When I hear the word professional, I’m not sure that’s the most fitting word of what people are trying to say. What does that truly mean? I don’t quite know.”


    why does he act like he was wronged lol

  8. EricHangingOut

    I think you lose the right to refer to yourself as a professional after you punch your colleague in the face.

  9. buchanbasane

    I’d personally be salty about Draymond getting to punch me in the face and everybody in the organization is totally fine with it, but if Poole doesn’t mind, then good for him

  10. EricHangingOut

    “I’m a professional, these actresses are professionals. We’re just going to move forward and make some movies.” -Harvey Weinstein

  11. DBrods11

    Lmao Draymond is such a dickhead gets the softest punishment imaginable and still has this subtext of getting slighted in his quotes. Warriors brass, Curry, Kerr, Meyers all have been enabling his behaviour for years tho so not surprised lol

  12. towerofmeaning

    I know they’re rich and famous enough that consequences aren’t really real but it is always just wild to me when guys like Draymond will insist they are members of the “new media” and professionals when they literally can’t hold themselves to standards of conduct higher than like Popeyes employees.

  13. OKCThunderfan32

    Draymond “I’m a professional” Green

  14. running_through_life

    Says the guy who punched his coworker in the head

  15. unclehelpful

    I punched him in the face professionally

  16. Nice of him to frame it like they were both in the wrong and both have responsibility in resolving this. Lots of media members seem to be talking about it this way as well.

  17. Beastinabox997

    “Jordan’s just gonna have to accept that I rocked his ass with no consequences” – Draymond

  18. Ugh-Another-Username

    “I’m a professional”, that punches ppl in the face while on the clock. Gotcha chief.

  19. IdkAmISerious

    I mean it’s pretty easy for the guy who didn’t get punched to say we’re professionals and it’s time to move on

  20. DerrickMcChicken

    bro draymond really walks into the facility everyday checking everyone. He runs that team 😂. How the warriors gonna let him do that to a teammate with no repercussions thats crazy

  21. oldmansamuelson

    Lmaoo he’s saying that after punching a dude

  22. WeefBellington24

    Ah yes the whole “well we are all adults so we will just ignore it and let’s just move on ok because I don’t want to have any responsibility for my actions ok”

  23. pika_pie

    Just because you have a profession does not make you a professional.

  24. smileandwave21

    Please Draymond. Tell me more about your professionalism.

  25. clown_pants

    Green keeps saying shit, makes me think it’s him glancing at Poole and saying “now you talk”. Lol I love the radio silence from Poole

  26. karlou1984

    Lol no Draymond, you’re far from a professional.

  27. IntriguingKnight

    Can you imagine how toxic of a work environment that would be?!

  28. Low-iq-haikou

    How about we ask Jordan Poole about his relationship with Draymond Green instead

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