@Golden State Warriors

[Andrews] I asked Draymond Green about rebuilding trust w/ his team. He said the world “trust” isn’t the most fitting word. Instead, he says it’s about making sure the camaraderie is there. “I think camaraderie is a strength of ours & I don’t think that’ll be taken away by an incident.”

[Andrews] I asked Draymond Green about rebuilding trust w/ his team. He said the world “trust” isn’t the most fitting word. Instead, he says it’s about making sure the camaraderie is there. “I think camaraderie is a strength of ours & I don’t think that’ll be taken away by an incident.”

by NokCha_


  1. kinefresh

    sounds a little tone deaf here but we’ll see.

  2. lastinglovehandles

    I’m pretty sure camaraderie by definition is MUTUAL TRUST amongst a group of individuals striving for a common goal. The fuck.

  3. JordanKneePoole

    Words of a man who thinks he did nothing wrong.

  4. neo9027581673

    Fuck you Draymond, you juvenile motherfucker!

  5. park7911

    The first step of personal growth is realizing that you did something wrong.

    It sure doesn’t sound like Draymond truly feels like he did anything wrong despite the apology.

    I hope I’m wrong. Actions will speak louder than words. He’s lost the benefit of the doubt.

  6. contaygious

    The “world” is kinda exaggerated, Andrews. Trust the whole 🌎?

  7. MxBiggens

    Dammit, Dray. Just a slight humbleness will go a long way. You stupid, stupid man

  8. Scuttleduck

    Trust is the word that Looney used, and if it’s good enough for Loon, it should be good enough for Draymond

  9. Trust seems like exactly the perfect word for this situation. Just a dickhead who knows doesn’t really think he did anything that egregious and he knows can get away with pretty much anything because he can push around anyone in the organization except for Steph, Klay, and Andre. I’m pretty sure Looney and Kerr even specifically used the word ‘trust’.

    Like I frequently say, this is a man who is loudly proud of the fact that he never changes or improves. He said he wants to learn and be better but how can he when he is already looking for ways to frame it in a way that makes himself look less bad?

  10. MegaJ0NATR0N

    He’s still talking like the punch was justified, and that he did nothing wrong

  11. gloomswarm

    Honestly, Draymond has to learn that saying less is more sometimes. I had a really negative reaction to his answer here, so whether or not he meant it the way it came off, it was probably left better unsaid.

    He’s just sort of throwing fuel on the fire when it’s probably best for all parties to just move on instead of arguing semantics, which is where all debates kind of become mind-numbing.

  12. carnivoross

    Dray doesn’t get to decide what it is he has to do, the team decides. If they say it’s trust then he sure as shit better be working on that.


    The way I read this from Dray:

    1. I don’t have to rebuild trust
    2. I have to make sure the camaraderie is there
    3. Camaraderie is our strength and it won’t be impacted by an incident
    4. If I have to make sure camaraderie is there, BUT I’m also saying it won’t be impacted – I don’t have to do anything


    P.S. I’ve never written the word “camaraderie” so many times in my entire life!

  13. BryanGold

    Genuinely confused by this. How do trust and camaraderie not go hand in hand? How does trust not lead to camaraderie? This was my fear. He’s learned nothing and he will act out again. It’s only a matter of time

  14. tonythejedi

    Trust is some old media stuff. Camaraderie is new media. Y’all think you know hoop… but you don’t… that’s why you can’t understand it!

  15. LA-Teams-hateaccount

    This, paired with his mom’s tweets….not great!

  16. DreamWunder

    i wish we suspended green. just a bad example to receive 0 game suspension for a straight superman punch to the face. Ring night or not green should face the consequence of his action

  17. KingJonsnowIV

    Draymond is done after this szn right? I don’t see how he can come back from this. Seems remorseless and a bit delusional (thinks he can get the max)

  18. Camaraderie suggests EVERYONE needs to do the work – not only him. He doesn’t even imagine that he’s the problem.

  19. warriors2021

    He still thinks he is a leader and doesnt even understand why his teammates and coaches say that he has to work on rebuilding their trust in him.


  20. justokayatbikes

    The more he talks about the incident the worse it gets. Definitely seems like he thinks he’s not in the wrong. This is going to be a long year. Dray has done a lot for the org but I think everything is getting to his head especially the new pod and TNT deal.

  21. Polarbearbanga

    Why is it so hard for him to say, “I gotta work on myself and do whatever my teammates need me to do to make things right” ??

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