@National Basketball Association

Draymond on the notion he needs to rebuild trust with his teammates: “When I hear the word trust, I’m not sure that’s the most fitting word of what people are trying to say. … What does that truly mean? I don’t quite know.”


What do you think Draymond is referring to here? Is he saying that he didn’t break the trust of his teammates? Is he even self aware?

More importantly, what will Steve Kerr and his Warriors teammates think when they hear this? Is Draymond trying to dodge accountability or is he having a Klutchmond moment here? IMO he should be staying off podcasts and talk shows for the time being.

by Spec1alistInFailure


  1. nervousaboutschool17

    He knows he can push around any player not named steph or klay

  2. LiverpoolPlastic

    Draymond, an empath, learns that his teammates lose trust in him when he punches them.

  3. ChristianMan710

    I’m glad this leaked out. Can’t always be Kyrie/Nets or Russell/Lakers in some drama. Somebody else eventually gotta fuck up too. I’m sure some other nets fans and lakers fans agree.

    Draymond is the perfect person too cause he’ll keep adding fuel to the fire considering his big mouth and over emotional reactions…along with having a podcast, Which I’m waiting to see how he uses it to a fault eventually.

  4. Alive-Ad-4164

    Can’t wait for this to keep dragging on

  5. Milesweeman

    “Can a team mate reliably think you won’t punch them in the face”

  6. I sorta get what he’s trying to say. It’s not like this severed Steph’s trust in Dray to make a pass, or play defence or something. It’s more like trust off the court? I dunno, it’s not as click baity as it sounds, but Dray should also know it’s going to come across sounding bad regardless.

  7. What did 5 fingers say to the face? T-R-U-S-T!

  8. SenorButtmunch

    Ah, the ‘well, how do you define ___ really?’ deflection. That’s a vintage play

  9. Trust means walking into a workout without worrying about getting sucker punched.

  10. Depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is

  11. SardonicSeraphim

    He’s reached Kyrie levels of pseudo-intellectualism lmao.

  12. Kevon-Looneys-burner

    The fuck does that mean Draymond lol

  13. Cuttyfromdacut

    If they can trust you not to sucker punch them in the jaw that would be a good start

  14. DynamixRo

    Warriors weren’t satisfied with their 4th championship, so they decided to go after the drama crown next.

  15. HardwareLust

    The guy was hired to kick people in the junk. English is not his strong suit.

  16. J_Otherwise

    Reminds me of Popovich’s “Surprised? What does that mean?”

  17. They need to get over you being a huge asshat, draymond.

  18. Konfliction

    That someone can get into an argument with you and know they’re not gonna be sucker punched

  19. AmateurGameMusic

    Trust that they wont get sucker punched, maybe

  20. Coolguynumber01

    Guys this isnt a Kyrie 300IQ “what does the word trust mean to you”

    OP cut off the part right after where he says he
    thinks the word “camaraderie” is more appropriate to use because he thinks people mean trust as if to trust to make the right bball play (which OP conveniently also cut out lol)

    He’s just disagreeing with the verbiage. With that being said their camaraderie is probably fucked lol

  21. youngpapiwhy

    congrats to whoever fucking asked this dumbass question. now you got a dumbass answer in return, and probably a two hour podcast on this to boot.

  22. Any_Ingenuity_4390

    We’ll for starters it means you won’t knock them the fuck out when they’re not even defending themselves… for starters that is.

  23. Freddie_Calhoun

    Copying Bill Clinton’s playbook.

    BILL: “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

    DRAYMOND: “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘trust’ is.”

  24. shoutsoutstomywrist

    “Person in the wrong says something mysterious to deflect from the issue”

  25. WinterCareful8525

    Someone smart break this down for me

  26. throwawayshirt

    Trust means your teammates aren’t thinking about punching you before you punch them.

  27. AkaiShuichi24

    *Trust is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase*

  28. sctthuynh

    He needs to rebuild the code.

    That code is so broken, they should just buy a new one.

  29. mustangpirate

    “Aye Steve, ain’t you trust MJ more after he hit you? I’m just like mike”

  30. notjoeexotic


    This man ain’t sorry about nothing.

    Good luck defending your title Warriors!

  31. Dependent-Job1773

    God fucking damnit Draymond just stop talking.

  32. princekurry

    Listen IK some of y’all think the Draymon is Donkey from Shrek is racist but this man cannot be more of a jackass than he is rn abt this situation lmaooo


    Man are you guys not tired of talking about this shit yet????

  34. The problem is Dray is the vet that gets in your face and tells you what you did wrong. He’s supposed to bark at you.

    Next time he barks at you, do you need to clench a fist just in case?

    I know MJ punched Steve, but Poole is a LOT better than Steve, and Dray is a lot worse than MJ. I understand why the Warriors would rather try patchwork this and figure it out next off season, but I suspect it’s going to be a problem moving forward

  35. iDestroyedYoMama

    It means I don’t trust you won’t punch me in the fuckin face Dray

  36. Impossible-Flight250

    I feel like Draymond is trying to sound “deep”, yet, ironically, it makes him come across as a dumbass. Kyrie does the same thing. Then again, maybe all of us are simpletons and we should take lessons from them.

  37. hail2022

    Warriors not doing anything about this is about to ruin their chance at a repeat

  38. Ari_Safari293

    Wish Ron artest was still in the league to beat his ass lmfao

  39. TheOneWithThePorn12

    What a trash individual.

    Anyway it is whatever your teammates deem necessary

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