@Golden State Warriors

DRAYMOND: “gonna prove a lot of ppl wrong this year”; “more levels” for GSW; “2 yrs left on my deal”




• On how practice went: “we had a great practice.” (short answer)

• On how he spent the time away: “I spent a lot of time with my kids. Made eggs with my son. I cook really good eggs. (Long pause) …also a lot of time on this stuff…the moment you stop working on yourself you get worse.”

• On if he’s in a better place: “We had our conversations about what we need to do moving forward…not gonna hold on to things in the past.”

• On being in a better mental space: “Yeah…work on getting better as a team…so yes. Yes.”

• On where the trust level is right now: “When everyone says build trust as a team, I don’t understand that. Does it mean trust to make the right play?…make sure we’re together…that we’re doing the necessary things to win a championship…not always certain that that is the most fitting word…everybody kinda has this idea of what that means.”

• On what he thinks trust means: “Making sure our camaraderie is right…if you have that you can almost build to anything…I don’t think that’s something that gets really shooken…built on who you have on the team at the core…Camaraderie is a strength of ours…(versus) what could happen on one particular day.”

• On if being away from the team was the right punishment: “Quite frankly I don’t think that’s everyone’s business…on what we feel as an organization is best together…pretty certain that Jordan had input (names Steph, Klay, Andre, Looney)…I don’t really care what other people think…my care is what guys in this locker room think, what people in this organization thinks.”

• On his future with the Warriors: “I’m here this year trying to win a championship. I have a contract that ranges through next year if I so choose…started camp and I said that at the very beginning, I don’t think we’re doing an extension…that’s not something that I’m gonna talk about all year…I don’t like to let contract drama linger especially when it’s involving me…we’ve seen LeBron have contract situations (also names Steph Curry)…if you’re gonna let a contract situation linger, you better (handle it) every single day…I’m not willing to…I am a Golden State Warrior trying to win a championship this year.”

• On Jordan Poole and the best counsel he got: “Jordan’s a professional and I’m a professional…a lot of winning…we’re gonna do what it takes to win…as far as advice, I’ve had a bunch of great advice…it wouldn’t be doing justice (for him to point out just one)…very appreciative of people that have reached out, giving words of advice, words of encouragement. It doesn’t go unnoticed…I have great people in my corner.”

• On if there’s another level for the team: “As you grow with a group that can always get better…another year of playing together, it helps…familiarity.”

• On if there was a parallel with KD situation and how to mend things with Poole: “I’m not sure, as I said before, that’s not up to me, nor do I think there’s much relevance. We both know how to play basketball. We’re paid to do a job…we wanna continue to win…it’s neither here nor there. What we do on the basketball court is what’s matter. Sometimes we get caught up in people’s lives.”

• On proving people wrong: “I’ve been proving people wrong all my life…the same people that’s talking now is the same people that’s talking before…new hot takes…never acknowledged the million times that they said you couldn’t do it and they were wrong…I’m going to do exactly what I do when I’m motivated in a major way…it’s gonna be a fun year.”

• On his load management: “I feel great…I trust Rick and Dave and their process…I feel great, like I’m gonna have an incredible year.”

• Expounding on a contract lingering: “Everybody has to deal with it…if you’re gonna leave contracts in limbo…I’m not really willing to stand in front of that…(gives example if he was being waited on to sign something)…I have two years left on my deal and that’s my focus…yes I do have an option…I have great representation…when it’s time…I’ll stand in front of it…if I’m not one making the decision then that’s not me (to stand in front of it).”

• On how the youngsters feel different: “there’s just more expectations when you win the championship…unless you’re Stephen A…probably gonna get it right again…there’s not the same people that said we had a 14% chance…and yet they’re still respected as basketball minds. Got to be more careful.”

NOTE: From Golden State Warriors practice, day before preseason game vs Denver Nuggets. We will go live Fri 10/14 at 6:30PM PDT for the livechat of DEN-GSW and commentary during the game, which tips off at 7:00PM!

#Warriors #DraymondGreen #GoldenStateWarriors






    • On how practice went: “we had a great practice.” (short answer)

    • On how he spent the time away: “I spent a lot of time with my kids. Made eggs with my son. I cook really good eggs. (Long pause) …also a lot of time on this stuff…the moment you stop working on yourself you get worse.”

    • On if he’s in a better place: “We had our conversations about what we need to do moving forward…not gonna hold on to things in the past.”

    • On being in a better mental space: “Yeah…work on getting better as a team…so yes. Yes.”

    • On where the trust level is right now: “When everyone says build trust as a team, I don’t understand that. Does it mean trust to make the right play?…make sure we’re together…that we’re doing the necessary things to win a championship…not always certain that that is the most fitting word…everybody kinda has this idea of what that means.”

    • On what he thinks trust means: “Making sure our camaraderie is right…if you have that you can almost build to anything…I don’t think that’s something that gets really shooken…built on who you have on the team at the core…Camaraderie is a strength of ours…(versus) what could happen on one particular day.”

    • On if being away from the team was the right punishment: “Quite frankly I don’t think that’s everyone’s business…on what we feel as an organization is best together…pretty certain that Jordan had input (names Steph, Klay, Andre, Looney)…I don’t really care what other people think…my care is what guys in this locker room think, what people in this organization thinks.”

    • On his future with the Warriors: “I’m here this year trying to win a championship. I have a contract that ranges through next year if I so choose…started camp and I said that at the very beginning, I don’t think we’re doing an extension…that’s not something that I’m gonna talk about all year…I don’t like to let contract drama linger especially when it’s involving me…we’ve seen LeBron have contract situations (also names Steph Curry)…if you’re gonna let a contract situation linger, you better (handle it) every single day…I’m not willing to…I am a Golden State Warrior trying to win a championship this year.”

    • On Jordan Poole and the best counsel he got: “Jordan’s a professional and I’m a professional…a lot of winning…we’re gonna do what it takes to win…as far as advice, I’ve had a bunch of great advice…it wouldn’t be doing justice (for him to point out just one)…very appreciative of people that have reached out, giving words of advice, words of encouragement. It doesn’t go unnoticed…I have great people in my corner.”

    • On if there’s another level for the team: “As you grow with a group that can always get better…another year of playing together, it helps…familiarity.”

    • On if there was a parallel with KD situation and how to mend things with Poole: “I’m not sure, as I said before, that’s not up to me, nor do I think there’s much relevance. We both know how to play basketball. We’re paid to do a job…we wanna continue to win…it’s neither here nor there. What we do on the basketball court is what’s matter. Sometimes we get caught up in people’s lives.”

    • On proving people wrong: “I’ve been proving people wrong all my life…the same people that’s talking now is the same people that’s talking before…new hot takes…never acknowledged the million times that they said you couldn’t do it and they were wrong…I’m going to do exactly what I do when I’m motivated in a major way…it’s gonna be a fun year.”

    • On his load management: “I feel great…I trust Rick and Dave and their process…I feel great, like I’m gonna have an incredible year.”

    • Expounding on a contract lingering: “Everybody has to deal with it…if you’re gonna leave contracts in limbo…I’m not really willing to stand in front of that…(gives example if he was being waited on to sign something)…I have two years left on my deal and that’s my focus…yes I do have an option…I have great representation…when it’s time…I’ll stand in front of it…if I’m not one making the decision then that’s not me (to stand in front of it).”

    • On how the youngsters feel different: “there’s just more expectations when you win the championship…unless you’re Stephen A…probably gonna get it right again…there’s not the same people that said we had a 14% chance…and yet they’re still respected as basketball minds. Got to be more careful.”

    NOTE: From Golden State Warriors practice, day before preseason game vs Denver Nuggets. We will go live Fri 10/14 at 6:30PM PDT for the livechat of DEN-GSW and commentary during the game, which tips off at 7:00PM!

    #Warriors #DraymondGreen #GoldenStateWarriors


  2. Kerr said it was the biggest challenge and crisis because of the fact the media got the video, not just because of what Draymond did. I knew from day 1 that they would make up and move on and the only real issue would be the media dragging it out. Years of love and laughter and going to battle doesn’t go away with 1 punch. The media likes this because it helps them get attention and views or clicks. Jordan and Dray are brothers it’s crazy how people want to think it’s like this one moment will erase everything and like they hate eachother and think about it all day and will never be cool again, it’s like they are excited about 2 black men being in conflict permanently. I think most media members just simply cannot relate to being on a team past middle school or if they played high school they weren’t good so they were jealous and envious of others so they want to believe Dray and Poole are jealous of eachother and in some sort of competition for money and it’s sad they think so lowly of them like they are so shallow that they wouldn’t be able to get past this fight. Draymond has made lots of money and he will make a lot more in new deal and after basketball. And they need to sign Poole Draymond knows that and he wants that because he wants to win. Dray isn’t a hater on the man who sits next to him in the locker room. This idea that the team is damaged so badly and like they need to “heal” is hilarious because it’s ridiculous, they will all have forgotten about it in a week and be friends like it never happened. They won’t even think about it unless media reminds them, they are living the dream coming off a title at top of the game they aren’t waking up everyday thinking about drama and conflict. I’m honestly surprised at the media’s response to this and how they genuinely believe this is like a huge deal that can’t be healed or recovered from, Kerr said that because of the leak. Dray was wrong he knows that and Poole I’m sure knows he shouldn’t have pushed him off and they both shouldn’t have said whatever words they said. Poole is living the dream about to get a contract and I guarantee he is more annoyed by having to answer to the media than by what Draymond did. Draymond will earn his trust back and it’s not for dray to speak on what Jordan wants or how he will feel in a week or 2 but Jordan will answer that soon and hopefully put it to rest.

  3. As a warriors fan since 1996.. please shut up dray we love you and just take 100 accountability

  4. Trust, what does it really mean? What a dumb question!! As if kerr didn't understand the word when he said it!!! Trust means:: tryst that you don't loose it and cost us a championship as 2016, trust that you don't loose it and cost us a player like Kevin, trust that you don't bring your off court issues unto practice and get mad and punch your teammates, trust that things in a game don't heat up and start screaming at pool, trust that you'll control your temper and stop technical fouls, trust that you control your emotions and mature up!!!

  5. Well… w this latest BS, he proved a lot of people right. All he can do now is learn and grow.

  6. Only people he’s going to prove wrong are the people who think he learned his lesson.

  7. Only thing 'Dre proved was that he can use a lot of words to say nothing. That and he can use semantics to hide and skirt responsibility. "What is trust"? GTFO with that philosophical bs. Trust is the ability for someone to believe you will make the right decisions and choices that won't be inherently selfish, on or off the court. Can your teammates trust you to make the right play is just as important as can your teammates trust you won't cold clock them after your petty words don't work. That's trust. Moron.

  8. If Draymond had punched Curry, will the treatment, situation, punishment, etc all be the same???
    Draymond, still has quite a denial.

  9. Ima dubs fan but this dude just likes hearing himself talk 🫤 I’ve never heard anything come out of his mouth that was even mildly profound in all the years I’ve listened to him. Stop punching your teammates and shitting where you eat, you help get 4 championships but you def threw 1 away and probably a few more…I guarantee he was a spoiled brat growing up, throwing fits in practice and at the games, probably coddled by his mom. I played with dudes like this. They’re emotionally retarded #NewMedia 🙄

  10. This guy appears having not learnt anything from this incident. I think his apology was simply hollow.

  11. To tell you frankly and honestly. People, haters specially media haters are the ones who make a big deal out of this. They will try anything, anything for the Warriors to fail. They are so afraid of the team because you and I know the Warriors are gonna be the team to beat this year and have a very good chance of repeating. I used to be a school player in high school and believe me even back then we do this a lot, because of the pride and competitiveness of the players I get punched or i punched my team mate and after that it really did not affect the team, we even became close and even won a championship. i really know that champions professionals like Poole and Green will get over this. The only guys who will not get over this are the media fake newsmakers and haters because they are afraid of the Warriors.

  12. @Lux 
    Do you think Curry is going to win 3 or 4 more chips with JP?
    Curry already won 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 chips with Draymond and Klay.
    Not that long ago, after Klay and Steph wond the 3-p contest in 🇯🇵, Klay said it was nice to humble JP.
    Draymond just goes and does it the wrong way, but it's probably a sentiment among the OGs.
    The OGs want continuity and success for the franchise, but they're probably demanding that they continue to rein while they're there.
    Flellas like JP feels he has achieved the level of success to command equal stake at the table, and the OGs aren't buying it.
    But JP needs to blossom, so that's the issue. That's why Kerr said this is the biggest challenge since he's been there.
    Warriors just need to manage it right for smooth transition, because the Warriors as we know it is in big trouble, and if they kick Draymond, Klay might leave too. And who knows how Steph might feel about that?
    He ain't throwing Dray and Klay under the bus.

  13. If you listen to Dramond Green talk, he never accepts responsibility for his behavior. It's just a matter of time before he's starts another problem.

  14. Dre I love the warriors, and your contributions to the team is measurable, but that punch will follow your legacy for your entire LIFE, because of your past blunders that keeps adding up. It's been over 20 years I was arrested and got just an infraction conviction but I'm still explaining it to people this day. And for you to say you don't care about what people think? You want to be a sports analyst in retirement? Wtf

  15. just because jp forgives doesnt mean he trusts. it says he's willing to but like coach kerr said it takes times to rebuild it. what you did wasnt a bad basketball play it was a violent personal choice. everybody needs to know they wont be next and have to walk on eggshells. that you are a safe place or not. thats what they mean by trust.

  16. So Dray gets mad at KD when KD doesn't sound committed to the W's, yet he's saying the same thing as KD. He's never claimed, like Steph or Klay, that he wants to be a W for the rest of his career. Maybe he really wants to go play with his buddy LBJ. They aren't winning this year and yet again, it will be Dray that cost them that title. If Poole and Dray don't repair their relationship, it's unfortunately time for Dray to go. Maybe they should've made that swap for Simmons…

  17. Winning back to back championship is a good motivation for Dray and he seems to be highly motivated and deal with whatever problems that may arise. He is very passionate man and very determined to succeed and move on inspite criticisms in the way he deals with his teammates.

  18. This guy has always been out of control and a joke on the court with his behavior. Kerr is an enabler and a weak disciplinarian. A paper lion coach.

  19. Kareem Hunt got suspended for 8 games (half the season) after physically assaulting his gf. Why is he getting a special treatment?

  20. Nahh there’s no genuine love towards Jp no sincere apology nor understanding that what was escalated is not right at all! It feels he shows a little envy especially on how he’s answering the questions on there relationship to be rebuilt however both hungry to win and Dray knows jp is a huge part of this dynasty
    Shout out Twin Jp the organization loves you king Steph will pass you the torch after his 7th ring 💎🏆💛💙🙏🏽
    DUBBS IN 6 😤🏆

  21. Who gives a shit about him teaching his son how to cook eggs? While he's going for that goal of another chip, he should also have the goal of not punching his fellow teammates and keeping that flashpoint temper of his in check. Just try to stop being an asshole on the court.

    Even with all of the success he's had in life, he sure seems to be angry. He needs to address it, because it's obviously getting worse with time.

  22. You can tell how good of a parent a parent is by how they express the time they're spent together. Saying you 'cooked eggs' …… Um, says a lot about ones involvement. Anyway…..
    DG is still a violent, knowitall, ass whole and as a black man it hurts me to have to be real n that way but brotha man was wrong.
    He's all mouth on his pod. Maybe he'll humble and wise up

  23. Now all is about the job, we are professionals bla bla…professionals don't punch team mates in the face…He single handed succed to ruin Warriors culture and team chemistry…well done Dray…Who needs all that, just be professional!

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