@Golden State Warriors

It’s Getting Worse between Draymond and Jordan Poole

#NBA #Warriors

We still haven’t heard from Jordan Poole but Draymond Green is making things worse. He just got back to Warriors camp and there are signs that the relationship between the teammates has a long way to go in getting repaired.

MUSIC BY: The Trillmatic One
INSTAGRAM: @TheTrillmatic1


  1. What bothers me is the whole asked Jordan Poole thing, the way it's described, sounds like they asked him in front of the other players in a group setting or with other players present. And of course they made his statement public immediately.

    That's a huge issue. Draymond is tight with Steph ans Klay obviously. What's he supposed to do? Demand that one of their best friends and oldest teammates be suspended right in front of them? That strikes me more as applying pressure to get permission than actually trying to get an honest evaluation on what he feels.

  2. Jordan Poole is a buster and makes lightskinned n!@@a$ look bad. F#ck Jordan Poole. He needs to go. If u understand our culture, u understand what calling another man a b!tc# means. Them's fightin' words, that's the same as physical assault in our culture. Jordan should've been ready ro fight, and expected and accepted the results. And he has a history of using fighting words, which is fine, but if u do, then be ready to fight…

  3. Yall gotta stop listening to these stories….let them play. These grown ass men. If Westbrook can play with Beverly, why you think it can't work in GS?

  4. Dray's been kind of feeling himself since he won the chip. He crapped on Curry in a podcast saying that they needed KD because Curry was unable to go and get a bucket, and he's had this weird LeBron fetish. As important as he's been for the Dubs, what makes him special isnt transferrable to other teams that do not have elite shooters. The Finals kind of exposed him, so we'll see how this year plays out.

  5. With how hard the punch was, I would have charged Draymond with assault. If the reports are true that Poole really passed out after that punch. Suspension is just a slap on the wrist.

  6. With kuminga, wiseman ,moody and poole they just need one to make a jump in their game to contend with out draymond

  7. Warriors franchise is a JOKE
    Poole should leave unless they release Draymond.
    Draymond won't be in the league much longer.
    He's a punk and soon to run up on the wrong person.
    TRASH 🗑!

  8. The fact that they're speaking for Poole and he hasn't talked to the media says they're lying.
    Watch them fall apart.
    League should step in and give him the RAY Rice treatment,.see ya wouldn't wanna be ya !!!

  9. One thing to consider is how the video getting leaked made the situation for Poole a lot worse. He gets to relive it through video, the media and the internet.

  10. Precisely Casey, I thought it was absolute bs that they would put the responsibility of deciding what to do on Jp. I'm disappointed in how the warriors handled this situation,

    morality and ethics were thrown out the window to appease the antagonist in a violent attack.
    As a warriors fan I hope it comes back to bite them later in the season just to teach them all a lesson bcus draymond has learnt nothing.

  11. Have you followed the warriors for more than 15 days… you don’t know what you’re talking about. Draymond green has been the heart and soul of the warriors team since he joined. He’s the captain of the ship and has been for a long time now.Curry, of course is the best player and also part leader but that doesn’t take away from what Green does. So yes, Green has damn well earned the benefit of the doubt in any and all situations. You have no idea what was said during practice. Before or after. Could Draymond have handled the situation better, yes, but sometimes you just gotta smack a montha fucka. Jordan did it to Kerr and the bulls went on the win the championship. Green ain’t going nowhere and the warriors are 100% repeating. Mark my words, not yours. You keep saying, “I get it”, but no you don’t. Go to HR… you crazy. This ain’t no cry baby company. This is family, when family fights, you deal with it like men. When the cops are called, no one presses charges, just like no teammate recommends another teammate gets suspended. Did you ever even play team basketball…

  12. it seems Curry is silent about these issues with his teammates/team. He is the leader of this team, so I expect some words from him.

  13. Steve Kerr and the Warriors have earned all their glory for their success, but there is a palpable arrogance to them. Kerr is pretty sanctimonious, guy is constantly lecturing the league, players… hell even politicians, govt and everyday people for not “doing what is right”.

    Lol, now here we are and their putting this on the lap of their young player trying to fade into shadow. Cowardly move and not surprising as virtue is all talk and valor is action. They have none.

  14. The Dubs could not have handled this more ineptly. They’ve enabled Green’s bad behavior for years, and they continue. He clearly doesn’t get it. The only way to repair this now is trade him.

  15. Bro, EVERYWHERE in the world they consult the victim before proceeding. At UPS when a fight broke out they let the victim decide if he wants the aggressor punished. If you are assaulted in the street the police ask you if you want to press charges. Its ALWAYS the victims decision. Draymond is 10000% in the wrong but it was a good call to put it in pooles hands.

  16. OMG Jordan was not knocked out, Steven A's talking out his ass and people are taking it as some sort of fact. When a persons knocked out unconscious, they are concussed. Do you think the Warriors would let Jordan finish practice concussed? A concussion also completely blurs the vision, you think he wouldn't know he was? This is ridiculous. I remember getting a concussion in a soccer game, I was knocking sh*t down off the table, cups, everything because I couldn't see them.

  17. The way the Warriors handled this shows exactly why Draymond is the way he is. There’s no accountability. They are his biggest enablers.

  18. Draymond acts like he's the most important part of GSW's big three when he's actually the most replaceable part. And a part of me greatly doubts he'll have much success in other teams.

  19. He said "players", Stephen's the leader, and this is a second hit piece on Dray… please stop with the hot takes less you want to work for espn

  20. Pool is about to get 100M but after the punch he is about to get +120M what a sequence

  21. In addition to getting knocked out, Jp has also been manipulated into conforming to what steph, klay and others expect him to say in terms of Drays punishment or lack there of. But I understand jps plight, he has to corporate in order not to jeopardize his pending contract.

  22. The not knowing how to purely define or rebuild trust means Draymond is probably thinking so deeply into the situation that words and concepts start to lose their meaning and become obscure or subjective. I know exactly what he's talking about, but one who's not a deep thinker is going to take the comment as some kind of disrespect. And that's fine because all of our opinions are an irrelevant waste of time.

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