@National Basketball Association

[Adam Himmelsbach on Twitter] Jayson Tatum just got tossed from a preseason game for picking up his second tech.

[Adam Himmelsbach on Twitter] Jayson Tatum just got tossed from a preseason game for picking up his second tech.

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. mMounirM

    Disgusting act. hopefully a suspension is coming

  2. Harleytk24

    Seeing that the refs are already in mid season form

  3. These refs are on a power trip that was the most ridiculous sequence of reffing I’ve ever seen, and it’s a preseason game…

  4. Kokopolol

    The refs are taking the fun out of basketball tonight w these dumb Ts.

  5. Powerglove2000

    What the hell was that? How was THAT a tech?

  6. GandalfTheBlack-

    Refs are fucking clowns for this one


    Ecstatic that the fine people of Montreal got exactly to see what they paid for… the ref show!!! Lets Go!!!

  8. horseshoeoverlook

    The refs gave a tech on Tatum, Grant Williams, and a second delay of game. Montreal Screwjob lmao

  9. tropicaltuesday

    This was worse than when Tim Duncan got tossed for laughing on the bench. Refs are garbage

  10. No-Yak-4500

    His next tweet lol

    > Now Grant Williams gets a tech for arguing on Tatum’s benalf. Then Cs get a delay of game tech when Tatum didn’t leave the floor. What in the world.

    Refs on demon time

  11. Tristan_the_Manley

    Lol the ref wanted to pretend it never happened, he knew he fucked up in real time. Can we like call the league office and have the tech rescinded or something? I mean what the hell.

  12. ledgemann-67

    One of the dumbest techs I’ve ever seen

  13. srstone71

    Ejecting the biggest star from an exhibition being played in a new city for the sole purpose of growing the game is certainly a bold move Cotton.

  14. JoJonesy

    i know it’s a preseason game and no one cares but that was some bullshit lmao

  15. cimmanonrolls

    they literally shot 5 free throws in a row, that shit was hilarious

  16. CApizzakitchen

    Hate the Celtics, but this is the dumbest ejection I’ve ever seen. Who is this ref???

  17. TheTheElite21

    JT has to stop doing that hand waving bullshit. Soft ejection, but there’s still no reason to do that shit. Refs take that shit more personal than cussing them out it seems lol

  18. That was the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen a ref do during a preseason game

  19. je_suis_anonyme

    It sucks for the people in Montreal…

  20. joebos617

    Tatum gets this treatment from the refs all the time. I wish Tommy were around to complain about it

  21. coolycooly

    I love when the announcers say it looks like someone was thrown out. But they don’t know who because nothing happened.

  22. IRanTrackWithToad

    Then the ref Ts up grant and the team

    Like…the hell dude?

  23. iamwearingashirt

    They could’ve just waited 30 seconds for the 3rd to end. Tatum probably wasn’t playing the 4th in preseason anyway. Sheesh.

  24. vanargandr

    Koloko made the same gesture in the 4th lol these refs

  25. Sebeeschin

    Tatum gets a double tech and Ben Simmons gets 6 fouls in 13 mins? Refs on one tonight

  26. True_Blueberry2707

    Tatum getting ejected was so dumb in preseason

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