@Toronto Raptors

Poole, RJ and Herro all signed 30m+ a year contracts. There’s no way we can pay GTJ, FVV, OG and Siakam what they want

Poole, RJ and Herro all signed 30m+ a year contracts. There’s no way we can pay GTJ, FVV, OG and Siakam what they want

by UjiriWatcher


  1. Annual_Sprinkles1129

    bros making more than our whole roster💀💀

  2. IamSofakingRAW

    Unless the FO thinks this roster is enough to win i agree. I would have sold high on OG for Sharpe and Nasir Little but I’m in the minority. We can only realistically keep 2 of FVV/Gary/OG

  3. jumpthroughit

    Siakam and OG are signed for the next 2 years no matter what so not sure they’re very relevant to the discussion. FVV and GTJ have Player Options next year so if they each have huge years they’ll turn it down and we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. But if they have big down years they’ll opt in and will need to have a big ‘prove it’ season.

    Either way, we’re in a very good position and can adjust regardless. If FVV and GTJ have huge years that’s going to mean very big things for the team this year.

  4. droreddit

    Freddie is gone, or Trent might be dealt. No way both are on the roster next year unless the cap jump is huge next season.

  5. optimus_slime113

    Those 3 players are young like gtj but have more upside potential . They aren’t being paid that for what they did last season it’s for what they can be. Regardless fvv is going to be getting a contract around 30m from someone same with pascal. Og has an extensive injury history which will make a lot of teams unwilling to overpay for him. Gtj can secure a bag if he continues on his improvements from last year. This is why I’m pretty confident we’re making a big trade this year, I’m sure masai and co see the ceiling of our roster if we pay them all around 30 and it’s not a championship roster unfortunately

  6. i’m sure there’s going to be a big mid season trade. i don’t know what it will involved but if guys are playing good this season, masai and bobby will have to trade one of our starters.

  7. TheGursh

    The Raps have Bird rights on all of their guys. They can re-sign them if they want to. The question is more if the core is good enough to justify paying the luxury tax

  8. jjkiller26

    That’s why they’ve been exploring a hundred different traded possibilities all offseason. I expect something done by the deadline, either an upgrade or selling one of the guys to go slightly younger

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