@National Basketball Association

[Caplan] Mavs really leaning into the theory that Luka Doncic shoots better when he’s ticked off. Made 15 free throws in a row (and might’ve made more without some questionable ball interference) with Sean Sweeney and crew nagging him.

[Caplan] Mavs really leaning into the theory that Luka Doncic shoots better when he’s ticked off. Made 15 free throws in a row (and might’ve made more without some questionable ball interference) with Sean Sweeney and crew nagging him.

by jerwindames


  1. dezthompson

    Wow he made 15 free throws in a row in practice? Damn

  2. chitownbulls92

    Ah the Stanley Sugarman technique, tried and true

  3. Acrobatic-Compote-12

    Lol the biggest issue with Luka is freethrows? Fuck you mavericks

  4. DoncicsRoadTo200kg

    The bar is kinda low if 15 FTs in a row is an acomplishment lol

  5. GEOTUSTrump2024

    15/15… Extrapolating that over the course of the entire season… Confirmed 100% free throws incoming.

  6. Otherwise_Window

    If the Mavs actually waste Luka I will hate them forever.

    Also, how the fuck do you get basket interference on a free throw?!

  7. MemesAndNightmares

    Dont let this distract you bruh. They saying this to justify a toxic work environment

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