@National Basketball Association

Bob Myers addresses the sexual assault accusations surrounding two-way player Anthony Lamb, who the Warriors signed Friday

Bob Myers addresses the sexual assault accusations surrounding two-way player Anthony Lamb, who the Warriors signed Friday

by 3rdEyeDeuteranopia


  1. notjoeexotic

    This man could sell water to the ocean.

  2. PointGosh

    If what he’s saying is correct then he’s right. You can’t condemn a guy without due process. I don’t know enough about the story but you can’t rely simply on someone’s accusation.

  3. Few_Mulberry7175

    Even if he didn’t have allegations this dude is straight ass and not worth to sign lmao idk why the Warriors did it

  4. LeMickeyMice

    So “he wasn’t charged” pretty much, makes enough sense.

  5. Babushka5

    All I can say is I’ve been in the New England basketball scene for some time and several people who I really trust said that he did it, and UVM let him and other student athletes get away with it

  6. Trent_Bennett

    Myers escaping once again. This dude can’t miss

  7. ImTheBestNerd

    Still don’t get Lamb > Weatherspoon tbh

  8. Ill_Celery_7654

    Every GM should be drinking whatever he’s drinking.

  9. p0tatoman

    Steve Kerr: “the biggest problem here is that it leaked”

  10. asvpmvson

    ah the warriors taking assault seriously if only I could remember two weeks ago

  11. embiid0for11w0pts

    ah, so put the responsibility off on former teams and the NBA.

  12. porwegiannussy

    Could have just said he liked winning

  13. Bob Myers is an absolute pro I’ll give him that

  14. This really means a lot coming from an organization that is more concerned that a video leaked, than what that video contained.

    I’m honestly not sure what I am more disgusted by. People like Tilman Fertitta who are vile but honest about it, or the Warriors leadership who pretend to be some enlightened progressive organization but only actually do that as long as it makes them millions while shading them from scrutiny. In the end this is still an asshole 1% boys club who will take a stand to make a buck, but sweep anything under the rug to save a cent, including sexual assault victims.

    Not the first time on their watch either.

  15. HighlandHilltopper

    We take it very seriously, that’s why we signed him to a two way and called the other teams he’s played for… oh and the nba didn’t care so yeah

  16. IntelligentQuickley

    Draymond is a jeffery dahmer cosplayer on and off the court, mind as well give lamb a chancep

  17. throwaway2021232681

    this sucks and he sucks and ownership sucks for this, basketball is never more important than people

  18. MrBigConspiracy

    > We will find out who accused Lamb and who leaked this and they will be dealt with accordingly, this is embarrassing for Lamb.

    – Warriors

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