@National Basketball Association

[Kevin O’Connor] Normally, someone with a boot on a wheel of their car would pay to have it removed so they could drive again. But Morey had another idea. He instead contacted Lexus to tell them he would buy a new car if it accepted his trade-in and dealt with the outstanding tickets.


>In the mid-to-late 2000s, he owned a Lexus that he parked anywhere he wanted, regardless of the signage on the side of the streets of Houston. It kept accumulating ticket after ticket after ticket until the local parking enforcement agency stopped writing tickets and booted his vehicle.

>Normally, someone with a boot on a wheel of their car would pay to have it removed so they could drive again. But Morey had another idea. He instead contacted Lexus to tell them he would buy a new car if it accepted his trade-in and dealt with the outstanding tickets. After negotiating and signing a deal, Lexus asked when he’d bring in the car and he gave the company the address to pick it up.

>“As soon as that car got booted,” Morey said, “[I made that deal] to avoid having to go through the hassle.”

>Another typical Daryl move, always looking to win a trade.

by lopea182


  1. dropdatdurkadurk

    >One time, Morey and Van Gundy were in the office together and the head coach was talking about how hard it was to get his rookie shooter Novak more minutes on the floor.

    >“I was like, ‘Yeah, I know, Coach. Obviously, his physical tools aren’t great on defense, but it’s surprising that he is often in the wrong spots because his father’s a head coach,’” Morey recalls. “Jeff’s eating food and he drops his fork. He says, ‘What? Say that again?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, his father’s a head coach at the high school level in the Milwaukee area.’ Jeff goes, ‘If he were my son, I would have no choice but, in the middle of the night, to smother him to death with a pillow to save the family honor. The Van Gundy name would not survive if Steve’s defense was on our résumé.’”

    Amazing. Wish Novak [had whipped out an extra long discount double check]( while trying to get back in transition with JVG as his coach, Jeff may only be like 150 lb but theyd have to be [grabbing onto his leg to keep him from Novak](

  2. Smekledorf1996

    This reads like one of those sigma male grindset tiktok videos lol

  3. ForoaKlanD

    They really got nothing else to write about huh?

  4. So sleazy that Morey seems to say this with a sense of pride, completely oblivious that it just makes him look like a rich asshole.

  5. Wentzsylvania13

    My favorite Embiid quote from the article: “Since I’ve been here, all of the GMs were really smart, except one.”

    Love how he still hates Colangelo just as much as we all do lol

  6. ThingsAreAfoot

    Slimy as fuck. And it’s written about in a fawning way too (“always looking to win a trade lolol”).

    Embarrassing all-around.

  7. nibbinoo8

    could have paid someone a lot less than the cost of a new lexus to just deal with the boot and tickets for him

  8. sersleepsalot1

    I don’t know what to feel or take out from this story. Morey smart? Morey dumb for getting tickets and trading a perfectly good car and buying a new one just because of hassle?

    And why would he park just anywhere?

    I am leaning more towards dumb rich indifference type. Because he had a perfectly good car, but lowered it’s value by accumulating tickets (his mistake) and then paid more money to trade it in and get another one. How is this a win?

  9. paddiction

    >Daryl Morey always has been someone who does things his own way. Not just when it comes to using data to build NBA teams, but also when it comes to things away from the court, like cars.

    >Like the time he was late for his flight and parked his rental car at the terminal then tossed his keys to the baggage guy and gave him $50 to bring the car back to Hertz.

    >Or the time he was driving to the NCAA tournament in a frenzy to catch a tip-off and created his own left lane to beat the traffic.

    >Or another time when he had to rush to the airport so he called a team travel attendant to let them know he had left his bag back in his hotel. The attendant arrived and got the bellhop to let them in. Morey’s bag was in the room. So were his clothes and toiletries, scattered across the counters and floor.

    Why do they think these stories make Daryl look good? It makes him seem like a huge rich douchebag

  10. nowhathappenedwas

    > “We were just in lockstep,” D’Antoni says. “But some people get carried away with labels. It’s not just about 3-pointers. It’s more like how we can make the team the most efficient possible. It turned into great defensive guys who shoot 3s, and then you have Harden do the rest. But when you got Chris Paul, it’d be kind of silly to tell him not to take his midrange because he’s that good. So we adjusted everything to the team’s talent, but at the same time knowing that we want efficient basketball players.”

    Chris Paul took far fewer long 2s with Houston than he did with any other team: 22% of his shots for his career, but just 9% of his shots with Houston. And he took far more threes with Houston than he did anywhere else.

    |6 seasons|NOKNOH|.242|.178|
    |6 seasons|LAC|.256|.288|
    |2 seasons|PHO|.201|.283|
    |2 seasons|HOU|.090|.484|
    |1 season|OKC|.163|.343|

    Provided by []( [View Original Table](
    Generated 10/17/2022.

  11. testiclefrankfurter

    He parked wherever he wanted, regardless of the signage? That sounds like an asshole. I hope he wasn’t taking the handicap parking.

  12. indigo4799

    Perfectly encapsulates how much of an entitled douche this guy is lmao

  13. jonatton______yeah

    A comes across like a clown. A clown with zero rings.

  14. DubsFanAccount

    Didn’t think Morey’s face could get even more punchable but here we are.

  15. rompskee

    So he’s a dick who thinks he’s above the law?

  16. gustriandos

    Worked for a group of dealerships in college and this is like the epitome of a Lexus owner. Rich guy with 0 care in the world about cars or the car buying process. It’s these guys and soccer moms.

  17. GentlemanHere

    I thought this was somehow an analogy to trading Ben Simmons. Was trying to think of every angle to make it work until I read the actual post.

  18. mrobin4850

    James Harden is a 2000 Lexus with a boot on one wheel and he keeps trading for him.

  19. hotpocketthrowaway

    Lol this makes Morey look both like an idiot and a colossal douchebag lmfao

  20. KeepinIt2Real

    You clowns really were arguing he actually cares about people in Hong Kong, and not just tweeting a meme.

  21. Ghoul-Sama

    KoC reeks of nerdy white boy who worships rich white folks

  22. gilgagorgon

    Daryl Morey sounds like a fucking prick lol. Makes sense he’s best friends with Bill Simmons. KOC gets worse and worse the more he gets into the national spotlight.

  23. >Normally, someone with a boot on a wheel of their car would pay to have it removed so they could drive again. But Morey had another idea. He instead contacted Lexus to tell them he would buy a new car if it accepted his trade-in and dealt with the outstanding tickets. After negotiating and signing a deal, Lexus asked when he’d bring in the car and he gave the company the address to pick it up.
    >“As soon as that car got booted,” Morey said, “[I made that deal] to avoid having to go through the hassle.”

    Honestly seems 100 times easier just to pay the tickets (or have his admin pay them for him). This is just feels like a rich douche being douchy to prove some misguided point.

  24. airmagswag

    Why would he release this. This reveals he’s a huge asshole

  25. JohnnyFootballHero

    This makes him sound like an insufferable douche

  26. stinx2001

    You just know he was all “ha, they’re not getting a cent out of me”

    When in reality no one cares, some admin worker for Houston is like “ah great that bunch of fines has been paid”

  27. HenchBandicoot

    For a guy who hasn’t won anything he sure does get a lot of credit.

  28. monkey-pox

    Should end: another typical Daryl move, what a dickhead.

  29. Fa1lenSpace

    Lol, Morey sounds like a huge tool on this one, ngl. Also, most of the Ringer guys are huge toolbags too so it’s not too surprising. I like listening to em talk about ball sometimes but god damn are they cringe at times.

  30. Sensitive_Speech4477

    I’ve always loved Morey but this is pathetic. I can’t believe he thought this would paint him in a positive light.

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