@Houston Rockets

How Jalen Green game is silencing a lot of haters and we preview the season opener

Co-Host Lachard Binkley and Vator discuss:

The Rockets finish the preseason strong.

Jalen Green already taking that next step.

What Rocket has a chance to win an award?

Our wins projection this year for the Rockets


  1. comparison of Jalen to MJ and Kobe is the same impressions I see on his game. I call it gutt feeling but this kid Jalen is gonna be the face of the NBA in few years time. Jalen shall be the next big thing.

  2. So it's still so early for anyone to make ANY bold statements about Jalen … EITHER WAY. Wish people could be more rational and objective about this. But nah, us Rockets fans want to push that he's the next Kobe or something. One thing is clear: the dude is a certified bucket. His ability to put the ball in the basket is as polished as I've seen in someone that young. Can he round out other aspects of his game? Can he rebound the ball at a significant rate? Can he become a facilitator and be that guy that destroys teams when they try to double him? Biggest question mark: can he be a serviceable defender… or even good or great on that end? His work ethic and dedication to get better gives me confidence to bet on him to do it, but as BS as all the naysayers are, it does him a disservice to already sound the "MJ" trumpets (not you guys, per se, but I'm hearing a lot of preposterously hyperbolic things throughout Rockets' echo chambers that are laughable). Slow one's roll and enjoy the young man's growth.

    But the other side, the "haters," as you call them, why even give them any steam? There are people that just live off of toxic negativity. That's what this culture of social media and clickbait 'hot take' media environment breeds. It's comical to the point you just point and laugh. Those who try to shoot it down and look defensive at something obviously absurd don't look any better. Early last year they were calling Green the "B" word – bust. He was doing his best to be a good teammate and work within a system – just his personality. His blistering finish to the campaign when Silas, Lucas, and all his teammates told him, "Bruh… take over!!" they changed their tune to calling him an "empty bucket stat getter." How hilarious is that? The Rockets had the most nuclear blowup in recent NBA history, lost 2 HOF'ers within a month, lost the coach, GM, and almost everything else (shout out to EG – the last remaining member of that epic 65-win 2018 team that wins the title without the refs' influence). They're knocking him for not instantly making THIS TEAM into a CONTENDER!!!! hahahaha. C'mon guys, you know their MO. For them, even if he balls out, he'll graduate to a "role player," then "overrated," then "good but not a star." For "haters," even if he brings a title within the next 5-7 years the best he'll ever be is a guy that got carried by others.

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