@National Basketball Association

[Eric Koreen on Kyrie Irving] Let’s be real: He isn’t that far away from saying Hitler had some good ideas.


>If Irving’s definition of promotion starts and stops with renting out a hotel room and doing a gauntlet of interviews while wearing a hat with the movie’s title, then sure, he’s not promoting anything. If you use a definition that is any broader than that, Irving is certainly promoting a clearly anti-Semitic work.

>Let’s be real: He isn’t that far away from saying Hitler had some good ideas. To give him the benefit of the doubt — to say that he is merely propagating something he doesn’t fully understand — you have to forget that he is a multimillionaire working within a multibillion-dollar industry, and that if he really wants to know the truth, he has the access and means to do so. Ignorance is never a good excuse. In this case, it isn’t one at all.

by lopea182


  1. Good_NewsEveryone

    Kyrie fell for the BallSack Sports of quoting Hitler

  2. I mean would anybody be surprised if this pseudo intellectual said something like this? I’m sure he just sees it through a different plane of thought that us mortal humans can’t understand right?

    Dunning Kruger is strong with Kyrie.

  3. black_squid98

    I kinda hope he does say that just to force the Nets’ and the NBA’s hands

  4. workCADpc

    Jesus these reporters/writers are just begging for a piece of the Kyrie click bait pie now.

  5. BBallHunter

    Kyrie fans would find a way to defend that lol.

  6. beefJeRKy-LB

    Should note that Eric Koreen is Jewish so I can see why he wrote this article

  7. moneedelray

    Please make a fucking mega thread oh my god

  8. JimblesReborn

    He’s a grown ass man, don’t patronize him. He’s really fucking stupid. Ban him from the league if Nazism is bad, if you’re Nazis then keep him.

  9. gochuuuu

    I would bet money that he has said this privately lmao

  10. This is an egregious statement by this reporter honestly. I understand Kyrie posted some dumbass documentary but to label him as anti-Semitic when the guy has not said nor promoted such language is irresponsible. I think it’s really disappointing that we’re labeling this guy a nazi when he does not deserve such thing. If anything he’s just an idiot.

  11. lostrager

    It depends on the context tbh if he said Hitler had some good ideas

  12. by_yes_i_mean_no

    I think that is going too far by the author, personally.

  13. theswitchup22

    Come on this is being ridiculous at this point. Kyrie should be judged on what he said not what he could say.

  14. ireallydespiseyouall

    Hitler was a white supermacist surely kyrie isn’t gonna say that?

    I hope

  15. For those who don’t understand the situation… his beliefs stem from a sort of religious sect that believes black Israelites were the first Jews. I would compare the stuff he says more to Evangelical Christian’s weaponizing their religion against the LGBT (and other) communities, or muslims weaponizing their beliefs against other Muslim sects. More so then I’d compare him to a hitler type figure although I’m sure he’d agree with him on some things.

  16. Dude will be repping an SS monogram thinking it has some healing properties with the way his train of thought’s been going

  17. SeaDistance7230

    Stop okay dude promoted a movie with a fake quote lol news flash most documentaries are one side stories. My thing is why are people so wrapped up about it dude did not once from his mouth say anything anti-Semitic. Come at Amazon and the producers of the doc not a guy who posted a link. It just seems weird they rather talk about other stuff then the actual game they just lost. If Kyrie don’t play you talk about how he doesn’t care to play and now that hes playing well on both ends and every game so far you don’t want to talk about basketball lol.

    A couple Jewish people spent almost 100K on floor seats just for Kyrie to show them some compassion after the game lol. We had a president say he wanted to ban Muslims but he gets to run the world and not lose his job. Kyrie tweet a link and yall want his head on a stake

  18. I mean.. he’s basically already saying that just not in those exact words.

  19. SmokimNoah

    Judge him on what he said, but this hypothetical shit is too much now

  20. Goldiekd

    At what point does he get keapernick treatment?

  21. Oppo_GoldMember

    I wish a reporter had the balls to ask Kyrie about the Holocaust. Get it on tape, on video, and end people backing him

  22. Julian_Caesar

    This tweet’s wording is not an accident. he’s mimicking what Farrakhan said about Hitler in the 80’s:

    >During a 1984 interview broadcast on a Chicago radio station, Farrakhan reacted to Nathan Pearlmutter, then chair of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who called the minister “Black Hitler” for his anti-Semitic views.

    >“Here come the Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. **Hitler was a very great man.** He wasn’t great for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now I’m not proud of Hitler’s evil against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. **He rose Germany up from nothing,” Farrakhan said.**

    This reporter is very smartly laying the bait for Kyrie to speak up in defense of Farrakhan/NOI which is where 90% of this shit is coming from. If he can get Kyrie to say something similar, that’s really the key to getting him in trouble for hate speech.

  23. Inside-Big-8158

    And let’s be honest he could say that and the NBA would do nothing

  24. dogoodsilence1

    Can’t wait for Kyrie to tweet Jefferson Davis piece, “Jefferson Davis, the Negroes and the Negro Problem”. Oh wait that would offend him so I doubt he would be supportive of that.

  25. ObjectiveDeal

    At first I wasn’t with kyrie. The reaction from these fans and reporters are only going to make people side with kyrie.

  26. AestheticPenguinMan

    Oh we’re really just making up quotes to hate someone now

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