@Orlando Magic

Post Game Thread: The Oklahoma City Thunder defeat The Orlando Magic 116-108

#Orlando Magic at Oklahoma City Thunder

Paycom Center- Oklahoma City, OK




|Time Clock|

|ORL |32|34|22|20|108|
|OKC |33|30|22|31|116|

###Player Stats

**Orlando Magic**

|P. Banchero|37:26|15|6-13|0-1|3-3|0|8|8|2|1|0|4|0|1
|B. Bol|30:53|13|4-6|1-1|4-4|3|9|12|1|0|4|6|2|-3
|W. Carter Jr.|35:26|30|10-15|2-2|8-8|5|7|12|2|2|1|2|3|4
|F. Wagner|36:43|20|8-18|1-5|3-3|0|1|1|7|1|2|2|2|12
|T. Ross|3:43|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|1
|C. Houstan|14:52|3|1-5|1-3|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|5
|J. Suggs|28:26|9|3-14|1-9|2-2|0|2|2|4|2|1|4|1|-17
|M. Bamba|12:55|2|1-4|0-1|0-0|2|3|5|0|0|1|2|1|-10
|C. Okeke|12:34|6|2-3|2-3|0-0|2|3|5|1|1|0|3|1|-12
|R. Hampton|20:48|10|4-7|2-4|0-0|0|2|2|1|0|1|1|3|-8
|K. Harris|6:14|0|0-2|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|1|-13

**Oklahoma City Thunder**

|L. Dort|31:37|14|5-16|3-8|1-2|0|0|0|2|1|1|0|4|-3
|J. Williams|21:46|6|3-7|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|0|2|0|2|1|-9
|J. Robinson-Earl|21:50|11|5-8|0-2|1-1|0|5|5|2|3|1|0|3|22
|J. Giddey|25:03|7|3-12|0-3|1-1|0|1|1|10|1|1|2|2|-1
|S. Gilgeous-Alexander|32:54|34|12-18|0-3|10-11|0|4|4|6|3|2|5|2|-2
|T. Mann|26:12|13|4-8|2-5|3-4|1|4|5|3|0|0|0|2|21
|D. Bazley|17:43|4|2-5|0-0|0-1|3|1|4|2|1|1|1|1|-1
|O. Dieng|17:14|8|3-4|2-3|0-0|0|4|4|2|0|0|1|1|12
|A. Pokusevski|31:16|16|7-13|2-5|0-0|4|5|9|1|2|3|2|0|22
|A. Wiggins|12:40|3|1-3|1-3|0-0|0|3|3|0|0|0|2|1|-14
|I. Joe|1:43|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-7
###Team Stats



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  1. clown613

    Suggs is going to be the G version of Aaron Gordon. One step forward, two steps back but we will never give up on him.

  2. ultra_absorbent

    9 three point attempts for the sharpshooting Jalen Suggs

  3. Jboyneymar

    People already done with Mosley I don’t think he’s a bad coach I still have trust in him

  4. SpideyUdaman

    Wtf man?! Had to close my browser 2 mins before the end for my heart, and temper. Bench needs refinement. Closeout needs refinement, need better defensive setups when enemy seems to be gaining.

  5. The refs were excruciatingly bad today. But ultimately Suggs and franz sold

  6. Niceshotpiccolo

    Looking at +- for the bench makes me want to puke 🤢

  7. Ghostofz10

    I just want to know why Mosley didn’t challenge that clear offensive foul. Like that was a perfect chance to use it. Does he or the magic not have anyone that watch replays of fouls to see if they want to challenge. Like that was baaad by Mosley. Also we should have slowed it down instead of taking bad threes when we were up like Mosley should have told them to do that. And Suggs is a menace defensively but shouldn’t have had the ball in his hands as much as he did this game.

  8. tylerconley

    This was the most frustrating loss I’ve ever seen

  9. Annonunknown

    Our entire bench need to be traded starting with Bamba going to rj and more

  10. FromORLtoSD

    our bench is rough. the lineup of okeke, kevon, and bamba on the floor on the same time was rough to watch. we had a 15 pt lead shrink very quickly when they came in towards the end of the 3rd. Suggs also had a pretty rough game. he still plays a little too much like a football player and is just all over the place. very winnable game we should have had, but coaching mistakes and poor play at the end sealed it for us.

    here’s to us (hopefully) getting the dub versus the warriors

  11. OrlCitySun12

    We are just an absolute garbage team down the stretch. We slog around, settle for bad shots, turn the ball over and very rarely move the ball like we do when we built those leads. Just embarassing down the stretch. Franz always looks so gassed in the final minutes, we need depth if this is ever going to turn around.

  12. Mstargicbball

    Y’all are so freakin negative! Everybody needs to relaaaaax. This is team is young, show them your support people.

  13. JaguarsDTWD

    Suggs shouldn’t be able to shoot 14 fucking shots while Paolo only has 11 FGA fuck me man I’m so tired of this shit. Jacque Vaughn 2.0

  14. Loose-Animal7305

    Monster game by Dell (30/12), nobody on OKC could stop him, so of course Orlando moved away from feeding him down low. Wtf was that in the 4th quarter

  15. Paqman333

    Can someone tell me one thing Suggs does well offensively?

  16. raphael87

    Starters just got tired. Seems like Jalen has the green light to find his rhythm, but it didn’t work out tonight. We need a bench so badly and a PG to run the offense. I’m not sure why everyone is up in arms about the coaching in this one – we tried to play our best players the whole 4th quarter! On to the next one and pray we get some of our guys back so we don’t have to see this bench unit too many more times.

  17. jackloganoliver

    The bench killed this game. They blew a huge lead and forced Mose to put Franz, Paolo, and WCJ back in for the entire fourth, and they just didn’t have the legs to hold it together at the end.

    Suggs also made some truly awful decisions in the second half. Brutal play from him down the stretch.

    Also, these refs were bad. Awful. Both teams had a lot to complain about, but there were decisions in the fourth that absolutely changed the course of the game. It’s painful watching Franz just not get a single call to go his way when he’s aggressive getting into the lane.

    Lastly, the coaching staff is legitimately bad. Either decisions are being made to tank, or Mosley is a bad in-game coach, and I’m thinking it’s more the latter than it is the former.

    Truly, this is painful to watch. Bamba needed to be allowed to walk. Chuma has not earned his fourth year option. The end of rotation guys have seen no real skill progression, except RJ Hampton is a better shooter than his rookie year.

    No reason to lose this game. Absolutely awful coaching starting at the midway point of the third quarter.

  18. MassiveThroat942

    I told my friends to “watch out” for us this year. I’m a fucking retard.

  19. CodyCode-

    For whatever reason going into this game. I did not expect OKC to be so physical.

  20. Prestigious_Earth_10

    cant be to mad about this loss we substituted terrence ross for jalen suggs and suggs who is a bust at this point in his career so what can you expect… were asking too much from a rookie although banchero is it… im sorry but its looking like suggs is a bust and thats why toronto passed on him

  21. I don’t think anyone who watched this game from start to finish (me) can recover after this…I’m taking off tomorrow!

  22. Annonunknown

    Honestly February can’t reach fast enough Bamba needs to go

    Rj Hampton is obviously getting traded which is we didn’t extended him

    Kevon needs to go or get waive so cannady can get called back in

    Schofield needs to go back to g league

  23. Drewbacca_Hrrrgrgrar

    It’s about time we turned the page on this entire guard rotation, none of them will be stars.

  24. Prestigious_Earth_10

    not gonna win alot of games when your missing ross cole fultz harris and moritz… didnt even mention issiac since there is no need to


    What does coach tell them when we’re up in the fourth?

    “Okay boys it’s the 4th. Every man for himself. Take as many jump shots as you can as fast as you can.”

  26. sethcurrysleftshoe

    Did that Suggs inbounds pass with like 2:00 minutes left look as bad as it actually was? If that wasn’t tipped then maybe the worst inbound attempt I’ve ever seen.

  27. I’m so anxious to see what this team looks like with Fultz and Harris. We have no fucking guards. We haven’t really all season. So I’m not surprised the offense looks so lack luster because there’s literally no one to distribute the ball. And we don’t have any shooters healthy either. We’re bottom 3 in assists and 3 pointers made and it fucking shows cause this all big lineup can’t score outside.

    As frustrating as it’s been to watch, this is genuinely the most optimistic I’ve felt because I think we found our star. At 19 though he can’t be the entire offense. He needs help and outside Franz, Wendell and Bol anyone else on this team that’s stayed healthy is atrocious

  28. Wemby/Scoot is going to be sick next to Paolo.

  29. CodyCode-

    At times they look completely lost figuring out who’s supposed to have the ball in their hands to run the offense initially.

  30. bonafide89

    I refuse to defend Jalen Suggs as long as Pistons fans have been defending Killian Hayes. Won’t do it.

  31. NikThaGreat9

    Dell only took 2 shots those final 7 minutes. Got fouled both times and scored 4 points. Nice going Mosely to not prioritize him getting the ball!

  32. Charming_Lion211

    When you really think about it all of the players who are injured have always been injury prone, even on their previous teams/college. Essentially they’ve never been consistently healthy in their careers, should we now be surprised that they keep getting injured?

  33. Ka-BamOuttaDaBayou

    How’s Bol Bol looking on defense

  34. Suggs is bad 👍 I hope he proves me tf wrong. But man we need A POINT GUARD!!!

  35. Prestigious_Earth_10

    had suggs missed this game and ross played we prob had a better chance of winning this game. im sorry but i just dont see anything special about suggs.

  36. SincereFan

    This team got alot better this year, they added better pieces, and players seemingly were showing a jump, but somehow they have a worse record. Why is that?

    The same core team, with added pieces that were better than the ones who were dropped from last season (those who were cut, most, if not all, arent on a team right now in the NBA or GLeague), and a worst losing record compared to last season.

    This has to be a coaching problem, I am never one to blame coaches since they cant play but I honestly truly feel like the rotations are terrible, the times he makes the changes are terrible, and lineups utilized are terrible. I also believe that Mo should start. I truly think Mo starting fixes so many of the problems for this team. This is not Bol slander or Ross/Suggs slander but Mo fits the best with Paolo/Dell and is the best or 2nd best shooter on this team. Mo brings the spacing and his rim protection/lob presence would open the game for the team. Well I have seen some great things from Bol and honestly I am starting to see it but the team should try Mo for at least 2 games. Then go back to Bol if need be.

    I really think Mosley needs to realize he made too much changes to be innovative and had a working formula last season. No reason for all these losses, this is just bad asset management.

    Well its still early season and the team could make a turnaround, and its a young team so clearly some growing pains but I truly feel like Mose gets out coached every game.

  37. Nova_Neptune

    Way too many three point attempts by Suggs. He should be focused on moving the ball around more and continuing to improve on defense.

  38. RonnocFjord

    I know everyone’s doom and gloom about this one, but at least our starting lineup looks good and it’s the bench fucking everything up. End of the game sucked but those guys played pretty much the whole 4th with not much rest because our bench is a liability. When can we admit as a fan base that this is what the FO wants this year lol.

  39. dexterrrr_

    Plenty of blame to go around. Turnovers and bad shot selection is a recipe for disaster. Undisciplined shit show.

    We are the worst team in the league bar maybe Houston. Particularly with this bench we are trotting out there. Maybe we heal up (lol) and get marginally better but I’m not feeling too hopeful right now.

  40. Suspicious-Jelly-921

    Carter Jr., Franz, and Paolo were very good tonight

  41. n8dogg8305

    I can definitely feel the Jacque Vaughn comparisons but I still believe in Mose. At some point, 2nd unit isos and swinging the ball to a wide open poor 3pt shooters has to stop. Banchero and Wagner should really be the only guys to be green lit when on the floor (tonight dell was in the convo in the post)…everyone else should be cutting or screening. Our passing under the rim has been terrible without Fultz. Rj should have been subbed out for Bol Bol in the 4th…that energy was missed. Still no need to panic…our starters play great but a bench without a healthy Fultz, G Harris, Issac, and Moe…will keep hurting us down the stretch.

  42. tmac2g17

    Fast paced game, frustrating towards the end. I think our guys just ran out of gas. Our bench guys gave up most of our lead to close the 3rd, and I think I recall us running our starters most or all of the 4th.

  43. Coach Mose is giving me serious middle school coach vibes. “Move the ball and find the open man” falls apart when you need a bucket and guys are all young and indecisive.

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