@Chicago Bulls

Ayo was going to work in the 4th quarter… creating & facilitating big plays

Ayo was going to work in the 4th quarter… creating & facilitating big plays

by OhiOstas


  1. OhiOstas

    Side note, Dalen Terry is one helluva hype man lol. Anytime the camera pans over to the bench, it is just Dalen Terry doing some sort of dance move 😂

  2. Ok_Speed3624

    Catch that little limp from Zach around 51 second mark? I haven’t had much time to watch games bc of work. Is this a regular occurrence?

  3. The offense was great, but watching him halt any Nets’ late-game momentum by creating KD turnovers was incredible.

  4. Aware_Library2718

    Ayo playing like he’s gonna hold on to the starting spot regardless of Zo’s status

  5. kb_of_chicago

    He’s a killer. I love that he’s getting so much playing time.

  6. -Shooter_McGavin-

    Kids a stud, huge impact when he’s on the floor.

  7. jaycolt31

    Man Kyrie with some of the worst defensive effort I’ve ever seen. Ayo cookin’

  8. volantredx

    I love his steals, if you watch him carefully he has the pass read the whole way. He just knows exactly where to be to shut the play down.

  9. He’s up for a contract renewal, right? What do y’all think he’s worth?

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