@Brooklyn Nets

Did Kyrie Irving's ego drive Steve Nash away from Brooklyn Nets? | Colin Cowherd Podcast

Colin Cowherd gives his take on why Steve Nash and the Brooklyn Nets agreed to part ways. He explains why Kyrie Irving’s behavior must’ve bothered Nash, and why it’s reflective of a larger problem with NBA superstar basketball players.

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  1. Why do you keep comparing the NBA in the NFL?? Why don't you compare all the crimes and crises that have happened in both leagues over the past decade or so!! Well this is true why do they have so many more players who can make crimes. Like killing people, there been several murder suicides, deshawn Watsons 26 accusers etc etc… Divas.. have you looked at Tom Brady Russell Wilson and Aaron Rodgers just over the past couple years alone lol.. a midget quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals told his coach to come the f*** down. he's real coachable and so is Aaron Rodgers and so is Russell Wilson.

  2. Agreed with everything but the “vaccine” take. When the makers of the shot say they never tested it before rolling it out and, as everyone can plainly see, it does not prevent the spread or inoculates you from catching said virus, well, you can’t get that upset someone didn’t want to take the shot

  3. Thank you colin! And stop saying kyrie is smart, that sorry excuse for human garbages dont know what and how to do with inductive and deductive reasonings.

  4. Alex Jones has been right about a lot of things over the yrs. Colin didn't finish his homework.

  5. If it wasn't for Curry, I would not be watching the NBA. Once Curry retires, I will give the NBA the finger.

  6. I just listened to Collin speak nothing but facts for 6 minutes and 18 seconds. The way I’ve always summed it up is the NBA needs it’s biggest players, the NFL doesn’t. This is largely because of the smaller roster size like Collin pointed out. If Ja Morant or Giannis Walked away from basketball right now the NBA viewership would take a HUGE hit. If Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes retired today the NFL would be just fine and I would argue even more people would watch the Chiefs to see what magic Andy Reid could come up with.

    I think another large part of the big difference is the number of games. When you only have 3 days per week football games are on the scarcity drives views significantly. I’ll be the first one to say it, I love the NBA but if my Celtics aren’t playing 1 day and there isn’t an electric player like Giannis playing I could find something better to do than pick between 3 games with 6 bad/average basketball teams.

    It made me sad hearing Collin talk about Kyrie because Kyrie is my favorite player of all time but he is absolutely right. I am all for the freedom of speech and letting athletes be outspoken but good hell Kyrie I just want to see one of the most talented players (I would argue the most talented player ever) play basketball with 0 distractions. I know saying this is basically saying “shut up and play basketball” but damn is that so much to ask? Look at KD… all this distraction going on in his team and he is just there doing what he loves playing basketball

  7. Colin, Thank you! Shannon Sharpe has been saying the same thing for a long time. I am glad that you had the guts to say it as eloquently as you did. I've always rocked with you, and considered you one of the most knowledgeable and fair sport guys out there. Keep doing the right thing. Oh, by the way, Get Joy back!!!

  8. If you’ve ever agreed with anything Alex Jones ever you’re a loser??? Hahahaha what a CLOWN!! EVERYTHING Alex Jones said regarding the Forrest with world leaders worshiping Moloch was found to be true with footage and even according to Joe Rogan is often found right with MOST of the “Outlandish” things he says! Colin just trying hard not to get cancelled!!!

  9. Don’t know if you can say that when most of these players probably had nothing growing up except ball at the park. Unless you’re viewed as a generational player. Hearing yes probably happened for most of them for the first time when they entered the league. Don’t let kyrie and the few max contract players who talk more then they play skew the overall view. For every kyrie and Ben Simmons, there’s a Bradley Beal and Damien Lillard. Go listen to KDs MVP speech and tell me all he’s heard is yes’ his entire life. Agree with a lot of your stuff, gotta disagree with this take. You can say the sport has more divas, but it’s not because of all the advantages in their lives. I think the media churns most of this stuff. We want players to be honest and talk, then criticize what they say. If you don’t want to hear them talk, don’t ask the questions.

  10. I don’t like Alex jones but saying someone is a loser for having a opinion is pretty scummy. You wouldn’t like it if someone said that about you, L take

  11. Didn't KD want Nash fired before the season. All of sudden everything is Kyries fault?

  12. This take sounds good to those who want their opinion validated. But upon further inspection, this is an unbelievably short sighted take by Colin. Let's remember, this is the same guy who (along with the rest of the media) has reported for decades about the NFL being full of diva wide receivers, selfish players who hold out, lazy first round busts, quarterbacks who don't bother to improve, etc. And this doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what certain players have done over the years…everything from sexual assault, fights on and off the field, murder, exposing themselves, outbursts with media and fans. But if you listen to Colin, you'd think the NFL is nothing but a league full of well behaved, humble players who never take anything for granted.

    The point here is not to excuse the NBA and its players, but for God's sakes, let's please have some perspective and act like we've been paying attention to the NFL and its drama for the last few decades.

  13. Agree with some takes but you have to remember , with basketball there are 12 people , maybe 15 – when you have 60 people on team. that's too many to focus on, we know who gets the attention. So dont lump all players because a couple super stars have egos – The issue now is in 2022 – we have dozen 24/7 social media apps which are 70% negative which didn't exist in the 80/90's. Steve will be replaced because KD wanted him gone

  14. To be fair Alex called out the Clinton’s and Epstein a while ago… If your gonna get political how bout you start asking how gislain was sentenced for human trafficking to no one… Alex may be crazy but the song and dance about Kyrie is rediculous. The dude thinks the earth is flat and everything he says somehow holds weight? Come on let’s have better topics

  15. Kyrie had nothing to do with NASH getting FIERD this season

    It’s BEN SIMMONS 🤓

    COLLIN you said “Ben Simmons was a JUMP SHOT away from being LEBRON JAMES “ 🤡

  16. I've never quoted the man but I certainly understand some of what Alex Jones has said ended up being true l.

  17. The Supreme Court declared just last week to restore all jobs lost due to the vaccine mandate because THE VACCINE HAS PROVEN NOT TO PREVENT CONTRACTING OR TRANSMITTING covid, for all those who think Kyrie is stupid

  18. If you never agree with Alex jones you’re just not well informed about the news and that’s okay

  19. Quickly after the "if you've ever agreed with Alex Jones comment" to then say "if you think you know more than the government about vaccines" when we now know CONCRETELY that Kyrie wouldn't have infected one more person being vaccinated and for all intents and purposes is vindicated for his stand, shows how you lost you can be on literally everything else that isn't your EXACT profession. Maybe Kyrie shouldn't speak about religions he doesn't understand but Colin should definitely not weigh in on things HE doesn't understand.

  20. NBA basketball players are just like society…. the really annoying and wrong ones are usually the loudest.

    Most NBA players are crazy smart, hard working, & relentless. They also take more criticism then any NFL player. There are 100’s more players in the NFL, they play way less games, and their careers are too short to get any of the amount of criticism compared to an NBA player.

  21. the football culture has changed quite a bit the past handful of years…Yeah Kyle Murray took Coaching real well a couple weeks ago, Aaron Rodgers has taking coaching really well the past 5 years, ignoring McCarthy and now he ignores his new coach and Tom Brady liked Bruce Arians coaching so much that he got them fired.

  22. Colin, America has twice as many youth basketball players than football. Your criticism is justified but what’s the solution?

  23. Anytime someone tries to deem anyone as a "loser" for having different beliefs/thoughts then them… it's not a smart thing. No one is a "loser" for thinking differently, no matter your religious, political, etc. background… you don't have to like Alex Jones or his commentary, but every human has the right to think for themselves, this isn't a world of monolithic thought.

  24. I get all the stuff about goof ball Kyrie but let's be totally ahonest Steve Nash had no business being a coach of the Nets to begin with because he wasn't qualified

  25. Some of these NBA players are delusional, narcissistic, and emotionally weak.

  26. Not one trump voter in the NBA…I'm sure there is a few who keep quiet, popovich is a trump guy for sure

  27. BS take, Colin!! If Nash left, it was more basketball related, not cause of Alex Jones! 🙄😆😆🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️.

  28. The NFL also has fewer games so the scrutiny on each performance is much greater. There’s very little room for a “slump”.

  29. Colin thinks Nash wanted out after KD and Kai wanted him out. Colin is really getting dumber and dumber. Shock value comments now

  30. Nash: kyrie got to play defense buddy
    Kyrie: ya that’s a no stf steve
    Nash: ok sorry to bother you
    Imagine if kyrie played for popovich
    He be on the bench or cut
    kyrie is kayne 😂😂😂😂

  31. The first pro coach I enjoyed watching was Al Atals. He wasn't worrying about getting your respect, he already had it

  32. Steve is Canadian, we are too polite to comment outside the lines…education is everything even in the Nba. $ don’t buy smart

  33. good call herd
    i totally forgot he said he WAS NOT interested in handling another season the way they did prior. he may be a bad coach so far, but i don’t blame him. that rosters a cluster fuck and i live in brooklyn

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