@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr postgame; Warriors lost to the Miami Heat

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  1. They keep losing and my annoyance with Kerr keeps rising when I see Kuminga warming the bench, not getting game reps.

  2. The nba is nothing to take lightly nothing is given these are they best basketball teams and players on the planet they’re all capable of winning against any other team that’s why they’re in the same league people

  3. What does Kerr mean by, “we’re still finding our way…” the entire offseason everyone from fans to players and coaches were bragging about how deep our bench is… what happened?

  4. Steve you need to play your others player's theses young guys truly can help the Warriors are playing the magic Thursday you are going to have a serious challenge they have height and speed it's time to change you can't run the others guys in the ground they young guys want learn a hold lot on the bench making mistakes is all about learning 💯👍

  5. We are getting too predictable that even refs know our game plans. Why isn't Wiggins or any forwards aggressively attacking the paint like last year ? Everyone wants to chuck in 3s and don't know when to stop. And why tf is Wiseman always on the bench ??? He's skillset is only improving but he doesn't get much playtime. Kerr dislikes our best rim protector for a reason. AND POOLE, MY GOD, STOP WITH TURNOVER IF YOU DON'T GOT THE NUMBERS TO BACK IT UP.

  6. We lost again with wiseman playing like foolman. Jordan Poole dribbling way too much. Klay continues to struggle, and the only consistent players we have now are Curry, Wiggins, Looney and Draymond.

    Tonight I liked how Moody played. He was determined, aggressive, and hit some nice shots.

    Jordan’s worst game must be this one. Countless turnovers and ridiculous passes I’ve ever seen him played.

    Still, I’m not worried; the Warriors are simply cold for the moment.

  7. The bench will not figure themselves out. We have two good bench players. And Poole isn’t gonna light it up every game. He’s 50/50

  8. We will be fine. I’m just sick of the bad calls. These refs don’t ever give Steph his fouls. We will get there, warriors are champs and will bounce back.

  9. There's been a few changes from last year. I know Kerr wants to go younger but maybe some of them aren't ready for more minutes. I know the schedule has playing good teams has been difficult but Kerr needs use the young players less

  10. Wiseman is a lost cause so far. He looks lost and plays like a small forward. JP looks like a rookie again and Klay needs to get in shape. Hey Kerr! make some changes! Your rotations and lineups aren't working

  11. Any chance we can ditch Draymond and get GP2 back? Kuminga, Looney, and Wiseman can all set screens and make relocation passes, if they start focusing on that now.

  12. Kerr is a clown like many commenting here…..stop trying to blame the young guys lol the problem is our second best young guy kuminga can't get on the floor consistently or to get a rythym because Kerr has some deep hatred for him. Jk helped us win multiple games last year as a rookie and even led us to some wins, yet now he can't get in the rotation? Mf ty Jerome, j green can through? Wiseman been up and down….moody been mostly solid but he ain't a huge impact guy but kuminga hasn't been given a chance. Kerr didn't want to play him last year until injuries and jk was great. Kerr simply isnt a good coach, this has been proven, mf get carried by Steph every year and ppl act like he can't be criticized, Kerr notoriously made the wrong call on gp2….javale….Poole…all valuable guys Kerr didn't value

  13. lets face it, this team aint contending and they should ship draymond out. GS also need to ship kerr out because he's not comfortable developing young bigs.

  14. that second unit can't hold a candle to last year's with GP2, porter and bejliza…kerr sounds as complacent as the team looks…klay should not be starting until he earns it back.. championship parade is over, guys

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