@National Basketball Association

[Lloyd] Marcus Smart expressed confusion over reports that suspended HC Ime Udoka is headed to the Brooklyn Nets. Smart believed Udoka would return to Boston’s bench next year. Jaylen Brown said he played a role in bringing Udoka to Boston and was pleased to see him get another chance so quickly


Full Quote:

> Boston Celtics guard Marcus Smart expressed confusion over reports that suspended head coach Ime Udoka is headed to the Brooklyn Nets. Until the reports surfaced Tuesday, Smart believed Udoka would return to Boston’s bench next year.

> “From what we know and were told, it was just a suspension. We didn’t know he was leaving to go coach somebody else,” Smart said. “We thought they just suspended him for the year and he’d be back. That’s why it’s confusing. We weren’t told too much about it.”

> …

> The news of Udoka heading to Brooklyn this week shocked Smart.

> “I think it left a lot of people just like, ‘What the hell is going on here?’ Because obviously, they suspended him for breaking a team rule. And it’s like, ‘OK, now obviously it looks like more than a suspension. But he’s able to still coach. So what exactly was the team rule and how big was it to the point they felt they needed to suspend him and then all of a sudden say, ‘You’re gone’ and allow him to go coach somewhere else?

> “I think that’s the confusing part because nobody knows on both sides and there’s not much that people on both sides can say and talk about. It’s just a tough situation for every party involved.”

> Smart said asking questions to Celtics president Brad Stevens, his former head coach, wouldn’t help because no one can divulge much information.

> “I don’t think you’ll ever get a straight answer about what’s really going on because there’s only so much they can say and that they know,” Smart said. “You can ask, but I don’t think it’s going to change anything, help anything. I think asking is just to express how you feel, whatever you feel, off your chest. But really that’s it. I don’t think it’ll change or affect any outcome. They made their decision.”

> Celtics guard Jaylen Brown said he played a role in initially bringing Udoka to Boston and was pleased to see him get another chance so quickly.

> “It would’ve been awesome if we could’ve figured out a way for it to be with us, but I guess that wasn’t the case,” Brown said. “I’m just happy to see a Black head coach end up back on his feet because I’ve seen situations where something like this might not have been the case.”

> …

> Brown will continue to support Udoka regardless of where he lands.

>“I would’ve liked him to be here because Ime is a good guy. I believe that,” Brown said. “It’s unfortunate just to see where he was at and everybody was worried if he’d be able to get another opportunity. So to hear that he potentially has another opportunity, it sucks that it’s not here, but I’m glad that he’s able to land back on his feet.”

> Celtics forward Jayson Tatum did not want to talk about the reports until Udoka’s hiring becomes official. But Tatum said he was fully aware Udoka could leave to coach another team.

> [Brad] Stevens attended the Celtics shootaround Wednesday before their game against the Cavaliers, but he did not address reporters.

by NokCha_


  1. TatumIsntASuperstar

    Marcus isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer at times

    Brown says such dumb shit, for a dude praised on his intelligence in college he blows me away with how stupid he can sound at times

  2. InternationalWeb5854

    Lmao Celtics fans about to hop off there high horse

  3. RubbleWestbrick

    NBA players definitely like and respect Udoka which is the main reason I could see this hiring working out

    You can say it’s messed up or whatever but I genuinely think nobody in any NBA locker room cares about the sex stuff

  4. ThingsAreAfoot

    Jaylen Brown just takes L after L. Amazing how many people thought this moron was intelligent only because he doesn’t stumble over his words. The words themselves are still stupid as fuck.

  5. itssensei

    Man Jaylen what a disappointment he’s become.

  6. ballin4ever

    I know Jaylen has said some controversial stuff before but this is fair to me. Yes, Ime broke a rule and did something he shouldn’t have done, while hurting people in his personal life. Does that mean he doesn’t deserve another chance in his professional career? I think it’s totally chair for Jaylen to be satisfied about that.

    Edit: I might not be fully caught up with this story, but I’m saying as long as there wasn’t anything unconsensual or harassment-like from Ime, I think he should get another chance in the league.

    It is surprising how quick this is though and we’ll see what else comes to light.

  7. Think about it as a player though honestly. You have a good relationship with a coach, go to the Olympics, whole regular season, then the Finals. All of a sudden the season is about to start and he’s out the door and all the org is telling you is that he had a bad workplace relationship

    We sit here and read every article about what’s going on and they’re not doing that

  8. castortusk

    I hate to break it to people, but Jaylen Brown can have different and even very bad opinions and not be dumb. Intelligence and morality are not the same thing. There are many, many smart people who believe very dumb and repugnant stuff

  9. rawsharks

    From the bits and pieces that have been leaked I would be surprised if there’s a single NBA player that actually cares about Udoka’s misconduct.

  10. ClaymoresRevenge

    I think the players like Udoka and it’s something I feel people on here don’t get. It’s not a black or white this person is the worst ever situation to them. They care less about optics and PR than most people do online. They’re more concerned about people they know personally

  11. Forward-Respect-1395

    When did NBA fans become so obsessed with what players say and their opinions on things lmao…. looking to these players to be some sort of moral deities that agree with you guys on everything.

  12. Beginning-Sundae8760

    Bruh, if the nets toxicity seeps into our water supply from this and somehow derails our season I swear to god. Can we put a dome over the Barclay’s Centre à la The Simpsons Movie and quarantine that shit please.

  13. killerk13

    Wait so is udoka like universally hated in here? Did he commit any abuse in that relationship or force himself on her? I gotta be missing something egregious.

  14. anomnisoul

    Man, players are really hypocritical with these social issues. Shame. But like Wilbon said, no shame in America, clearly.

  15. I’m gonna be honest I don’t know what Udoka did wrong. Is he a scumbag for cheating? Yes but it seems like he was within the law right? But who am I to stop r/nba for praying on another successful black man’s downfall

  16. yooosports29

    A lot of unlikeable guys in the league man.

  17. Alwaysfucked2888

    People forget the whole nba turned a blind eye to Kobe raping a girl, shit like this is always gonna get swept under the carpet by players who befriend the perpetrator

  18. Mem-Boi-901

    “I’m pleased that my fellow minority coach that probably crossed the line got another job”.

    Fixed it for you Jaylen.

  19. Killua_Zoldyck42069

    Nuance nuance NUANCE. Quit operating in absolutes/extremes and quit expecting other people to. Realistically put yourself in their shoes and whit judging from yalls high chairs

  20. thebranbran

    The players can still like Ime and want him back as their coach after his year suspension is served. They respected him in their locker room but obviously whatever he did outside of it got in the way of that and he may be going to another team. Which I feel everyone already expected would happen and would be for the best.

    I don’t think he deserves to never coach again, if he is qualified to coach. He just may never coach the Celtics again.

  21. OkMudDrankin

    I’m not really sure why the consensus on the sub is that “The Celtics did the right thing”. We still have 0 idea what actually happened and the fact that the women who he had a consensual relationship with still hasn’t been revealed is kinda absurd tbh.

  22. TangerineNo697

    Udokas a boss man, try to suspend his ass & he finds another franchise, he dgaf

  23. Sebeeschin

    Everyone on Reddit ready to crucify Udoka and they don’t even know what he did

  24. Lol these guys aren’t upset that he gets punished for this shit. They’re upset he can’t coach them again. None of these guys should be allowed to speak on social issues when they clearly don’t give a fuck about women, Jewish people, or anything that affects their wallet

  25. TinTinsKnickerbocker

    Lol Celtics keep their players informed. Reasures the image of a player unfriendly franchise.

  26. pericles123

    further re-affirming – Jaylen Brown is a fucking idiot

  27. Tantle18

    Starting to think JB might be a shitty human…

  28. Who knew jaylen, Kyrie disciple would make it all about race whilst completely negating his damage on the alleged female employee

  29. NickCrowder

    Jaylen Brown is on an impressive losing streak

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