@Brooklyn Nets

Joint Statement from Nets, Kyrie, and Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Joint Statement from Nets, Kyrie, and Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

by Venez21


  1. vblade2003

    This was about the bare minimum required from Kyrie and the team to douse this firestorm. This will rear its ugly head again at some point later in the season, when Kyrie inevitably gets Twitter happy again.

  2. This is good to see.

    I wonder if Nets PR will let Kyrie will speak after the game on Friday.

  3. seeda4708

    I’d much rather hear it from the horse’s mouth than a canned written statement.

  4. DelicousCabbages89

    It’s okay, but I really wish an “I apologize for my thoughtless, dangerous actions” had been in there somewhere from Kyrie.

  5. sendokun

    So, money can’t buy anything, but it apparently can buy a clean conscience. That’s nice.

  6. g3org3costanza

    I’m actually very surprised he’s walking it back like this. Thought he was gonna be like Kanye and quadruple down.

  7. Oppo_GoldMember

    Amazing how he escaped a suspension…let alone an actual apology

  8. laflameitslit

    can everybody stop talking about it now?

  9. WasherDrye

    I pride myself and think of myself as, a man of faith, as
    there’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and
    that’ll be a homerun. And so that’ll make it a 4-0

  10. LatinxGremlin

    This “antisemitism” panic is nothing more than a grift designed to milk $$ from the goyim. Kyrie quite literally did nothing wrong and they still were able to publicly drag his name thru the mud to the point where he had to pay up half a mil to get out of it. These people are worse than the mob

  11. TheMoorNextDoor

    No matter Kyrie did would make anyone happy so it kind of doesn’t matter at this point.

    Happy to see him walk back his words and overall get pass this.

  12. TheLowSpark

    “I wish only to be a beacon of truth and light” is some real lunatic shit to say.

  13. mcribgaming

    The person who ghost wrote this statement deserves a big bonus. It almost tricked me into forgetting all I know and believing Kyrie is thoughtful and contrite. Almost.

    No way from hell those quotes in the statement from Kyrie came directly out of his mouth. I saw his last press conference. There is no way that raving lunatic Kyrie showed himself to be while preaching at Nick Friedell is the same guy showing such measured and deliberate word choices now.

    I honestly hope no one signs Kyrie after this year. I know some team will at least give him a one year deal. But nothing would be more satisfying than seeing him be called the most skilled player in NBA History, and no one will touch him because he’s that despicable and toxic.

  14. AlanDrakula

    “I do not believe everything said in the documentary” he could believe 99% of the documentary and this statement would be true. Lmao dude for sure believes the antisemitism parts. Are people really falling for this?

  15. iiiiiiiiii8

    He does so much for the community. Hope everyone can shut the fuck up about this now.

  16. discographyA

    The comments under this post are cancer. His fans are cancer. Their behaviour here is Exhibit A for why words from this dude matter because there are a bunch of pathetic stans that actually ride or die with this absolute dumpster fire of a human being because he can dribble a ball.

  17. 3____Username____20

    I suppose there always needs to be a route for walking back, otherwise everyone who spews hate will only double and triple down. Does that mean this changes my opinion of him, do I think he’s enlightened? Course not. But it’s better than nothing and it’s better than doubling down especially during a very tense national moment.

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