@Brooklyn Nets

Doug Gottlieb – The Brooklyn Nets Are a Mess

DOUG GOTTLIEB SHOW – Doug Gottlieb discusses what to make of the lack of consequences for Kyrie Irving’s tweet, Kevin Durant’s comments on the Steve Nash firing, the loss the Brooklyn Nets suffered, and Charles Barkley calling for the NBA to do something about Kyrie’s actions.

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  1. Kyrie Irving is too busy trying to be woke and have his voice heard then to play basketball. Is that simple. It's clear his priorities are all messed up He thinks he's the smartest man in the room when he looks like an idiot most of the time.

  2. i love it when stupid and deluded people like kanye and kyrie suddenly think they have discovered something life changing after reading one reddit post.

  3. Why don't you white people just admit it you're mad because nobody wants to bow down to you I don't care about Jewish people or their money I'll never bow down to no man Charles Barkley is a buffoon sell out a man with no morals of dignity a coward on his knees them days are gone bring the smoke

  4. Can't think of anyone else aside from Nick Anderson (Magic) and Ben Simmons whose rising basketball career and self-confidence were suddenly crushed mentally and emotionally by a missed shot (in Ben's case, a sure basket that he declined to take). Although the missed shot (4 actually and consecutive potential dagger FT's at that) of Nick Anderson had much more serious repercussions because it happened in the NBA Finals. Anderson's career declined gradually after that. Seems like the same thing is happening to Simmons after that loss to Atlanta.

  5. The Nets are a mess IN OTHER WORDS
    They hired a good coach SO WE MUST START A NARRATIVE to start some drama 🙄

  6. Yeah hiring the coach who led a team to the finals in his first year omg such a mess
    Lol the media wants to convince me the players are supposed to care the coach is popping off braods like that's on their minds while they shoot jumpers

  7. Suspend him without pay. That will get that clown’s attention. He’ll straighten up real quick when the checks stop coming

  8. Udoka was suspended for violating COMPANY policy, NOT league policy. He should be able to work if given the opportunity.

  9. Kyrie technically didn’t say anything antisemitic. And he did delete the tweet. He shouldn’t be punished unless he does it again.

  10. Nobody has had a more successful career from one moment than Kyrie Irving. His career has been a dud. His private life a dud. He’s not a good leader and his game is terrible. He has a good move and that’s it. He’s been milking that shot he make in the nba finals against the warriors for his entire career.

  11. At this point all mature adults have had more than enough of Kyrie's bs & he can't be gone soon enough

  12. 😆. Did this fool literally said he watched the game last night and Ben Simmons wasn't really part of the offense 😂 clown 😒 🤦🏽🤡

  13. Good job on the Jewish love in this segment. Saying that Jerusalem has been taken by force from the Palestinians and that they are being forced out of their homes is somehow always looked over.

  14. Kyrie is wrong….he should man up…however ..isn't this the country of critical race theory….? The denial and miseducation of black oppression and slavery in our schools …? Why is that ok..if kyrie is wrong

  15. Damn that white dude that used to play for the heat hasn’t even play since he made some remarks and the nba hasn’t done anything for this 🤡 Kyrie 🤣

  16. The NBA has done this to itself, I have zero against players having control of their careers, but the NBA is also a business, and you can't let your employees run your business. These players are more worried about being famous than doing their job, which is to play basketball.

  17. Has anyone actually watched the movie that Kyrie promoted? I haven't, I just want to know why so many people are taking such a hard stance if they have no fact but what a reviewer had to say about the movie. With that said, the more important and much more interesting story is the fact that since Elon's takeover on Twitter, the use of the "N" word has increased 500%. Yet somehow, Kyrie's promotion of a movie nobody has watched to try and see his insight is the bigger story. The world is off.

  18. Don't agree with kyrie, but what's funny is Doug can see the racism against jews,but he seems ro never see it when it's against black folks!

  19. Certain forms of bigotry (like antisemitism) are more socially accepted in society. It's a shame but it's the truth. The nba doesn't care about what's right. They just care about public perception. There wasn't a big enough backlash from Kyries tweet in the NBAs eyes in order to suspend him.

  20. If Kyrie apologizes to the Jewish community it would be about as sincere as when Mel Gibson did it lol

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