@National Basketball Association

[Charania] Statement from Josh Primo’s attorney, William J. Briggs, II

[Charania] Statement from Josh Primo’s attorney, William J. Briggs, II

by Tomheza


  1. DelonWright

    “He is now being victimized”

    Wow not only are they saying he’s innocent, but that the woman who reported this is essentially attacking him. Not a good look.

  2. SkyBulky8754

    did he just pull the race card after getting caught being a habitual sex pest? this is wild lmao

  3. mantaclaus77

    Victim blaming, race card and sexism all in one. Proud to be a fan of this team right now 🙄

  4. staymelooo

    Breaking news: Cleveland Browns agree to 5 year 200 million dollar contract with Josh Primo

  5. jrlandry

    This smells like a long, drawn out, legal battle

  6. BBallHunter

    It’s up to the judges to find out the truth, but this is just ugly nonetheless.

  7. madhare09

    Really uh. Trying to play both sides here Primo…

  8. ajmcgill

    If he did nothing wrong I don’t see the reason they keep pushing the fact that he has had previous trauma. It’s like they’re going “he didn’t do it, but if he did…”

  9. Chicory__

    Gonna be honest I’m so done with the “he’s only 19” shit that gets played up every time a young man allegedly does something horrible

  10. REQ52767

    No way this is true, but if it is, bro why wouldn’t you get new shorts?

  11. kyleb402

    I can’t imagine a sports psychologist employed by a professional basketball team is exactly hurting for money.

    If anyone is playing up ugly stereotypes it’s this guy.

    And regardless, didn’t Primo do this to multiple people?

  12. Dsarg_92

    This is embarrassing all around. 🤦🏿‍♂️

  13. Vswerve27

    How do they even know now that “his private parts were visible outside of his workout shorts”? Primo either knew at the time or never knew

  14. Dylan245

    This is one of the craziest statements I’ve seen holy hell

    Blaming her “white fear” of him being black, shaming her for not having told him to put his dick away, and half saying he didn’t expose himself to then saying well he did but unintentionally

    My lord

  15. lilachocolate

    this defense really comes down to “HIS DICK IS SO BIG THAT HE CAN’T HIDE IT”

  16. nothalaman

    Fuck man I was really enjoying our season but this shit is whack. Victimized? Come on, who tf shows their dick out during psych sessios

  17. DynamixRo

    How is every other sports league even supposed to compete with all this NBA drama?

    In a couple of days Silver and Kyrie are probably going to get into a fist fight during their meeting.

  18. nysraved

    Why does the lawyer keep bringing up the age of the doctor? It literally isn’t relevant at all. Meanwhile he describes his client as “young” almost to deflect blame or something, or even worse there is almost an insinuation that she wanted it? Because he also says that maybe the incidents were just “utter fantasy”.

    We’ll see how things play out, but seems to me like a shotgun style defense where they’re just throwing out all these possible justifications and hoping something sticks, and it feels very grimy.

  19. BayonettaBasher

    “he was simply not aware that his private parts were showing under his shorts”

    Literally the plot of a Friends episode

  20. Leading-Opportunity7

    Victim blaming, race baiting, underlining childhood trauma…only thing missing is she was dressed too provocatively and had it coming….hope dude never plays in the NBA again and has just enough money left over to buy longer shorts

  21. InUnprecedentedTimes

    Lol wtf are they thinking? Poor Primo can’t keep is dick in his pants and the mean old psychologist is to blame

  22. Young_Baby

    Don’t believe this lawyer’s statement one bit lol

  23. animeandsports

    “Gross embellishment” quietly tucked in between “complete fabrication” and “utter fantasy”.

    One of those terms is not like the other two and certainly supports the assumption that something inappropriate happened 🤔

  24. TranscedentalMedit8n

    Wasn’t it reported that Primo exposed himself to other women as well? That makes me believe this isn’t some accident.

    Weird how the lawyer admits that yes Josh Primo had his dick out, but he didn’t mean it. And calling the psychologist racist… yikes.

  25. Albreitx

    (female) therapist doesn’t call out a big ass adult that’s exposing himself to her. How does that make it less believable? Maybe she was scared? Or just didn’t feel like acknowledging right there? What kind of argument is that?

    Edit: took something back lol

  26. TouchdownTea

    I’m gonna need any of my brothers who are committing sexual crimes to:
    A) not do any sex crimes
    B) not use racial defences.

    Please just take the hit without drawing the rest of us into your mess ffs.

    Also, Billy Briggs sounds like a Millwall football hooligan. Probably won’t make a great lawyer.

  27. MavetheGreat

    >What makes the allegations even less credible is that Dr. Cauthen never informed her patient of the purported exposure.

    You are saying her allegations would’ve been a lot more credible if she’d said ‘You know you have your dick out right?”

  28. MaxMacDaniels

    Can anyone be a lawyer in the us? That’s such an unprofessional statement holy fuck

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