@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs & Josh Primo HIT with LAWSUIT! Primo Pulls RACE CARD?! SAN ANTONIO SPURS KNEW?!

Spurs & Josh Primo HIT with LAWSUIT! Primo Pulls RACE CARD?! San Antonio SPURS KNEW?! Hillary Cauthen was working for the team and informed the team General Manager in March.


  1. the players in the nba and nfl want all coaches, staff, gm, owners and players all to be black .why dont they just do that chit then we wont have to hear the fake racism crap anymore .

  2. Primo plays the mental health card and now race card.😂😂😂so if u are black play the race card or mental health to get u out of trouble. Rot in hell primo
    I hope coach pop and the whole organization goes up in flames. This is what might get pop out of coaching and I hope it does. Pop and Rc have been covering up so many scandals and nothing is done to them. They like Biden and Harris indestructible with all the horrible news

  3. Why 9 times and she never said anything to Primo about it.
    Maybe they are really after the organization.

  4. He exposed himself during MULTIPLE “therapy” sessions? And she just repeatedly sat there and watched it…SMH

  5. Why would you or anyone not expect the race card not being used in this. It's par for the course.

  6. Boo hoo hoo…poor innocent woman…just sat there looking at his junk all traumatized …yeah, right.

  7. Douche bag? IDK…I’ve had women ASKING for dik pics and theres no indication that I have money…LMFAO. Women are scandalous…

  8. You tube pulled another one of my comments because I used the word ghetto or hood or rat or black etc. Read between the lines people

  9. The new defense for BLACK people is either the RACE CARD or now mental illness. It's the same as Rev AL claiming "BLACK RAGE" when black people were attacking white people a bunch of years ago.

  10. seems like women want all the jobs all positions where men are working … and then women always have problems when men act out sexually towards them .. Maybe teams shouldn't have female doctors or therapists of any kind … it's not necessary to have females around the players causing distractions. It's silly really the Kid is 19 Y.o. playing his whole life to finally achieve his dream and now this craziness could end his career before it begins…

  11. Does anyone expect them to do right by a non-player employee if it costs the club the next hot player? Nah, me neither.

  12. Primo 100% has mental health issues r you serious he may not have a disability but no one in the right mind does what he does. It doesn’t make it right but it’s wrong to immediately right off his issues based of what he did

  13. He's a dipshit but she isn't innocent either. She met with him multiple times when he kept up the act. She could've declined to see him, she didn't. The organization is stupid as fuck too. GM Brian Wight needs to be fired.

  14. 🤣🤣🤣 the Spurs and Coach Pop deserve all of this! They've been going woke for the last 12 yrs and Coach Pop has been leading the charge. Live by the woke, die by the woke. Where's my popcorn 😁

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