@National Basketball Association

[Shaq] Shaq responds to Ye

Ye on Twitter:

> Shaq is in business with Jamie Salter

>Jaimie first said he’s 50/50 with David Beckham and 50/50 with Shaq

>I said “Jamie . . . There’s no such thing as 50/50 in business . . . Who has the extra 1 percent for the control and voting rights”


Shaq responds:

> Believe me you don’t know me like that. Worry about your business, and to quote the once great Kanye west “ I got more money than you, so why would i listen to you” take my advice get your family business in order. Have a great day brother.


Good lord Shaq, he’s already dead

by Sp_Gamer_Live


  1. DefenderCone97

    Big Aristotle for a reason

    Better rapper too tbh

  2. reading the shit these nutjobs on twitter are calling Shaq is making me lose faith in humanity

  3. christoph_loren

    “To quote the once great Kanye West” 💀🤣

  4. Realistic_Camp5232

    It is a great time to be a Kanye hater

  5. Jaded-Sapphire3546

    The Shaqtus got thorns you best tread lightly

  6. BabyOnRoad

    Shaq bringing the people’s elbow from the top rope

  7. chickenripp

    Shaq rightly pointing out that Kanye West was great. while Ye is complete garbage

  8. gamesrgreat

    Gave him that ether. Can’t stop the reign

  9. supermalukim

    if this was a math problem, both Beckingan and Shaq would have a quarter of the business, and Jamie would have half of it??

  10. Diligent_String1966

    Have you ever heard the story of Shaquille the Wise?

  11. Chrisdkn619

    And folks got the nerve to call Shaq a sellout?! Twitter really is a cesspool!

  12. lilberfcontrol

    Shaq just gave Ye the Dudley treatment

  13. Remarkable_Carrot102

    Bro the tweets Kanye is making and the amount of support he’s getting. What he’s doing is legitimately dangerous to Jewish people.

  14. ArnoldisKing

    i dont get what kanye was trying to convey there?


    Kanye’s tweets tonight all read like some schizophrenic’s timeline you randomly get lost in a rabbit hole reading after you see him comment on a pro wrestler’s marriage announcement tweet, shit’s wild

  16. robinThicc9

    Shaq dunked on Ye like he was Chris Dudley

  17. odontodoc

    Shaq showing off that PhD. Big brain stuff

  18. jperezgalvan06

    Is this going to be on shaqtin a fool

  19. TH3_ZucC

    I guess Shaq can still dunk on mfers like in his prime

  20. carmen1084

    I actually understood what Shaq said coz he wasn’t talking

  21. OhiOstas

    🎵 *Hey Ye tell me how my ass taste* 🎵

  22. nostradunkus6

    Man all this because some idiot couldn’t keep her kid from falling into the Harambe pit

  23. Im reading Shaq’s tweet using Shaq’s voice in my head lol

  24. EntertainerNo3007

    People need to realize all the people supporting these fucking idiots like Kanye and Kyrie are bots

  25. soyworld

    thank you shaq. just keep this stuff personal

  26. UnderwaterDialect

    I don’t really get Kanye’s tweet? Can someone explain?

  27. schuster9999

    Lol I literally read that in Shaqs voice in my head

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