@Golden State Warriors

Our fan base is way more embarrassing than the team right now; please stop acting like this.

Our fan base is way more embarrassing than the team right now; please stop acting like this.

by BakugoWillNeverDie


  1. BakugoWillNeverDie

    Mods if you’re gonna delete this that’s fine but then can you also please delete the four hundred “wiseman/Kuminga bad” posts after every game? That’s what the post game thread is for.

  2. Robotsaur

    I don’t care about random comment section drama

  3. TerminusFox

    Bluntly speaking, I fucking hate our fan base to be perfectly honest. Yes, the team is playing nowhere near our expectations, but ffs, they’ve won four goddamn chips, when we, barely even a decade thought we wouldn’t see ONE let alone a dynasty.

    After every loss it’s the same bullshit you could do a shot game, and die of liver disease it’s so predictable.

  4. DeterminedTanjiro

    This post is even more embarrassing.

    This is a discussion board bro. No rules are being broken here.

  5. ascendant23

    I dunno, have Warriors ever proven themselves effective at developing drafted talent that didn’t immediately perform up to their potential?

  6. mundane_coconut47

    Objectively Wiseman has been one of the worst players (bottom 5) in the nba according to 538’s RAPTOR and other advanced metrics.

    Calling a spade a spade isn’t embarrassing. What is embarrassing is posts like this denying reality and demanding sunshine and rainbows are the only things allowed to be posted.

  7. who gives a shit, trying to police other fans on a forum has to be up there with the most useless things ever. Learn to not get upset at different opinions.

  8. How long until we get OPs permission to say that Wiseman isnt working out? Do we have to wait until he gets waived or traded?

  9. unknownintime

    Seriously dude.

    I’ve had to pull out sooo many shit takes about Poole from two years ago. And they *all* read almost exactly like the criticism of Wiseman who’s had like, less than half of one seasons of total actual NBA games he’s played in?

    You can literally swap Poole and Wiseman’s names from those shit takes and they read the same… probably because they come from the same level of IQ.

  10. bfolksdiddy

    Completely agree OP. I think it’s similar to alot of the fans in 17 and 18. They stick around only for the success and gratification and then act pathetic , the Warriors dont steam roll teams every game.

  11. BobbyRalston

    Wiseman is amazing. I hope Bob is on the phone with potential suitors for Steph since we need to start running the offense through Big Jim to fully harness his skill set and high BB IQ. I mean we have Jerome so we don’t really need him. Also Dunleavy still looks to be in playing shape. We should give him another spin. The cost saving with no Steph and then Dun at the vet minimum. What’s Troy Murphy doing these days? Felton Spencer? Uwe Blab? Jim Petersen?

  12. YDHmanC1

    Kinda makes me look forward to when they’re ACTUALLY complete ass again 😂

  13. WinterIntroduction30

    This needs to be higher. Too many keyboard warriors on here thinking they know whats best for a team or think they can run a team. I probably wouldn’t trust 95% of them to run a drive through.

  14. Ok-Map4381

    I think people have a hard time understanding how little basketball Wiseman has played compared to his peers. At age 21 I probably had more time on a basketball court than he did, and he’s trying to learn nba basketball, that’s extremely hard.

  15. bl123123bl

    That guy is just flat out wrong too lmao. I don’t know how he survived Jordan Poole’s rookie year

  16. Sokkawater10

    Tbh I don’t like the argument of the team is always right. Coaches and GM’s make mistakes too, and they’ve admitted it, and sometimes fans can see it first.

  17. Antdawg2400

    I mean…with great power comes great responsibilities and expectations. Also nitpicking and overwhelming exaggerations of impending doom from a bunch of stupid mfs who brand new to this shit and ain’t got no faith in our guys.

    Shake off the unfaithful. We been through this shit before. Watch all that talk when we on top of his shit.

    Let’s go baby. How many in a row? That ain’t nun. Watch we do after all dis.

  18. mangotail

    I am really so incredibly tired of this fan base. Spent so much time defending Poole back in 2019, and thought we would learn from that experience and how a young player needs a lot of time to get up to speed. But the way people are hating on Wiseman now, it’s horrible and makes me feel bad for him. He’s literally a teenager that is coming off of a long injury & mental health issues. He hasn’t even played an entire season. He’s going to make a bunch of mistakes, he’s going to look lost, and he’s going to be up and down until one day or all just clicks, like it did with Poole. I just don’t understand people who have seen Poole go from worst player in the league to basically a 6th man position write off Wiseman and say horrible things about a teenager. I mean, his brain hasn’t even fully matured yet. I am seeing so many negative posts and comments about Wiseman every single day. Every mistake he makes means he is garbage and a lost cause apparently. He’s not going to get much better in a few days guys, this will take time and if the front office & Steve Kerr are willing to invest the time into developing Wiseman, I think we should be supportive and trust they know what they are doing.

    I can’t stand this sub right now, it’s jus unbearable watching people bully a teenager who has been battling mental health issues as well as recovering from a long injury. Guys do better. Wiseman needs our support, I am sure he’s seeing all the negative comments and hate. I get it if it’s coming from other teams, but let’s not bring down our own guy.

  19. ArtfulLying

    I dont agree with the user in the picture but Im starting to feel like if you dont suck this teams dick then you must be a hater and a terrible person. Team is ass right now, people trying to figure out why and they have opinions. Just cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean you should attack a user like this.

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