@National Basketball Association

Since James Wiseman was drafted, Steph Curry is 64-29 when not playing with him and 21-22 when playing with him


It’s not the only factor, but surely it’s not a coincidence that when Wiseman comes back this year the Warriors suddenly look very mortal

They have a horrible net rating during his minutes as well, with him registering Deandre Jordan level impact

by RubbleWestbrick


  1. Wiseman sucks I don’t know how many different unique ways to say that we need

  2. ROPisagoodseries

    that young core not looking like they’re extending that dynasty for another 10 years



    they better not get traded for KD

  3. Goodisworthfighting4

    They turned their season around in 2021 when he went out with an injury too. Hes unplayable at this point if your goal is to actually win.

  4. shellfish87

    Warriors fans surveying the landscape for a scapegoat like the eye of Sauron

  5. jawadhaque089

    Never forget that the Warriors odds to win a title last year increased when Wiseman got injured.

    The Warriors also went from awful team and out of the playoffs to the 8th seed once Wiseman got injured in 2021

  6. CoffeeOatMilk

    And that’s only regular season. Add another 16 playoff wins + championship to that record without him.

  7. Milla4Prez66

    Imagine if they drafted LaMelo and Franz.

  8. Jaded-Sapphire3546

    It’s a catch-22. Wiseman isn’t good enough to play significant minutes, but he won’t ever significantly improve until he plays significant minutes

  9. thebeard1017

    Someone who watches Warrior games regularly wanna explain why Wiseman’s been so bad for them?

  10. sheeeeeez

    People keep saying he’s young he hasn’t had that much experience etc. But still you need at least a foundation to work with. But he literally does not have an understanding of the game.

    He looks awkward when he’s out there, he gets pushed around and is not in position for rebounds. Not only can he not block shots he doesn’t even alter them at 7 ft tall.

    When the two best things people can say about you are that you’re young and inexperienced that’s not a positive.

  11. RubbleWestbrick

    Warriors are +35 with Wiseman off but -66 with him on this season

  12. __john_cena__

    They immediately turned their season around as soon as he got hurt in 2021.

    They were 14-5 after Wiseman went down, 25-28 before he went down.

  13. Betaateb

    Wiseman was literally the main reason 538 was super low on the Warriors last year. RAPTOR hates that man, and it looks like for good reason lol

  14. Gamesgtd

    The theory of him on the Warriors doesn’t make sense considering he isn’t the type of pick and roll big the Warriors have ever been successful with. The closest approximation is Javale McGee and that’s not someone you use the number 2 pick on. I think he’d be better on another team that utilizes spread pick and roll but I wonder if he wants to expand his game more than he should.

  15. bravof1ve

    Yeah, he just obviously sucks and everyone but the biggest Warriors homers can see that.

    What a stupid pick

  16. Why even pick up Wiseman’s 4th year option? It’s going to cost them like 30 million dollars just to not play him in the playoffs again

  17. loongod5

    I’m saying this and saying this right now: if this team is sub 500 by the time the all star break rolls around expect some moves involving Wiseman, Kuminga, Rollins.

  18. lebrondude23

    I feel bad for him but reality is so many raw talent guys just don’t end up “figuring it out” in the NBA, when everyone expects that they will. Literally go through every draft for the past 15 years and you’ll find top picks in every single. draft that were raw talent who never passed role player level at best.

    2019: Culver #6

    2018: Bagley #2, Bamba #6, Knox #9

    2017: Josh Jackson #4

    2016: Kris Dunn #5, Chriss #8

    2015: Cauley Stein #6, Mudiay #7

    2014: Exum #5, Vonleh #9

    2013: Too many to name.

    2012: MKG #2, Thomas Robinson #5

    2011: Derrick Williams #2, Jan Vesely #6

  19. Amargaladaster

    Additionally he even gets an absolutely terrible whistle. Like today, he supposedly fouled on over the back offensive rebound and then few plays later while Magic player did a similar thing on the other end, Wiseman supposedly fouled.

  20. CarryOnUptheMorning

    He’s been awful and he tanks anyone who plays with him.

  21. ToursOverBoyo

    Playing Wiseman is like training with weighted clothes, Dragonball Z style. Once they bench him come playoff time they cruise to another championship.

  22. TemporaryValue5755

    You could see curry getting mad at wiseman throughout the game not setting screens or moving his man

  23. GlobalWatercress9566

    How’s Moody been? I thought he looked good when he got a chance last year.

  24. Kind_Bullfrog_4073

    There’s only 1 solution to this. Warriors should trade Curry.

  25. I’m not a fan of throwing players under the bus, especially when they didn’t ask for it (unlike say draymond, who constantly asks for it). If you guys hate him so much, just get him outta there and move on. I’m sure there are teams where he can grow and shine.

  26. Have Warriors fans started to admit he’s absolutely terrible?

  27. Dymatizeee

    He was a prospect. Big guy who seemed dominant so they took him. Warriors also didn’t really have a center so it made sense.

    But man, he sucks

  28. Doodle333

    According to RAPTOR, Wiseman is the worst nba player in the entire league, by a country mile

  29. materics

    Curry is nearing the end of his prime prime. The Warriors can’t be wasting time like this.

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