@National Basketball Association

[Shelburne] For nearly a week, Tsai kept extending the clock to give him a chance to get this right for himself, the franchise and the Jewish community — and he never returned a single of his text messages, sources said.


>Against the backdrop of calls for swift action, sources said Tsai had resisted and insisted on taking time to educate Irving on the horrors of antisemitism

> For nearly a week, Tsai kept extending the clock to give Irving a chance to get this right for himself, the franchise and the Jewish community — and Irving never returned a single of his text messages, sources said.

> Silver’s patience on letting the Nets handle the matter had run out on Thursday morning, sources said. What had started as a humiliation for the Nets had become a full-scale embarrassment for the league – and crisis.

> The franchise’s communication with Irving had been channeled completely through his agent and stepmother, Shetellia Riley-Irving, sources said. Tsai had wanted time and space to work together with the ADL and Irving, but there was no direct dialogue with Irving himself, sources said. Silver had cautioned Tsai that issuing a joint statement with the ADL without dealing with Irving directly – nor including a condemnation of the movie’s material, or a full apology — simply didn’t reach an acceptable threshold, sources said.

> In an email outlining the suspension to his agent, the conditions needed for Irving’s reinstatement included a public statement recognizing the film is antisemitic, an apology for supporting the film and the falsehoods within it, and training sessions on the dangers of hate speech, sources said. There would also need to be meetings with Brooklyn Jewish leaders too, Marks said to reporters on Friday morning.

by lopea182


  1. MemeMeOnce

    > Inside the high-wire decision to suspend Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving

    Shit’s starting to read like a hostage crisis thriller or something

  2. Cool. And. Stop milking this story. He didn’t do what meyers leonard did. Let’s move on to basketball please.

  3. nobraininmyoxygen

    I see Tsai is still attempting damage control

  4. CarryTheHellOn

    I wouldn’t return a cowards message either

  5. xguccigarry

    “I have a whole army around me.” – so basically your just surrounded by people who don’t know how to say no?

  6. Dude really couldn’t even pretend to care one single tiny bit until they played with the money

  7. TerminusFox

    The Knicks straight up dodged a bullet with these two assholes.

  8. braggpeak

    I don’t know why people keep waiting for him to sincerely apologize and acknowledge what he did was wrong. It seemed like Kyrie just doubled down on the antisemitic video in his statement. Honestly just sad at the response from NBA players too. This appears to be a wider problem in the league but Kyrie is just crazy enough to post it on social.

  9. ThingsAreAfoot

    lol this stupid moron gave Kyrie a massive leash when he was spouting the anti-vax shit – “Kyrie talks about it as a sort of personal choice issue, which I respect” is an actual quote from him – and now he’s deeply concerned that the conspiracy nut is spouting more conspiracies and leaving him on read.

  10. FallenLemur

    Bruh this is the pot calling the kettle black. Irving is an idiot for his antisemitic promotion of the video, but Tsai is also a culprit in genocide in his support for the CCP. The whole nets franchise needs to be blown up.

  11. SliMShady55222

    A call is showing more urgency than a text

  12. yearsreeling

    Tsai is supposed to run the team, not Kyrie. You don’t give him more than a day to sort his shit out before you sort it out for him. He obviously doesn’t have good judgement on his own. Now the whole organization looks like a bunch of clowns. It will take years to recover from this debacle.

  13. kasaan110

    Because it’s joe fault this even happened. Nobody cared for a entire day until joe decided to comment on it

  14. >and he never returned a single of his text messages, sources said.

    That is so wild. I know we can’t use normal people’s experience to compare. Since we would all respond to our bosses right away. But even in sports, to not respond to repeated text messages from the owner does seem extreme.

    Although I do wonder… How did this situation get out to the press lol? Seems pretty embarrassing if Tsai himself told people that one of his players didn’t responded to his repeated texts.

  15. sstewart1617

    I still hate that Joe “I Don’t Hate Jews but Fuck Hong Kong and Uyghurs” Tsai is acting like he’s a good guy out of this.

    (This doesn’t excuse Kyrie to be clear, just can’t stand Joe Tsai, the dude sucks Xi off and no one in the NBA cares).

  16. OverallInternet2343

    Probably wasn’t hearing it after the tweet went out. Then arguing about his ethics when you hired Udoka in the middle of the storm. Irving is messed up squashing this situation Early but Tsai is still absolute trash for his handling.

  17. TheNotoriousJN

    Anyone who thinks Kyrie is legit sorry needs their heads checked honestly. Only saying sorry so he can play.

    As soon as he comes back you know the media will be on him. And we may well be right back here again unless he learns to shut the fuck up

  18. JesusSinfulHands

    I have seen this with family members who give relatives who keep fucking up chance after chance again. I am far more on the ‘This person is never going to change, we just need to cut them off before they hurt us again’ side, and similarly the Nets need to just give up on Kyrie. No doubt in my mind if he meets with Jewish leaders like Marks wants him to it will be a total debacle. Just cut his ass, trade KD, and blow it up for this year. Houston is going to suck too, so worst case you have either their pick or yours.

  19. InPatRileyWeTrust

    If Kyrie is getting suspended how is Tsai even allowed to own a franchise?

  20. SandersisYABOI

    Ok! So when we going at jeff bezos? You know, the guy thats making money off the movie. Wait, we not? oh.

  21. 10hazardinho

    Really happy to see Tsai take a moral stand even if it hurts his own interests. You can always count on him to stand up for marginalized communities.

  22. captyossarian1991

    It’s a bold move Cotton to ignore repeated text messages from the guy who signs your checks. Is bold the right word?

  23. QuantumFreakonomics

    >In an email outlining the suspension to his agent, the conditions needed for Irving’s reinstatement included a public statement recognizing the film is antisemitic, an apology for supporting the film and the falsehoods within it, and training sessions on the dangers of hate speech, sources said. There would also need to be meetings with Brooklyn Jewish leaders too, Marks said to reporters on Friday morning.

    Is this allowed by the CBA/Irving’s contract? How broad is “conduct detrimental to the team”? “We are suspending you until you acknowledge X and meet with Y” doesn’t seem like the kind of thing the union would allow.

  24. swirls11

    There’s no way he gets reinstated unless they change those conditions then. He’s never going to say the film is antisemitic

  25. fisherjoe

    Imagine if people kept this energy about protesting the national anthem, a song with racist history.

  26. cantcooklovefood

    alright, wrap it up. its over for this nets crew

  27. guanogato

    I mean fair lol. Joe Tsai is equally problematic and id probably ignore his texts too if I were Kyrie.

  28. yoheadabovewater

    Dear Ky, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin’

  29. KupaSikiBaki

    Man Joe Tsai is a straight up pussy. Did he inherit daddy’s money or some shit?

  30. Calibanite_Lion

    Don’t bring KD into Kyrie’s bs.

    KD can be criticized for other things, but not this.

  31. Efficient-Income-795

    Tsai shouldnt throw rocks when he lives in a glass house.CCP puppet

  32. jesteratp

    How can you return a text when you’re so busy believing in every religion and spiritual framework in the world? Seems time consuming idk

  33. send_cumulus

    This thread is giving me cancer. Why are people defending Kyrie “I can’t be anti-Semitic because I’m black” Irving?

  34. Jasperbeardly11

    You guys really need to look into how pervasive the black Israelite ideology is.

    Curry is not alone in this belief whatsoever. It’s been there forever. It’s a huge part of New York city.

    This is the same stuff that people tried to cast Muhammad Ali as a villain for. .

    This is Kyrie’s religion. If LeBron was in the Nation of Islam he would not get black balled from the league.

    LeBron said on the barbershop he doesn’t fuck with white people.

    No one cared whatsoever

  35. TheBrazilianKD

    Kyrie: Doesn’t return your calls and texts

    Simmons: Requires you to fly to the gym where he is working out privately to talk

    Durant: Won’t deal with you unless you completely cave into the demands of the others

  36. KarrlMarrx

    Just walk to the fucking locker room if he won’t return your text. What a wimp.

  37. Tsai: “I took over this distressed Russian asset, thinking it’d be fun. While getting to look cool too. Only to be dragged into USA’s cultural wars. While my 8 figures salaried employee ghosts me. So everyone else has to firefight his shit show. I should’ve just stuck to the exploitation of Chinese 996 SWEs, FML…”

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